The time has come and it’s time to get that hospital bag ready for the arrival of your new little babe! While there are some items that are obvious to pack that you would bring on any overnight trip, your hospital bag will likely have a ton of items you may not typically find yourself grabbing for on a typical trip. Here is a list of some of the less common items we are so glad we packed with us, or items we wish we had brought with us when we delivered our first babies!

Mama’s Items

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A few absolute hospital bag necessities: several changes of loose fitting clothes, including PJ’s, a robe, and nursing bras and tanks. It is also super helpful to bring some of your own non-slip socks and slippers. Even if you aren’t planning on having a c-section, having some clothing options that drape over your stomach, like a nightgown, may provide a world of comfort in the case that something unexpected happens.

Other random “mom” items we recommend bringing along include: your nursing pump and a postpartum belly wrap. While the hospital likely has a pump you can borrow, it is a great option to bring your own so the nurses and/or lactation consultants can make sure you are using your own personal pump correctly. Having a postpartum belly wrap is also a great option to have on hand to start wearing soon after delivery. This aids in helping the uterus shrink and contract back down, as well as gives support to your midline and low back.

Some other random items that may be easy to forget but make a world of difference : your own toiletries, shower shoes, your own towel, your favorite pillow and blanket, snacks, electrolyte drinks, a phone charger with an extra long cord, anything that’s a necessity in your daily routine! 

Partner / Support Person’s Items

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Your support person or partner will need their own special bag packed too! While their items are a bit more standard or similar to items taken when on vacation, they too will need some unique, hospital-friendly items. In addition to a few changes of clothes, pajamas, etc, be sure to have shower shoes, additional blankets and pillows (trust us on this one), towels, etc available for your partner. They’ll also likely want to have cash on hand they can use in vending machines, and a phone charger with an extra long cord.

Baby / Misc Items

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These items can vary quite a bit, and will definitely depend on your personal preferences. In addition to basics like onesies, sleepers, mittens, and hats, many parents want to pack some cute outfits for photos, as well as something like a wooden sign or letterboard to include in those first pics. Many mamas bring along a few swaddles, a sound machine, and a couple pacifiers so they can start incorporating some items from what will be their “home routine”, right away. You may also want to bring along a baby book to store mementos, a camera, and a cover for baby’s car seat.

For a hospital bag, we say it’s better to be over-prepared than underprepared. Being comfortable during this huge life transition can be such a gift! What other items would you recommend to new parents packing their hospital bags for the first time?

The time has come and it’s time to get that hospital bag ready for the arrival of your new little babe! While there are some items that are obvious to pack that you would bring on any overnight trip, your hospital bag will likely have a ton of items you may not typically find yourself […]