For centuries, people have been using new and innovative ways to maintain their energy levels. But energy drinks are doing a wonderful job in the area today. There are several reasons why one may need to drink an energy drink.

Getting a quick boost of energy from these drinks can increase alertness and concentration and reduce sleepiness. This is essential on nights when you need to work extra hours or drive long distances. Some people also prefer to consume energy drinks before and after workouts. Pre-workout energy drinks can boost workout performance, while post-workout beverages help with workout recovery.

Caffeine is a major energy-boosting component in energy drinks, along with other ingredients like herbal derivatives, riboflavin, taurine, and pyridoxine. While all ingredients play a vital role, it is the caffeine that actually makes energy drinks so effective.

Today, the energy drink sector is growing at the fastest rate in the beverage industry compared to competition. But the energy drinks we know today are not the same as how they were originally. Let’s explore how these boosters evolved over the years after their humble beginnings in Japan.

How it All Began

It is hard to establish a historical chronology of these beverages due to the difficulty of categorization of energy drinks. However, energy drinks truly came into existence when an English chemist in Newcastle created them in 1927.

He experimented for several years to find different energizing recipes for people suffering from common illnesses, such as fever or influence, eventually reaching to formulate Glucozade, renamed Lucozade in 1929.

Lucozade was marketed as a drug in 1983 by the advertising agency Ogilvy Mather. He took in a commercial sports drink and a Key energy drink. Then, they were introduced to the market in the 1980s as the first non-alcoholic beverage with high caffeine content, Jolt Cola.

The First Energy Drink

In the late 1950s, Japan ordered laws for curbing the use of amphetamine nationwide. This left a huge void in the industry, to fill which the ‘Taisho’ company came forth with an herbal energizing tonic in 1962. This energizing tonic called the Lipoyitan was similar to cough syrups in smell and taste.

Taurine was the main energy-boosting ingredient in the energizing tonic. While many people believe that taurine is a product of bull urine or sperm, it is nothing but a myth. In fact, taurine is an amino acid that contains sulfur. Not to mention, this compound also carries some amazing antioxidant properties.

Even today, taurine is one of the key ingredients in most energy drinks, including Red Bull. Speaking of which, a Pharmacist in Thailand invented this popular energizing drink in 1976. Initially, it was called the Krating Daeng, which translates to ‘Red Guar’ or ‘Red Bull.’

But it wasn’t until 1984, when an Austrian marketing executive reached out to the inventor of Red Bull for a partnership, that it began gaining success.

Energy drinks were everywhere by the beginning of the 2000s when more and more brands began to invent different energy drinks. Fast forward to 2022, and FITAID has revolutionized the energy drink market. 


Coming to you with 200mg of clean caffeine from green tea. The FITAID Energy + Sports Recovery blend is naturally sweetened with only 15 calories, no sucralose, no aspartame, and no fillers. Available in four electric flavors: Mango Sorbet, Peach Mandarin, Blackberry Pineapple, Raspberry Hibiscus, FITAID healthy energy drinks contain no artificial flavors or colors. Head over to and get yours! 

For centuries, people have been using new and innovative ways to maintain their energy levels. But energy drinks are doing a wonderful job in the area today. There are several reasons why one may need to drink an energy drink. Getting a quick boost of energy from these drinks can increase alertness and concentration and […]

According to the Environmental Working Group, ‘natural flavors’ are the fourth most common substance in food products. It is the only ingredient that you will find in most of your food products, along with water, salt, and sugar.

It is quite clear that most, if not all, food items contain flavoring. In sweeter options, you will find the names of sweeteners listed on the ingredients label. Today, you will find that most food labels mention the term ‘natural flavors.’ This means that it is very likely that you may be consuming foods containing ‘natural flavors’ or ‘natural sweeteners.’

So what does it mean when a product is naturally flavored or sweetened? You may have a few ideas, but the chances are that you’re not entirely sure. Let’s see what natural flavors and sweeteners are.

What are Natural Flavors and Sweeteners?

If you’re wondering what natural flavors and sweeteners are, here is a brief explanation to help you understand.

Natural Flavors

As the name already suggests, natural flavors do not originate in the lab. In fact, natural flavoring comprises naturally- occurring compounds.

Manufacturers obtain these flavors by harvesting ingredients that are easily found in nature. Or, they may collect natural byproducts that are produced as a result of processing organic materials. These organic materials may include plants and fruits, etc.

Many food manufacturing companies believe that natural flavors can add a distinct taste to their items that are eventually associated with the brand name. Some other companies believe this approach to be necessary for the restoration of flavors that are often lost during the manufacturing process.

Some common ingredients in natural flavoring include:

Natural Sweeteners

Natural sweeteners are typically a part of sweet foods and beverages such as energy drinks and baked goods. Generally, these sweeteners refer to naturally-occurring sugar compounds: glucose and fructose.

In contrast, many products also use complex sugars like sucrose for an added sweet flavor. However, this is not as safe as it can overload the human body, organs like the liver in particular. Sucrose found in processed foods is especially not healthy as the body is unable to use it by converting it into energy or nutrition.

This makes natural sweeteners all the more important. Sugars found in natural sweeteners are comparatively easier to metabolize and convert into energy. Not only this, but they also contain essential nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes. This makes them healthier and safer than artificial sweeteners and processed sugars like sucrose.

Common examples of natural sweeteners are:

Natural flavors and sweeteners refer to those chemicals that are not developed in laboratories. These add flavor or sweetness to food items and beverages in place of artificial flavorings. Many energy drinks are filled with the complete opposite. However, FITAID ENERGY is naturally flavored and sweetened with ingredients that are actually good for you. These beverages have no sucralose, no aspartame, no plastic, and no fillers. Instead, all blends of FITAID ENERGY are sweetened with organic agave nectar and organic stevia leaf extract. With only 3 grams of sugar and 15 calories, FITAID ENERGY is no match for its competitors! 

Do you have a favorite LIFEAID product? Tag us on Instagram! @FITAID 

According to the Environmental Working Group, ‘natural flavors’ are the fourth most common substance in food products. It is the only ingredient that you will find in most of your food products, along with water, salt, and sugar. It is quite clear that most, if not all, food items contain flavoring. In sweeter options, you […]

FITAID ENERGY can work wonders when you need a quick energy boost for various reasons. You might need to pull an all-nighter for an exam or stay alert during a meeting or long drives. Regardless of why you might need a boost of energy, cracking open an ice-cold can of FITAID ENERGY can make a huge difference.

But it is important to understand how energy drinks work to provide you with that energy boost. If you’re wondering when the effects of these drinks kick in, here is a quick answer:

The caffeine in an energy drink takes about 10 minutes from when you drink it before finally entering your bloodstream. From here, it takes another 20 to 45 minutes for complete absorption. This is when you will finally start to experience an energy boost.

Keep reading to explore more about the mechanics of an energy drink and some of the best times for drinking it.

So When Should You Drink an Energy Drink?

The caffeine content in an energy drink serves as the essential energy-boosting element that requires around 45 minutes to integrate into your bloodstream. Of course, other ingredients also play a vital role, but energy drinks would not have the same effect without caffeine.

As we already mentioned, caffeine absorption usually peaks around 45 minutes after consuming an energy drink. This means that drinking it around 30-40 minutes before you need an extra kick is an optimum time.

But this does not mean that energy drinks do not work before this period. Energy drinks start working 10 minutes after consumption, but it is not before 30 minutes that you truly begin to notice its effects.

Mid-Morning Boost

Studies regarding caffeine and circadian rhythms reveal that energy drinks can work best as a mid-morning boost. People who consume an energy drink between 9:30 am and 11:30 am are likely to attain maximum energy-boosting benefits. An energy drink with clean caffeine such as the Clean Energy + Brain Boost can help you maintain energy levels throughout the day.

Mid-Afternoon Boost

Mid-afternoon tends to be the hardest part of the day for most people. Between 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm, your body begins to lose momentum as blood sugar levels drop. Try consuming FITAID ENERGY to get going with your work or school and be productive.

Pre-Workout Boost

Do you need a little extra boost of energy on longer workout days? FITAID ENERGY will give you just that in a convenient, healthy, and tasty way. The essential nutrients and minerals will boost your immunity, while clean caffeine from green tea extracts will ensure high energy levels.

Post-Workout Recovery

FITAID ENERGY has all the key ingredients to help with recovery and an added 200mg of clean caffeine. Any flavor of FITAID ENERGY is the perfect pick me up after completing an intense workout and bouncing back full of energy. So crack open a FITAID ENERGY to fight that fitness fatigue. 

You can enjoy FITAID ENERGY anytime during the day, but keep the caffeine working period in mind. Check out the new electric flavors at

FITAID ENERGY can work wonders when you need a quick energy boost for various reasons. You might need to pull an all-nighter for an exam or stay alert during a meeting or long drives. Regardless of why you might need a boost of energy, cracking open an ice-cold can of FITAID ENERGY can make a […]

2x NBA Champion and player for the Golden State Warriors, Kevon Looney was one of five NBA players during the 2021-2022 season to play all 82 NBA games. When it comes to being there for his team, Kevon can be counted on and when it comes to being there for his community, Kevon won’t miss an opportunity. Throughout his NBA career, Kevon has always used his platform to give back to his community. Whether it's his hometown of Milwaukee or his second home in the bay, Kevon has been a prime example of what it means to be dependable on and off the court. 

Every summer, Kevon coordinates with the Running Rebel Community Organization to hold his annual summer camps in Milwaukee. The Running Rebels is a community organization that engages the community, youth, and their families, prevents involvement in gangs, drugs, violence, and the juvenile justice system, intervenes and guides youth by assisting them with making positive choices, and coaches youth through their transition into adulthood. Kevon has been a part of the Running Rebel community since 2nd grade and always makes it a point to dedicate his time with the youth in Milwaukee who look up to him. “I was always taught to give back. Somebody helped me get to where I am at, so I want to help the next generation get to where they want to be. I feel like that is my responsibility and role in the community,” says Looney. 

In the midst of his high school jersey retirement, Kevon again used this opportunity as a chance to give back. With his Warrior teammates coming into town, he knew it would draw a large crowd. While many people would use this as an opportunity to make it all about themselves, Kevon used this as a chance to help the community and a family in need. As the jersey retirement was the happy part of the day, Kevon used this as a chance to raise money for Sandra Parks, a 13-year-old Milwaukee girl killed by a stray bullet. “Hopefully it goes well and we help the family out,” Looney said about the event. 

Being a role model for the next generation has always been important to Kevon. In Oakland, Kevon was the principal for a day at Westlake Middle School. He used this as an opportunity to connect with the youth who watch him play basketball every night on TV. Looney ran in a relay with kids during a P.E. class, sat at a student desk in an 8th grade class during a quiz and made the morning announcements. If there was one message Kevon wanted to leave the kids, it was “Enjoy school. School is a special time in life and make a lot of friends, enjoy these journeys and meeting with people. I had a lot of mentors growing up who helped me get to where I am today and I'll never forget that.

2x NBA Champion and player for the Golden State Warriors, Kevon Looney was one of five NBA players during the 2021-2022 season to play all 82 NBA games. When it comes to being there for his team, Kevon can be counted on and when it comes to being there for his community, Kevon won’t miss […]

FITAID: What was the first marathon you ran in, and what motivated you to start running marathons? 

My first marathon was in Salt Lake City Utah in 2012. I signed up for that marathon to do something for myself, not for a coach or my family or anyone else. Finishing that race was very empowering and inspired me to sign up for more. 

FITAID: To this date, how many marathons have you participated in and do they ever get easier? 

So far, I’ve finished 112 marathons total. I don’t know if I can say that they ever get “easier” because each one is different—even if I run the same course over again, it’s still a different race and it could be harder or easier or the same the second time. You just don’t know. It’s all about mindset on the day. You can come in with a terrible mindset and run a terrible race, or you can trust your training and run a great race (even if the time isn’t your best). But definitely, once I started adding CrossFit/strength training in, everything changed so that, even if it isn’t easier, it’s better. I mean, strength training has meant that I haven’t had to do so many grueling miles in preparation and can still run lean and strong and achieve better times than ever (I’m 30+ minutes faster than before CrossFit). Plus, I just don’t get injured like I was before. And it’s given me faster recovery—before adding strength training, it would take me 10 to 12 days to recover from a marathon, but now I can bounce back after a marathon and train just as hard the next day as I would have otherwise. And I feel great doing it.

FITAID: What do you enjoy most about running these marathons?

Running gives me a sense of independence. It’s just me and my body and what I can do. When I first started running, it was because I needed an outlet for things that were going on. I still get that release but I also get a sense of accomplishment and achievement.

FITAID: Can you describe the training process for getting ready to run a marathon? How do you prepare both mentally and physically? 

I’m pretty much always in training, so ramping up for a marathon doesn’t change much for me. But I do offer advice to the athletes I coach. To start, if they’re just getting into running, I remind them to meet themselves where they are. No one just steps out the door and completes a marathon. It’s all about the baby steps and going forward one small bit at a time. Training isn’t about pounding out mile after mile—it’s about combining strength training (lifting), plyometrics, and a speed-focused (interval training) running schedule to produce results. I get my athletes to work on building both muscle and running endurance so they can feel confident about being able to finish that many miles. From a mental perspective, mindset can be tough. Some tools and tricks that have worked for me are to think of something I’m grateful for each mile and just take it one at a time. Don’t think about what’s left to do but what you’re doing right in the moment. And when I’ve gotten stuck in a particular mindset, I try to stand outside of it to shift my perspective—like how an upset might be better for letting me add new ways to train or how giving in to a feeling instead of fighting it can actually let me have more success. COVID has taught me a lot about my mental health and focus, which has let me help my athletes more too. 

FITAID: While you’re running, what is running through your head? 

Everything. It could be what I want to eat later in the day. Solving a problem at work or in my personal life. Things I am grateful for. Right when I finish I forget what I was thinking about it. It's really odd! 

FITAID: Any superstitions you have before races?

I have 4 songs I have to listen to. I have to have one of my lucky numbers on my bibs. Or at least the numbers on my bib have to add or subtract to my lucky number. 

FITAID: Morning of the Boston Marathon, what did you have for breakfast? Fruits? Bagel? Water? Or perhaps a FITAID ENERGY? 

I ate an apple and drank a FITAID Energy Mango Sorbet an hour before. I drink a PARTYAID when I finish! 

FITAID: While running, do you have a specific playlist you listen to? If so, who is your go to artist? 

I don’t listen to music. I like to hear my footsteps and focus on breath control. Listening to music changes that. 

FITAID: What is the next marathon you plan on running? 

I’m signed up for the Colfax Marathon in May! 

Thinking of training for a marathon? Have you finished a marathon? Tag us on Instagram with your marathon experiences! @FITAID 

FITAID: What was the first marathon you ran in, and what motivated you to start running marathons?  My first marathon was in Salt Lake City Utah in 2012. I signed up for that marathon to do something for myself, not for a coach or my family or anyone else. Finishing that race was very empowering […]

Do you crash after the effects of your energy drink wears off? It is quite a common problem that many people face with their energy drink consumption. And while energy drinks should add to your lifestyle and give you, well, energy, the aftereffects can cause further troubles sometimes.

For the most part, energy crashes are a result of the effect of ingredients present in an energy drink. This is the reason why experiencing a crash is more common with energy beverages containing high amounts of sugar. While sugar and caffeine work together to increase your adrenaline, dopamine, and insulin concentrations, they can also have side effects.

Significant doses of energy-boosting ingredients in energy drinks can give you that boost, but they also cause your hormone levels to return to normal, resulting in exhaustion. This is known as the crash.

Understanding Caffeine Crashes

Energy drinks only take as much as 10 minutes to reach your system, causing a spike in the blood pressure and heart rate. But caffeine absorption usually peaks around 15 to 45 minutes later. As a result, you feel extra alert and have better focus.

In about 30 to 50 minutes of consumption, all caffeine in energy drinks metabolizes. Then, the liver acts by absorbing even more sugar into the circulation. In about an hour, the benefits of the caffeine may start to wear off, and a sugar crash becomes possible. Energy levels begin to dwindle as fatigue also sets in as a result.


Caffeine consumption through energy drinks  is a great way of temporarily inhibiting adenosine pathways. This is the chemical associated with how fatigued a person feels. So temporary inhibition in pathways of this chemical can give you a quick energy boost as well as enable more 'feel good' compounds in the brain. As a result, you feel more alert and energetic to complete the tasks at hand.

Although we all can experience the energy boost, there is limited scientific evidence to prove caffeine's role in decreasing mental fatigue. In fact, surveys reveal that significant doses of caffeine can often lead to crashes and physical and mental exhaustion.

Most high-sugar energy drinks contain as much as 505 mg of caffeine, whereas the recommended amount for caffeine consumption is only 400 mg per day.


Are you familiar with the terms' sugar high' or 'sugar hangover? A sugar hangover is what happens after consuming a high-sugar energy drink. This refers to a condition when the consumption of too much sugar in a short period of time causes temporary hyperglycemia.

While this spike in insulin level initially translates to a boost of energy, its aftereffects also include headaches, foggy thinking, thirst, and fatigue.

The infusion of energy from high amounts of sugar is usually short-lived and results in fatigue. This happens when your body finally uses up the sugar, and your insulin levels plummet. In less than an hour of a sugar boost, you will begin to lag down.

Other Ingredients

Energy drinks also contain various other energy-boosting ingredients that can cause a crash to occur.

For example, many energy drinks also contain guarana, another stimulant similar to caffeine. In combination, caffeine and guarana can give a big jolt of energy. This energy boost is often more than enough to cause a crash after its effects start wearing off.

Crashing after consuming high-sugar energy drinks is more common than you might think. This is mostly a result of ingredients like caffeine, sugar, guarana, etc. Let us know if you frequently experience crashing and how you deal with it.

To boost energy, substitute those high sugar energy drinks with FITAID Energy + Sports Recovery. Crack open an ice cold FITAID Energy + Sports Recovery for all the right vitamins, minerals, and caffeine. FITAID Energy is sure to not leave you with that sugar “crash” feeling. Check them out here


Do you crash after the effects of your energy drink wears off? It is quite a common problem that many people face with their energy drink consumption. And while energy drinks should add to your lifestyle and give you, well, energy, the aftereffects can cause further troubles sometimes. For the most part, energy crashes are […]

The human body produces muscles, bone, and skin on a daily basis. It also carries oxygen and nutrients to all organs and sends nerve signals along with brain and body pathways. That is not all; your body is also responsible for formulating chemical messengers that issue instructions for sustaining your life.

While it performs all these amazing functions, your body cannot do so without some essential raw materials. These include various dietary components, minerals, and a minimum of 30 vitamins, including Vitamins B, C, D3, and E. Although these are necessary for the normal performance of important processes in the body, the body is unable to generate the nutrients on its own.

Vitamins and Their Benefits- Vitamins B, C, D3, and E

Vitamins perform hundreds of roles in order for your body to perform its functions normally and properly. This is the reason why eating a healthy diet is essential to living a healthy life. You can acquire these essential vitamins through your everyday diet intakes such as foods, dietary supplements, and in several LIFEAID beverages. Here are some essential vitamins and why they are important.

B Complex

B vitamins refer to a group of 8 water-soluble vitamins that are associated with essential roles in the completion of cellular functions of the body. Not only this, but adequate amounts of B vitamins in the body promote healthy brain function, help prevent cancer, and combat stress and fatigue.

These are the only water-soluble vitamins, excluding vitamin C. Vitamins making up the B complex include thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cobalamins (vitamin B12), folic acid and biotin.

You can find B vitamins in a variety of foods, while animal sources like meat are rich in vitamin B12.

Vitamin C

Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C aids the development, growth, and repair of all tissues in the body. This vitamin is necessary for numerous bodily functions, including iron absorption, wound healing, and collagen formation. It also maintains teeth, bones, and cartilage and the proper functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin C also carries antioxidant properties that protect against free radical damage. Free radicals tend to build up, leading to the development of severe health conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. It also works to reduce the effects of harmful toxins and pollutants like cigarette smoke, etc.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that supports overall health, including the immune system, muscles, bones, and even your mood. Most importantly, this vitamin is responsible for the amount of phosphate and calcium absorption from food.

While calcium is essential for bone health, phosphate plays its role in the maintenance of healthy muscles, teeth, bones, and nerves. This is the reason why lack of vitamin D in the body is a common reason for pain and inflammation.

Vitamin D is available in two forms: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. While both can fulfill your body’s vitamin D needs, vitamin D3 lasts much longer than vitamin D2. Additionally, it also performs better at increasing overall vitamin D levels in the body.

Vitamin E

Many people believe that vitamin E is a single compound. However, the E vitamin actually refers to 8 fat-soluble compounds total with amazing antioxidant properties. Alpha-tocopherol is the best E vitamin that meets all vitamin E dietary requirements of the human body.

Vitamin E plays numerous roles in the body but is most popular for its role in protecting the cells from oxidative damage. It does this by neutralizing free radicals that cause damage to cells and aid the development of health conditions. Additionally, vitamin E also plays a huge role in cellular signaling and proper immune function.

Nutrients like vitamins B. C, D3, and E are essential for the body to perform its functions properly. Lack of any of these important nutrients can increase health risks and cause other health-related issues. 

What is your favorite LIFEAID blend? Have you incorporated Vitamins B, C, D3, and E into your diet? Tag us on Instagram! @FITAID

The human body produces muscles, bone, and skin on a daily basis. It also carries oxygen and nutrients to all organs and sends nerve signals along with brain and body pathways. That is not all; your body is also responsible for formulating chemical messengers that issue instructions for sustaining your life. While it performs all […]

The wait is over and FITAID ENERGY is here! The number 1 post workout recovery beverage in America is now packed with 200mgs of clean caffeine in four bold new flavors. Blackberry Pineapple, Mango Sorbet, Peach Mandarin, and Raspberry Hibiscus are the 4 new flavors that have been added to the FITAID family of beverages! 

“This is the evolution of energy. Energy 3.0,” says LIFEAID Co-Founder and President, Aaron Hinde. “FITAID Energy is unlike any other energy drink on the market. Our clean caffeine from green tea helps fight your fitness fatigue and contains our original post-workout recovery blend which includes BCAAs, Turmeric, Electrolytes, Vitamins B, C, D3, E, and more. All of our hand-picked ingredients have met the highest supplement standards and remain vegan, non-gmo, and gluten-free. Coupled with no sucralose, and no taurine, FITAID Energy is the future of clean performance energy.”

The energy drink market as we know it isn't the healthiest. Brands continue to load sucralose, sodium, and gut killing chemicals into your energy drinks. They put false statements in their cans such as “burns body fat” (I’m sorry but you can not simply burn body fat by just drinking a Celsius.) The next time you pick up an energy drink, just read the ingredients labels. I am pretty sure it will look like those CVS receipts that are typically longer than your arm. 

FITAID ENERGY is truly the cleanest energy beverage on the market. Naturally sweetened and flavored, loaded with 200mg of caffeine from green tea extract (leaves), only 3g of sugars, and just 15 calories. You can not go wrong with a FITAID ENERGY. 

“We started LIFEAID to disrupt the legacy of sodas and energy drinks already in the market. Over the years, we’ve started to see emerging energy drinks in retail. We didn’t consider many of them necessarily healthy from their ingredient deck. Nearly all of them are artificially sweetened with sucralose or aspartame, which as we know kills your gut microbiome.” says LIFEAID Co-Founder and CEO Orion Melehan.

Make sure you head over to and load up on FITAID ENERGY before it sells out! Already snagged your new fav? Tag us on Instagram! @FITAID 

The wait is over and FITAID ENERGY is here! The number 1 post workout recovery beverage in America is now packed with 200mgs of clean caffeine in four bold new flavors. Blackberry Pineapple, Mango Sorbet, Peach Mandarin, and Raspberry Hibiscus are the 4 new flavors that have been added to the FITAID family of beverages!  […]

Earth day, celebrated every year on April 22nd, is a reminder to protect the environment, restore damaged ecosystems and live a more sustainable life. This year marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. Take a look at what the team members at LIFEAID are in their daily lives to make sure our planet is thriving! 

“Putting food in the fridge in reusable tupperware and NOT plastic bags or plastic wrap. It's a small change and it has reduced my need to buy ziplocs! I also have been MUCH better at bringing in my grocery bags by leaving them in the FRONT seat when I go into the store. When they are in my trunk I always forget to bring them in!” - Emily S. 

“When the conservation society is done replacing the bridge at the cabin this summer they have agreed to supply us with as many trees as I want. I am planning to line the creek that runs through the property with about 20-30 trees. I will never see them fully grown in my lifetime but my kids and their kids will enjoy them.” - Adam F. 

“I am always sure that I never put my recycling in the bin in a garbage bag.  I've heard that they assume it's always trash in a garbage bag and ends up in a landfill.” - Orion M. 

“Eliminate single use plastic. If using / purchasing plastic, make sure it is getting multiple uses and when done, obviously recycle.   If you are an ocean lover and traveled to SE Asia or Mexico, you will see how big of a problem single use plastic actually is and the time is now for us to personally take accountability and do something about it.” - Aaron H. 

“Reusable canteen, glass tupperware vs. plastic wrap, bringing my own basket with me to the store, and giving gently used clothing and toys to other babies in our friend circle.” - Rosemary H. 

“When washing dishes we don't turn on the faucet at full power. A gentle stream is plenty of water to wash and rinse dishes.” - Mike G. 

“When the weather allows, I ride a bike to do errands in the small town where I live. Including grabbing groceries, running to the bank, beer store etc. This is a great way to reduce carbon emissions and reduce wear and tear on things like tires which have a large carbon footprint and are a disaster to dispose of.” - Scott S. 

“Bringing a thermos or any kind of reusable cup in with me whenever I go to a coffee shop has become second nature - most coffee shops allow you to bring in your own cup to use so you don't have to use the disposable cup they provide.  Another tip I have is to use reusable Q-tips! You can wash them between every use and never have to throw away a Q-tip ever again! Small changes, big impact.” - Lydia D. 

“I always carry a reusable water bottle, I never keep the plastic ones in my house! I donate my clothes I don't wear anymore instead of just trashing them to sit in a landfill. Glass containers for leftovers instead of plastic wrap and ziplocks!  I try to limit paper towel use as well with kitchen towels I can throw in the wash and even recently purchased reusable paper towels to try out (just heard of these lately). I air-dry my laundry in the spring/summer to use less dryer power plus it's better for your clothes!” - Anna L. 

“Instead of using zip lock bags I purchase stasher bags for leftovers, storage of leftover avocado or PB & J on the go.  I also purchase recycle eco friendly trash bags for our trash cans. I purchase Dyper diapers for my daughter that are from bamboo viscose and picked up at my doorstep to be properly disposed.  I also purchase as many eco-friendly toys for my daughter as I can to avoid plastic and toxins.” - Ana. L

What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day? Tag us on Instagram! @FITAID 

Earth day, celebrated every year on April 22nd, is a reminder to protect the environment, restore damaged ecosystems and live a more sustainable life. This year marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. Take a look at what the team members at LIFEAID are in their daily lives to make sure our planet is thriving!  […]

Now that FITAID ENERGY is here, it's only right we share with you the perfect songs to play when you crack open a FITAID ENERGY. From Drake to the Tubeway Army, all these songs will electrify your headphones! So if you need a playlist for all things ENERGY, we got you covered! 


Energy - Drake 


Orgy - Blue Monday 


Macia Griffiths - Electric Slide 


Ollie & Jerry - Electric Boogaloo 


Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice baby 


Outkast - BOB 


Electric Ft. Khalid 


Silk City, Dua Lipa - Electricity 


Farruko - Peppas 


Latto - Big Energy 


Stace Cadet & KLP - Energy 


Tubeway Army - Are Friends Electric 


Electric Light Ochestra - Dont bring me down 




Imagine Dragons - Radioactive 


What songs would you add to this list? Tag us on Instagram with your suggestions! @FITAID

Now that FITAID ENERGY is here, it’s only right we share with you the perfect songs to play when you crack open a FITAID ENERGY. From Drake to the Tubeway Army, all these songs will electrify your headphones! So if you need a playlist for all things ENERGY, we got you covered!    Energy – […]