The Bledsoe Show #120 — Jesse Elder: Curiosity, Intelligence and the Difference Between Effort & Struggle

In this episode, host Mike Bledsoe talks with special guest Jesse Elder about unconditional acceptance of self, developing a curiosity mindset, the difference between effort and struggle, obeying the laws of nature, and — the all important question — how many things did you do for the first time last month? Listen now to discover powerful truths like how you can avoid suffering in your life. (1:55:00)

Listen to the full episode here.


The ABCs of BCAAs

What are branched-chain amino acids, common sources of BCAAs, and when should you take them?

Click here to read the full article. 


20 Healthy Protein Sources for Muscle Growth and Recovery

You can train as hard or as often as you want, but if it’s not underpinned by an effective and consistent diet, don’t expect to achieve the results you want.

Click here to read the full article.

"What you appreciate appreciates."

—Lynne Twist

Appreciate: Celebrating People, Inspiring Greatness

From New York Times best-selling author David Sturt, this book will transform the way you perceive, relate to, and lead people.

Check out the book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 12

More Than Half of Americans Have Suffered a Workout Hangover

An article published in the New York Post shares new findings and statistics from a recent survey surrounding the negative effects of the dreaded "workout hangover."

Read the full article here.


Mindset Reset: Day 1

Join motivational speaker & author Mel Robbins on this 35-day journey as she shares daily tips & tools to help guide you towards your best mindset and life. (5:28)

Click here to watch the video.


Meet Macro-Friendly Monk Fruit

Did you know that monk fruit is naturally 150-200 times sweeter than sugar? It's what is used to happily sweeten ZERO SUGAR Recovery Blends FITAID ZERO and FITAID RX ZERO, now available!

Click here to read the full article.

"So much emphasis has been placed on what you consume or drink before a workout, when in actuality it’s what your body needs to help it recover afterward that makes the real difference."

—Dr. Aaron Hinde

Think and Grow Rich

Important, practical, and transformative, Napoleon Hill's wisdom from 1937 empowers today's readers to create tomorrow's successes.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 11

Theoretical Development of a Business

In this episode of Chasing Excellence, coach Ben Bergeron breaks down the five keys which have helped shape his success as an affiliate owner at CrossFit New England: Culture, Product, Marketing, Management and Systems. (May 6, 2019 | 67:18)

Check out the full episode of Chasing Excellence here.


Nick Massie: Thai Turkey Throwdown

Sam Dancer heats things up in the kitchen with master chef Nick Massie as the dynamic duo shows us step-by-step instructions for creating one of Nick's most popular recipes. (5:34)

Click here to watch the full recipe tutorial.


What Are Monk Fruit and Stevia?

With FITAID ZERO and FITAID RX ZERO launching this month, let's discover why these two new sugar-free recovery blends are happily sweetened with Monk Fruit and Stevia.

Click here to read the full article.

"When you're focused on small things, you're gonna have small days."

—Mel Robbins

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work

Ever wonder how writers, composers, painters,  poets, filmmakers and scientists come up with their creations? Mason Currey shares the amazing daily rituals of some of the greatest creative minds of our time.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 10


The Terminator Disagrees With Having a "Backup Plan"

Arnold Schwarzenneger shares his thoughts on why having a backup plan (Plan B) is a bad idea.

Watch the video here.


Creating Value in Your Life & Business

Brute Strength sits down with Aaron Hinde to talk about risks, following your passion, and starting a successful business. (53:02)

Listen to the full podcast episode here.


10 Graphs That Show the Immense Power of Creatine

Let's get scientific about Creatine. While we all know about its many benefits for your body and brain, these graphs offer the science & data to back it!

Click here to read the full article.

"Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes."

—Zig Zigler

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

This breakthrough book from James Clear is the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 9


Study Raises New Concerns Over How Energy Drinks Might Affect Veterans With PTSD 

Many veterans have experienced the side effects of high-caffeine energy drinks in order to stay awake during training and combat. Unfortunately, experts are now saying, "Anything over about 400mg of caffeine a day could lead to insomnia, rapid heartbeat and anxiety."

Watch the entire NBC News segment here.


LIFEAID Co-Founder Aaron Hinde Speaks at 2019 EPIC Mastermind Conference

"What we're gonna talk about tonight is gonna bring it to the next level, I promise you," says Hinde, co-founder and president of LIFEAID Beverage Co. in Santa Cruz, California, as he shares the steps it took to build a company from $0 to $1M dollars in annual revenue and succeed both in business & life. (51:23)

Watch the full speech here.


7 High-Protein Recipes for Post-Workout Recovery

Feed your muscles and refuel your body with these simple, dietitian-approved meals.

Click here to view the recipes.

"The rest of your life begins today. Don't allow yourself to be enslaved by the repetitive stories of your past or anxiety about the future. Be present, seize the moment, practice abundance and appreciation, and watch the seeds of virtue begin to blossom."

—Aaron Hinde

The Habit Blueprint: 15 Simple Steps to Transform Your Life

Certified mental trainer, Patrik Edblad, has helped hundreds of clients create massive change in their lives. Drawing from his vast experience, as well as his in-depth study of cutting-edge research in cognitive and behavioral psychology, he answers the question: What are the secrets to lasting change?

Check out Edblad's book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 8

Hunter McIntyre is Forging Greatness on the Road to a Wildcard Spot at the 2019 CrossFit Games 

Follow Hunter's journey as he trains with top CrossFit Games athletes and trainers like Jacob Heppner and Chris Hinshaw. Watch latest episodes, learn more and sign the petition to help #GetHunterToTheGames!

Visit the website here.


The Deeper Side of Coaching

As the coach of some of the fittest athletes on Earth & a successful box owner, Ben Bergeron shares the five phases of coaching which are imperative to the development of a great coach.

Read Ben Bergeron's full article here.


Top-5 Nutrition Trends

Simple but true, these healthy habits shared by a registered dietitian are a good reminder to us all of how to make the most of our summer goals.

Click here to read the full article.

"You can dominate one aspect of life, thinking that's what you were created to do. But we were created to have that approach in all aspects of our lives. Too often, we put 100% of our focus in only one area of our life and let other areas slip."

—Aaron Hinde

As Many Reps As Possible

Devoted father, husband and former Fittest Man on Earth (2008), elite athlete Jason Khalipa reveals the invaluable life principles that helped him and his wife dedicate every minute of their lives to their daughter Ava's battle with leukemia. He has developed the "AMRAP Mentality," a proven system that will help you discover your why, focus on what you can control, work hard, and ultimately blow past your goals. Be prepared to dream big, dig in your heels, roll up your sleeves, and get to work.

Check out Khalipa's book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 7

FITAID Athlete Sara Sigmundsdóttir Wins Worldwide OPEN, Punching Her Ticket for Redemption at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games.

FITAID Athlete Sara Sigmundsdóttir Wins Worldwide OPEN, Punching Her Ticket For Redemption at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games

After a disappointing injury forced Sara Sigmundsdóttir to withdraw early from last year's CrossFit© Games, in Madison, Wisconsin, fans can finally breathe a huge sigh of relief. She's back and stronger than ever!

Read the full article here.


How to Use Nootropics to Feel More Like Yourself

In this must-see episode, Dave Asprey sits down with Health Theory podcast host Tom Bilyeu to discusses the effects of Nootropics on your brain, how to manage your ego, live longer & more!

Watch the full interview here.


Innovative Sugar-Free Beverages: Appealing to Consumers with Taste, Packaging & Marketing

As the growing demand for "healthier" beverage options bombards the market, many companies are turning to cheap tricks & marketing gimmicks to appeal to consumers, only further propagating the health issues facing many Americans.

Click here to read the full article.

"Creating a morning ritual was a game changer for me. As Steven Covey would say, 'Begin with the end in mind.' Being hyper-focused on what we're becoming, what we can become, thus proving out our trajectory.”

—Aaron Hinde

Man Up: How to Cut the Bullsh*t and Kick Ass in Business (and in Life)

Performance coach & entrepreneur Bedros Keuilian is known as the "hidden genius" behind many of the most successful brands and businesses. In "Man Up," you'll discover a guide to stop making excuses, take control of the situation, and rise to your fullest potential in business and every other aspect of life. If there's an area of your life in which you need to (wo)man up, this book will get you there!

Check out Keuilian's book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 6


"It’s like a man riding a lion. People look at him and think:
This person’s really got it together! This person’s brave.
And the person riding the lion is thinking:
How the hell did I get on a lion,
and how do I keep from getting eaten?”

—Toby Thomas, CEO of EnSite Solutions,
The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship


The Key to Getting Your Team Noticed

As a CEO and successful entrepreneur, Aaron Hinde shares his #1 tip for optimizing execution and getting your team noticed amidst all the other white noise.

Watch the full video here.

Make Your Gym Family-Friendly This Summer

We all know it costs far more to acquire a new member than it does to retain a current one. With summer just around the corner, here are a few ideas to keep numbers up by getting the entire family involved in fitness.

Read the full article on ZenPlanner.

10 Healthy Spring Recipes

Spring has sprung, and so have these healthy recipes to keep your menu fresh. (If you need me, I'll just be over here drooling over this No-Bake Raw Vegan Raspberry 'Cheesecake.')

Click here for recipes.

"If something seems overwhelming to you or you're having difficulty taking the plunge, just start with small risks."

—Aaron Hinde

Dare to Lead

#1 NEW YORK TIMES bestseller Brené Brown reveals new research conducted with leaders, change makers, and culture shifters, who help show us how to put ideas into practice so we can step up and lead.

Check out her book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 5

“Mindset, Business Breakthroughs and Emotional Deposits with Aaron Hinde”

In episode #84 of the Airborne Mind podcast with Misbah Haque, Hinde discusses the powerful impact of learning from the past and discovering your unique abilities, as well as his daily morning rituals and mindfulness practices which he feels have greatly influenced his trajectory in business and life. (69 minutes)
Listen to the podcast here.

"Every successful person I know comes from an abundance mindset."

—Aaron Hinde

CBD Oil — Hype or Real?

"Today, we are living in a CBD world, with tinctures, ointments and vaping oils popping up everywhere." This article in The Washington Post discusses experiences & studies in order to help uncover the merit of this current trend.
Read full article here.

How Can You Become Better Than the Best?

Check out top coaching tips from best-selling author and coach Ben Bergeron.
Read full article here. 

Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life

Author Gary Bishop leads readers through a series of seven assertions intended to help you finally lead the life you were meant to have.
Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 2

The FITAID Morning Show Ep. 87: Chris Hinshaw

Chris Hinshaw—the man, the myth, the legend—shares his unique perspective on the future landscape of CrossFit, along with some of his top coaching tips and insights. Find out what it's like to coach Mat Fraser and Rich Froning. Plus, Hinshaw reveals his preferred weapon of choice during a Zombie apocalypse & more!

Watch the full-length video here.

"Most elite athletes that are winners today
are the ones that are chasing knowledge.”

—Chris Hinshaw

6 Science-Backed Reasons to Use MCT Oil

Did you know that Hinde starts each day with a spoonful of MCT oil in his coffee? If MCT oil is new to you, read more about why it could be the missing puzzle piece to your diet.
Read the full article by Alison Moodie on Bulletproof here.

The Quickest, Cheapest and Easiest Way to Get New Clients in Your Gym
(You probably haven’t tried this yet!)

Close your eyes and picture the absolute best member at your gym, your star student — let’s call her “Jackie.” Jackie always pays on time, follows instructions, is fun to be around, has a great attitude, never complains … You get the point. Every gym has one or more “Jackies.”  They are the women and men who make our job as gym owners and coaches fun and rewarding; The people we look forward to seeing day in and day out.

Now how awesome would it be if our whole gym was filled with “Jackies”? Well, guess what? It can be.   

Following the well-known logic which states, “You are the average of the five people you hang out with the most,” then your best clients must hang out with some pretty awesome people, right? Lucky for you, that means that all you have to do to fill your gym with new members of the same caliber as “Jackie” is: Ask.  

Tomorrow when you see “Jackie,” simply go up to her and say, “Hey Jackie. Just wanted to let you know how awesome you are and how much I appreciate having you at the gym. As you know, we have space for a few new members and I would love for them to be just like you. So, if  you have any friends or family members, please refer them to our gym and have them join us for a FREE class. Can you do that for me?"

Of course the answer will be a resounding, “YES." Do this with your top clients and watch them multiply like bunnies. It’s that simple.

Bonus: First person to gain a new rockstar client at their gym using this technique, DM me on Instagram (@aaronhinde) — I’ll send you a FREE case of the LIFEAID product of your choice!

—Aaron Hinde   

Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

New York Times best-selling author David Goggins shares his astonishing life story and reveals how most of us only tap into 40% of our capabilities. Goggins' in-depth guide will help you push past pain, demolish fear, and reach your full potential.
Check out his book here.


Happy Running

to the winner of our custom FITAID RX Assault Airrunner: 
Metroflex Gym Long Beach


HindeSight  |  No. 1