Can you believe we are already two years deep into this crazy life adventure known as the pandemic? If you’re anything like me - SO many things have changed in the way I live my life since March 2020. While so much has returned to normal, so much…hasn’t. Our twins had just been born when all of this began, and even though so many of my old “treats” are available yet again, sometimes it is just too difficult to carve out regular time for me to get out of the house, find daycare, and experience the “normalcy” of what my life was like pre-kids and pre-pandemic.

Whether it’s due to the pandemic or motherhood - there have been numerous ways I have learned to pamper myself at home, and I am excited to share some of my favorites with you! Let’s dive into some of my favorite at-home self care rituals.

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One of my most missed activities when Covid started was getting my nails done. Constantly having my hands wet from washing pump parts, baby bottles, etc, meant normal nail polish wouldn’t last long and I needed to have dip or gel manicures to keep any sort of polish on my nails. I was SO excited when I found out there are tons of options and brands who offer everything you need to do dip manicures at home. A quick Google search will give you tons of options, and even Amazon carries a lot of these products. Even though nail salons are back open again, I love being able to do this at home, and save a TON of money at the same time.

One of the biggest adjustments after my babies were born was no longer being able to make it to the gym regularly. This is a huge part of my life, and we made it a big priority to build out our home gym with pieces of essential equipment. Whether you have a garage, a room, or even just a corner in your bedroom to dedicate to your fitness - give yourself the gift of a space to work on your health. This could include a yoga mat and a pair of dumbbells, an exercise bike, or a barbell. Maybe it just includes a few resistance bands and a spot to plug your computer in so you can watch your favorite YouTube fitness videos. Whatever it is - creating a dedicated space can help keep you motivated to accomplish your health goals, no matter what life throws at you.

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No matter what time of year it is, nothing boosts my mood like a fresh coat of tanner! It helps me look so much healthier, gives me a nice healthy glow, and nothing beats that pre-tan shower where you really take your time shaving and exfoliating so your application comes out perfect. It may take some trial and error to find the perfect tanner for you and your skin type (spoiler alert - the best ones will be a bit more pricey, but I promise it’s worth it!), but once you find it, you’ll never want to get a spray tan or lay in a tanning bed again.

This one is totally new to me, but now that I have discovered it, I can’t stop talking about it! I had really been wanting to get lash extensions in recent months, but knew there was no way I could carve out the time for bi-weekly appointments, nor did I want to pay an arm and a leg to keep my lashes looking nice. A friend - who’s lashes I have always been so jealous of! - recommended an at-home lash system and this was the answer to my desires! I do my own version of “lash extensions” now once a week at home, and they usually take about 15 minutes, start to finish, to apply. There are a handful of brands who offer their own versions of this, so do a little research to find what would work best for you! I read up on some Facebook groups and beauty forums before investing into a particular system, watched how-to videos, and got comfortable practicing before actually applying them the first time. I am a total convert now and will never use mascara again! I honestly think these are even better than extensions, because if one were to come loose or come off, I can easily fix and reapply these myself at any point, versus waiting for an appointment.

What are your other favorite ways to take care of yourself from home? Share your tips and tricks with us below!

Can you believe we are already two years deep into this crazy life adventure known as the pandemic? If you’re anything like me – SO many things have changed in the way I live my life since March 2020. While so much has returned to normal, so much…hasn’t. Our twins had just been born when […]

The time has come and it’s time to get that hospital bag ready for the arrival of your new little babe! While there are some items that are obvious to pack that you would bring on any overnight trip, your hospital bag will likely have a ton of items you may not typically find yourself grabbing for on a typical trip. Here is a list of some of the less common items we are so glad we packed with us, or items we wish we had brought with us when we delivered our first babies!

Mama’s Items

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A few absolute hospital bag necessities: several changes of loose fitting clothes, including PJ’s, a robe, and nursing bras and tanks. It is also super helpful to bring some of your own non-slip socks and slippers. Even if you aren’t planning on having a c-section, having some clothing options that drape over your stomach, like a nightgown, may provide a world of comfort in the case that something unexpected happens.

Other random “mom” items we recommend bringing along include: your nursing pump and a postpartum belly wrap. While the hospital likely has a pump you can borrow, it is a great option to bring your own so the nurses and/or lactation consultants can make sure you are using your own personal pump correctly. Having a postpartum belly wrap is also a great option to have on hand to start wearing soon after delivery. This aids in helping the uterus shrink and contract back down, as well as gives support to your midline and low back.

Some other random items that may be easy to forget but make a world of difference : your own toiletries, shower shoes, your own towel, your favorite pillow and blanket, snacks, electrolyte drinks, a phone charger with an extra long cord, anything that’s a necessity in your daily routine! 

Partner / Support Person’s Items

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Your support person or partner will need their own special bag packed too! While their items are a bit more standard or similar to items taken when on vacation, they too will need some unique, hospital-friendly items. In addition to a few changes of clothes, pajamas, etc, be sure to have shower shoes, additional blankets and pillows (trust us on this one), towels, etc available for your partner. They’ll also likely want to have cash on hand they can use in vending machines, and a phone charger with an extra long cord.

Baby / Misc Items

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These items can vary quite a bit, and will definitely depend on your personal preferences. In addition to basics like onesies, sleepers, mittens, and hats, many parents want to pack some cute outfits for photos, as well as something like a wooden sign or letterboard to include in those first pics. Many mamas bring along a few swaddles, a sound machine, and a couple pacifiers so they can start incorporating some items from what will be their “home routine”, right away. You may also want to bring along a baby book to store mementos, a camera, and a cover for baby’s car seat.

For a hospital bag, we say it’s better to be over-prepared than underprepared. Being comfortable during this huge life transition can be such a gift! What other items would you recommend to new parents packing their hospital bags for the first time?

The time has come and it’s time to get that hospital bag ready for the arrival of your new little babe! While there are some items that are obvious to pack that you would bring on any overnight trip, your hospital bag will likely have a ton of items you may not typically find yourself […]

What is the flow state? If you’ve felt it then you’d know.  If you haven’t, being in a flow state is hard to describe.  

While the idea was developed in the 1970’s by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, athletes have known of this phenomenon for far longer.  In fact, in the sporting world, it’s known better as “being in the zone”.  Regardless of what you call it, flow state is the optimal mindset which unlocks your true potential.   

“Flow state” is a psychological state of mind in which an athlete is 100% immersed in what they’re doing.  It’s a period of time when all of the hours of training you’ve put in come together with all of your previous experiences.  What manifests is a transitory period of time in which you are able to play at 100% of your ability and beyond. Being in the “flow state” 

All of your movements and decision-making seem to occur simultaneously with 100% harmony and fluidity; much like the way in which water is able to flow down any path regardless of what’s in front of it.  During this time, time slows down as if to give you all the time you need to decide what you need to do and how to do it.  While it may seem you are having a full-on debate inside your head, mere milliseconds pass before you must make another decision.  

Some will call this “being focused” but flow state is more than focused because when you’re in flow, you don’t have to even think.  In fact, it’s not uncommon to hear athletes explain their extraordinary performance as “I wasn’t thinking, I just did it”.  You become so immersed in what you are doing that your brain literally chooses to shut out anything of unimportance.  

However, being in the flow state isn't just for athletes. Have you ever been so locked into a task that you look up and hours have passed? Have you ever been so focused that you are oblivious to the outside world? You may have not known it then, but you my friend were lost in the flow state. Whether you're an all word athlete or your everyday, 9-5 worker engrossed in work, find your flow state and anything is possible. 

What is the flow state? If you’ve felt it then you’d know.  If you haven’t, being in a flow state is hard to describe.   While the idea was developed in the 1970’s by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, athletes have known of this phenomenon for far longer.  In fact, in the sporting world, it’s known better as […]

Did someone say love is in the air? From your family at LIFEAID, we want to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day! Whether you’re in a relationship or single, Valentine’s Day is just another day to get up and get your heart pumping. Instead of going to the gym alone on Valentine’s Day, get your partner, friend, or anybody you love and get after it with them! However, this isn’t a day to just switch off set for set or spot them on their squat. This is a day to work out TOGETHER! Rep for rep and you can even make it competitive! And of course, when you’re done, make sure you grab 2 ice cold FITAIDs for you and your partner to recover, TOGETHER. Cheers! 

Need some ideas for partner workouts? Feel free to take a look at our favorite 10 partner workout videos on TikTok. So, go get after it on Valentine’s day with your partner and feel free to record a video of you and your partner working out together. Don’t forget to post it on TikTok and tag @officialfitaid.



Did someone say love is in the air? From your family at LIFEAID, we want to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day! Whether you’re in a relationship or single, Valentine’s Day is just another day to get up and get your heart pumping. Instead of going to the gym alone on Valentine’s Day, get […]

LIFEAID held a seminar for Renaissance Periodization Nutrition to learn more about sports performance and the importance of your diet – everything from healthy calorie balance to macro breakdown can have a major effect on your body in the short term long term. Founder Nick Shaw broke down their pyramid of importance when it comes to feeling good in the gym, losing fat and/or retaining lean tissue. 

Who is RP? 

Renaissance Periodization or RP is a platform that aims to deliver the most effective, scientifically sound, and reliable diet and training consultation to anyone looking to achieve success in the areas of physique alterations, sports performance, and health. They’re all about helping you target your time and effort into methods that work. RP lives and breathes fitness, nutrition, and sport, as well as educating whoever wants to learn. So if you’re someone starting your fitness journey or looking for the right knowledge and information to better yourself, RP is the perfect place! 

The pyramid above is broken down into 6 categories of importance. The most important being adherence followed by calorie balance, macronutrients, nutrient timing, food composition, and supplements + hydration. Each category plays a pivotal role in your success in the gym and overall, feeling good. 


Adherence can simply be broken down into the fact that consistency is key. Not just consistency over the short term but more importantly over the long term. It is important to develop habits that add sustainability to your nutrition. We’re not just talking weeks or months, we’re talking years. Once you have a successful plan, knowledge is power. RP can assist you in gaining the knowledge you need to be successful on your journey. If you don't have adherence, no matter the nutrition plan, you're not going to get too far. 

Calorie Balance 

Calorie balance is about 50% of your dietary success. This is all about calories in vs. calories out.  The way you handle this factor, sets the foundation for your dietary and physical goals. To reach your goals, you have to nail calorie balance. If you do not, it is very similar to having a really nice sports car that just sits in the garage. If you do not gas it up, it is going nowhere. Depending on your goals, there are two states of calorie intake in which you can be. If you are consuming more calories than you are burning (i.e trying to gain weight and muscle) you are in a hypercaloric state. If you are burning more calories than you are consuming (i.e losing weight) then you are in a hypocaloric state. Then if you are pretty even, that is a eucaloric state or a maintaining state. 


Your macros make up about 30% of your diet. These macros include carbs (4 cal per gram), proteins (4 cal per gram), and fats (9 cal per gram). The most important of these are proteins. Roughly speaking, you should be consuming 1g per pound of body weight. Your protein intake will be based on your goals and it is key to keep track of your performance. The second most important are carbohydrates. Carbs have the biggest range of intake because it is based on how much physical activity you take part in. Simply put, more activity and exertions means there is a need for more carbs in your diet. Finally, fats are the first place to lower calories in your diet. It is important to try and focus on more unsaturated fats than saturated fats. When cutting back fats, be sure to keep proteins and carbs high. 

Nutrient Timing

10% of this pyramid is based around nutrient timing. This is broken into two categories. Meal quantity vs. meal distribution. Meal quantity is simply how many times you are eating throughout the day. You should try to focus on 3-5 times a day, every 4-6 hours. Meal distribution is how you consume these macros based on time of day and when we train. This is also based on your weight goals, whether you are trying to lose or gain weight. 

Food Composition 

People think the types of food you're eating matter the most but that’s not necessarily true. As long as you're hitting your numbers, the type of food should not matter. In terms of proteins, you can get those from animals or on a vegan diet. When it comes to carbohydrates, there are either your GI carbohydrates that include oatmeal, sweet potatoes, fruits and veggies. Or there are your higher GI carbohydrates which should not be eaten as often. Your fats can either be unsaturated or saturated. Most of your unsaturated fats should come from nuts, avocados, or olive oils. Your saturated fats include grass fed beef or coconut oil, these are the healthier ones that you should try and stick to. However, these should not make it the bulk of your fat intake. 

Supplements + Hydrations

RP gave us their top 5 supplements: 

All these are great to incorporate into your diet to help you achieve success on your fitness journey. 

Tag us on Instagram with your favorite nutritional tips that you’ve incorporated into your daily life! @fitaid 

LIFEAID held a seminar for Renaissance Periodization Nutrition to learn more about sports performance and the importance of your diet – everything from healthy calorie balance to macro breakdown can have a major effect on your body in the short term long term. Founder Nick Shaw broke down their pyramid of importance when it comes […]

Whether you’ve walked into your first CrossFit box this week or you’re a fellow veteran and full on addicted CrossFitter, we can all agree that watching powerhouse athletes dominate on the floor at Wodapalooza is a mind blowing experience. FitAid has been following the trajectory of up and coming elite athlete, Meg O’Donnell! Prepping for such an intensive four day event can be pretty daunting but O’Donnell breaks it down for us – from how she prepared her workouts to how she felt when she got her invitation to Miami’s Wodapalooza Competition. Check out our interview below: 

FitAid: How have you been preparing for your appearance at Wodapalooza?

O’Donnell: I have some hefty goals. So I've been going through Phase 1 of my "Open" prep. Which has heavy lifting, monostructurals and "fun" conditioning pieces. Otherwise, just trying to stay healthy and well fed. I'm pretty excited to compete at WZA. This will be my first time!!

FitAid: Did the cancellation of Wodapalooza last year have an impact on your performance or your experience as an athlete this past year?

O’Donnell: I was sad to see that WZA had to cancel. I had not planned to compete there last year, so the cancellation didn't affect my training. But I think it was a smart move with everything that was going on. Plus it helps to make this year EVEN more special. Especially with it being the 10th anniversary.

FitAid: How did you feel when you got the invite to this year's WZA?

O’Donnell: Getting the invite this year was a VERY pleasant surprise! I am beyond excited to get the chance to compete at such an iconic event! Not a terrible thing to get a little vacay into the heat during this time as well.

FitAid: What workouts are you hoping to see at this year's Wodapalooza?

O’Donnell: I always LOVE a good chipper and ladders. I've been looking at all the posts from Instagram. There are a LOT of fun workouts that WZA could bring back! Hopefully it'll be something heavy and fun at the same time! Rope climbs and sandbags and a heavy barbell sound like "fun"

FitAid: What advice do you have for other up and coming athletes looking to make it to Sanctionals?

O’Donnell: I've been competing for about 10 years now. My advice for the up and coming athletes is to believe and Keep training! You CAN do it! I started out just wanting to be a more healthy and fit human. That took a small step up to make Santionals.  It took me a few years, but after making Regionals/Sanctionals/Semi-finals; I set my sights on the Games. Haven't made it there yet, but I'm still trying and doing well. Been getting better every year! Maybe, THIS year will be the year! Either way, competing has been a very fun time! I have made more than a few friends along the way.

Don’t forget to check out Meg’s socials (@meg_breezy_ox9) for more behind the scenes WZA action! And tag us on Instagram if YOU were at WZA this year! @fitaid 

A big shout out to Tiffany Ammerman for grabbing this content. You can check out more of her articles, along with her photos at the link below:

Whether you’ve walked into your first CrossFit box this week or you’re a fellow veteran and full on addicted CrossFitter, we can all agree that watching powerhouse athletes dominate on the floor at Wodapalooza is a mind blowing experience. FitAid has been following the trajectory of up and coming elite athlete, Meg O’Donnell! Prepping for […]

Prior to Wodapalooza, FITAID held a photoshoot with CrossFitter, Kelsey Kiel. Being that it was her first competition in almost 2 years, we thought we would catch up with her and see what she has been up to. Our manager of social, Dion, was able to get some behind the scenes content as well as ask Kelsey some interesting questions. Check out our Q&A brought to you by our Master of Social, Dion. Also, give our Instagram page, @fitaid, a follow to stay up to date with everything FITAID. 

Being that this is your first competition in almost 2 years, why did it take you so long to come back to crossfit? 

Kelsey: “I took almost a full year off from doing anything crossfit to bobsled and the last competition I did was in February of 2020. I took a lot of time off to focus on bobsledding. I missed Crossfit though so I decided to come back.”

What intrigued you the most about bobsledding? 

Kelsey: “It was a different opportunity. They asked if i wanted to see if i’d be good at the sport so i decided to give it a go. I had a feeling that crossfit wasn't going anywhere but the opportunity to try and make an Olympic team was something I wanted to try to give a shot. They said it was going to be hard to do that in less than a year, and it was hard to do,  and i didn't do it, so here i am back in the sport that i really love.”

What are you excited about the most for WZA? 

Kelsey: “I feel like I am most excited to just get back out there. I get to compete with my best friend on my team. All three of us are just out to have fun. I've missed it. When they say WZA is a celebration of fitness, that's exactly what it is. There's nothing like it.” 

What do you miss most about competition?

Kelsey: “The sport in general. Like when you're training for a very specific reason, to medal at the olympics, it's very sport specific. But with Corssfit, everyday in the gym is such a process and I missed that when I was training for bobsledding. Everyday im looking forward to going to the gym again and I am having more fun than i feel like i've ever had doing CrossFit. I'm just doing it for myself and enjoying every moment.” 

Has this process of getting back into CrossFit brought you reminders of why you started CrossFit ? 

Kelsey: “If someone told me I would be doing this (a photoshoot) when I started, I would have never in a million years believed you. I think that taking the year off and trying a different sport, trying something new, made me realize what I miss about this sport. It really took me back to the roots, the reason I started competing in the first place. I think I lost myself a little bit there. Not necessarily doing it for the wrong reason but it became a chore. Taking some time off and coming back makes it seem like a different environment and I've been having so much fun with it.” 

What's the most frustrating thing about a photo shoot? Doing the same thing over and over again? Or just waiting for a long time? 

Kelsey: “The lack of snacks that I brought HAHA”

How many times have you had to fake drink a FITAID? 

Kelsey: “Too many to count!” (Proceeds to fake drink a FITAID) 

Thin crust pizza or deep dish pizza? 

Kelsey: “Thin crust because I just don't like deep dish pizza. I feel like it's very saucy.”

If you had to choose one, Outback Steakhouse or CheeseCake Factory?

Kelsey: “Outback Steakhouse because I really like Steak even though Cheesecake Factory has the biggest menu I have ever seen in my life. It’s like a book.” 

Be sure to check our other blog posts for more exclusive interviews, WZA Competition content, and everything LIFEAID!

Prior to Wodapalooza, FITAID held a photoshoot with CrossFitter, Kelsey Kiel. Being that it was her first competition in almost 2 years, we thought we would catch up with her and see what she has been up to. Our manager of social, Dion, was able to get some behind the scenes content as well as […]

“Party in the city where the heat is on, All night, on the beach till the break of dawn, Welcome to Miami, Bienvenidos a Miami!” Pack your bags and don't forget your swimsuit. For the first event of 2022, the LIFEAID team is headed to Miami for Wodapalooza (WZA). What started in 2012 as a grassroots 1-day event with 145 athletes and 500 spectators, has now grown into the world’s premier Functional Fitness Festival. Today, this event spans 4 days on Miami’s Bayfront Park and brings together thousands of athletes, spectators, and fitness enthusiasts.

If you plan on making the trip to Miami, here is what you can plan for. There will be a weightlifting faceoff, WZA Strong which is a hybrid competition of Strongman and functional fitness movements, and the Gauntlet which is an exciting and fast race through three workouts in one hour (!!!). Also, for spectators, there will be one of the largest collections of functional fitness vendors and exhibitors as well as spectator workouts and seminars.  

This year, several of our FITAID sponsored athletes will be competing at 2022 WZA. Those competing will include Sara Sigmundsdóttir, Guilherme “Gui” Malheiros, Kelsey Kiel, James Newburry, Jay Crouch, and Ellie Turner. If you are going to this event, make sure you cheer extra loud for our athletes and be on the lookout for some of our team members handing out FITAID merch and FITAID GO!

“Party in the city where the heat is on, All night, on the beach till the break of dawn, Welcome to Miami, Bienvenidos a Miami!” Pack your bags and don’t forget your swimsuit. For the first event of 2022, the LIFEAID team is headed to Miami for Wodapalooza (WZA). What started in 2012 as a […]

As we are less than a week away from Christmas, it is only right to truly get into the holiday spirit. The LIFEAID team has made a list of their favorite holiday songs and best believe they are checking it twice. If you are in charge of the aux this year at your company's Christmas party or the family holiday party, the LIFEAID team has you covered. Christmas songs last forever and the list below is proof of that. Christmas hits of the 50’s and 60’s can still be played this week at your holiday parties - everyone loves a classic! So sit back, relax, and enjoy these holiday tunes that will sure enough get you in the holiday spirit. 

“White Christmas” (1954) - The Drifters 

“Dominick The Donkey” (1960) - Lou Monte 

“Last Christmas” (1984) - Wham 

“Baby It’s Cold Outside feat. Sofia Reyes” (2016) - Brett Elredge 

“This Christmas” (1998) - NSYNC 

“Christmas Don’t Be Late” (1959) - The Chipmunks

“Cuddle Up, Cozy Down Christmas feat. Michael Bublé” (2020) - Dolly Parton 

“Won’t Be Home For Christmas” (2005) - Blink 182 

“White Christmas” (2019) - A.Skillz 

“This Christmas” (2007) - Chris Brown 

“Have yourself A Merry Little Christmas” (2020) - Sam Smith 

“Mistletoe” (2011) - Justin Bieber 

“Little Saint Nick” (1964) - The Beach Boys 

“Don't Shoot Me Santa” (2016) - The Killers 

“Feliz Navidad” (1970) - José Feliciano 

“Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”


As we are less than a week away from Christmas, it is only right to truly get into the holiday spirit. The LIFEAID team has made a list of their favorite holiday songs and best believe they are checking it twice. If you are in charge of the aux this year at your company’s Christmas […]

Christmas is a time to spend with family and friends. A time when those family traditions come together. More importantly, Christmas is a time to sit back, relax, and unwrap those presents. However, have you ever thought about what those CrossFit athletes are up to on this holiday? Do they have their own traditions? And…do CrossFit athletes workout on Christmas day?! All year, these athletes are so dialed in on training and keeping their bodies in shape, that you may sometimes forget that CrossFit athletes are no different than you and me. Our friends over at Morning Chalk Up sat down with 6 of our LIFEAID athletes and found out what they are up to on Christmas. 


Neal Maddox, Laura Horvath, Jacob Heppner, Cassidy Lance-McWherter, Gabi Migala, and Ellie Turner gave insight to what their Christmas day generally looks like. From spending time with family, to cooking all the family meals, and getting a training session in, all of these CrossFit athletes have their own special traditions that they do during the holidays. To read more about these traditions and their details, head over to the Morning Chalk Up. The url for this specific article will be linked below. 

For everything CrossFit, make sure you are following Morning Chalk Up. Become a member of the site so you do not miss out on the fittest news in CrossFit around the world!

Morning Chalk Up



Christmas is a time to spend with family and friends. A time when those family traditions come together. More importantly, Christmas is a time to sit back, relax, and unwrap those presents. However, have you ever thought about what those CrossFit athletes are up to on this holiday? Do they have their own traditions? And…do […]