Long gone may be the days when our biggest concern was getting scurvy from severe lack of vitamin C; However, our immunity health and wellness in general is more important now than ever.

Did you know? Vitamin C is a water-soluable vitamin that must be obtained from your diet or supplements. It can be found naturally in a variety of fruits and vegetables including oranges, strawberries, kiwis, spinach, broccoli, bell peppers and kale. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for women is 75mg and 90mg for men.

TIP: A vitamin C supplement is a great, easy way to help boost your vitamin C intake if you struggle to reach your daily recommended amount.

Luckily for you, nearly* all of our LIFEAID products contain vitamin C (in the form of ascorbic acid, one of the most bioavailable & readily absorbed forms of vitamin C). Fun fact: IMMUNITYAID actually contains 20x the amount of vitamin C in one orange!

Each blend also offers additional clean ingredients and nutrients for your mind and body, plus the refreshing taste of vitamins you'll actually enjoy drinking! Discover them all and shop online at (We'll ship your order right to your doorstep.)

*Note: LIFEAID HEMP Balance Blend is currently the only product in the full family of LIFEAID functional beverages which does not contain Vitamin C.


During a time when all of our systems could use a little added immunity boost, it's important to include vitamin C in your daily nutritional goals. With the numerous benefits of vitamin C that we now know, this powerhouse vitamin is clearly no longer just a pirate's cure for scurvy! So whether the foods you eat naturally provide you with enough vitamin C or you need to supplement, be sure to keep vitamin-C-packed foods and/or supplements stocked in your home as a healthy part of your daily diet.

All images courtesy of LIFEAID and UnSplash  |  Additional sources: &
Please note: LIFAID products and this information is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.

> > > Stay well.

THE IMPORTANCE OF VITAMIN C Long gone may be the days when our biggest concern was getting scurvy from severe lack of vitamin C; However, our immunity health and wellness in general is more important now than ever. Did you know? Vitamin C is a water-soluable vitamin that must be obtained from your diet or […]

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

Many of us have made the transition to working from home during this global crisis and while some people are old hats at this type of work environment, some of us will need to drastically change our mindset on how work can work for us. It can be tempting to feel frustrated or lacking when we see other #WFH folks who seem to have it all together, but don’t fret! Keep in mind that everyone has their own personal way that works best for them when it comes to working from home. 

Check out these tips to help improve your working-from-home balance and productivity! 


One of the more important things to keep in mind during this period is that your job might not transition easily into working from home and it’s important to realize that. It’s okay to have moments of frustration. Utilize the guidance from your co-workers and bosses to help you navigate your way through this unprecedented time. We should lean on each other, feel free to ask questions, communicate more than usual and, don’t forget, give yourself a break here and there. It’s important to remember that you’re not necessarily working from home-you’re at home trying to work and there is a large difference. Hopefully you are well on your way to feeling more comfortable in this new work environment.  

All images courtesy of:


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website:


> > > Stay well.


Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman  Many of us have made the transition to working from home during this global crisis and while some people are old hats at this type of work environment, some of us will need to drastically change our mindset on how work can work for us. It can be tempting […]

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

Staying motivated to continue on your fitness journey during a shelter in place order can be difficult, especially if you’ve been doing the same body weight exercises in your living room for the past four weeks. Staying active can not only give your immune system a boost but it can also provide an emotional lift during a time when our day-to-day life has changed dramatically.

If you’re looking for some ideas to help amp up your fitness motivation, check out these helpful tips:

♦ Create a Schedule For Yourself

Having a structured day and a dedicated schedule can help you feel more productive, focused and willing to take on some fitness. Knowing that you have carved out some time in your day for your workout not only gives you a mental and emotional break, but it can also help you to feel reinvigorated for future workout sessions.

Participate in Weekly Fitness Challenges

There are so many CrossFit boxes, Jiu-Jitsu schools and yoga studios on social media who are offering up their services free of charge to help get people moving. Look up some fun fitness related challenges that’ll get you logging some miles or videoing your daily burpees. Posting your progress on social media so your friends can virtually participate along with you or cheer you on can help you to feel encouraged to continue. 

♦ Commit to the Mindset

It can be easy to be in the doldrums right now, but if you’re wanting to amp up your motivation, commit to the mindset that you’re going to get moving and get going. Being your own biggest cheerleader right now is so important for mental health. Sometimes just pledging to the process can be enough to make you feel inspired to get moving again. That also includes committing to a realistic and healthy fitness schedule that is right for you. 

♦ Find a Workout Buddy

Whether it’s your dog, your partner or your friend over video chat, having someone else who is relying on you can give you the extra push to get out and get going. It might require a little extra planning and creativity, but working out with a friend can really make you feel connected and inspired to continue your training. Don’t leave them hanging! 

♦ Try New Things

If you’re normally into HIIT workouts or prefer a slower paced yoga routine, now is the time to experiment with different types of fitness! It can be easy for our preferred workout to become deeply ingrained in our day to day routine pre-quarantine. Now that our schedule has been shaken up and you might not be feeling the same motivation without your gym buddies, try to use this time to find fun, new hobbies you might not have given yourself the chance to explore previously. 

♦ Take Rest Days

It may seem counterintuitive, but giving yourself some time to rest and recover can give you more motivation for future fitness and less burn out. You’ll feel ready to tackle your next vinyasa flow with vigor and energy! Maintaining rest days or active recovery days can give structure to your workout schedule as well as providing a physical and mental health balance in our lives. 


Keep in mind that this isn’t a normal moment in any of our lives and it’s important to be kind to yourself during your training periods in quarantine. This isn’t a time to compare your fitness to others but rather an opportunity to explore, get creative and enjoy your own, personal workout journey.  So, find some cool fitness challenges and call your favorite workout buddy over video chat and get moving!

All images courtesy of: @j_straty


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website:


> > > Stay well.


Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman  Staying motivated to continue on your fitness journey during a shelter in place order can be difficult, especially if you’ve been doing the same body weight exercises in your living room for the past four weeks. Staying active can not only give your immune system a boost but it […]

Now more than ever, we all need simple ways to unplug and escape the stress of daily life.

Here are our top tips for creating more zen moments while at home:


The act of writing your thoughts down on paper can be very therapeutic, freeing your mind from carrying all those things around. Challenge yourself to also write down something you’re grateful for each day. Positive, calm thoughts will help frame your daily words & actions.


A lot of people are having trouble sleeping right now, causing our minds, bodies & immune systems to suffer. Getting daily exercise, unplugging before bedtime and creating a calm sleeping environment (try adding lavender to your oil diffuser) have been shown helpful for obtaining 6-8 hours of quality rest each night.


Starting a daily habit of meditation can help decrease stress. If you’re finding getting started difficult, set a timer for two minutes, count your breaths and don’t get caught up in whether you’re doing it ‘right’. Simply allow yourself to slow down & focus on your body, any  feelings that arise, and release stressful thoughts before smiling and continuing with your day.


Set aside ‘screen-free’ times during the day to help give your mind & eyes a break (from texts, social media, work or other online distractions). Don’t bring your phone into the bedroom—morning or night, your mind will benefit from escaping the unnecessary stress a phone screen can bring to start and end your days.


What you put into your body is key, especially during times of elevated stress. Eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, getting your daily vitamins and natural remedies like hemp can help balance the nutrients your body needs daily to feel calmer. Click here to learn more about LIFEAID HEMP Balance Blend.


Life's stressful enough right now. Hopefully these tips will be helpful reminders for you to take moments during your day to pause, breathe more deeply and appreciate the good things in your life. We all could use more moments of zen. Be well, everyone.

> > > Stay well.

Now more than ever, we all need simple ways to unplug and escape the stress of daily life. Here are our top tips for creating more zen moments while at home: ♦ JOURNAL: The act of writing your thoughts down on paper can be very therapeutic, freeing your mind from carrying all those things around. […]

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

The current climate can feel like a weird and uncertain time with school closures, work-from-home orders and shelter-in-place mandates. Sometimes things can feel out of our control. The important thing to focus on during this unprecedented time is what you can control. Currently, many of us are self-isolating in our homes and wondering how to fill our days when we’re not sitting in front of our computers. Making some progress on the projects you’ve always wanted to do around your house can drastically improve your mental and emotional health. By decluttering your living environment, you can begin to feel more in control, less stressed and more at peace with your space. An organized and pleasing home can really give us a breath of fresh air right now!

Follow these 5 tips to get home on its way to a Pinterest® worthy before-and-after shot:


Take out whatever you don’t wear or don’t want. Closets tend to gather extra junk because it’s out of sight, out of mind—but don’t let your closet be what’s making you hold onto a lot of unnecessary stuff. While you’re going through your closets, take out everything-shoes, jackets, purses, hats, scarves, etc. and lump it all together. It helps to visualize what you actually own. Try to pare down your wardrobe to simple categories. That can help to weed out clothes that don’t really have a place or a reason for being in your closet. When your closet is easy to access and your clothes easy to find, you’ll be feeling decidedly more relaxed.



This is one that gets easily forgotten and easily overrun pretty quickly. We tend to think we’ll use a kitchen gadget only to find it six months later in the back of the cabinet. Donate those extra plates, cups, bowls or utensils that you no longer need or want to your local thrift store. Many college students would love to have your gently used kitchenware. BONUS: Not having Tupperware® constantly tumbling out of your cabinets will be a welcome relief.


The fridge can often be an overlooked area because we become used to seeing the same stuff in there day after day. Old condiments and leftovers have a tendency to pile up. So get in there and toss all those expired condiments, food or beverages hiding in the depths of your Frigidaire®. You’ll be surprised by how good you feel when you open up the fridge door to see organized, tidy shelves with no expired ketchup bottles.


Now that the majority of us are currently working from home, having an organized work space can definitely make you feel more productive, less stressed and more focused. Try creating a designated work area if you don’t have a home office. Not only will having a tidy, dedicated work area make you feel less distracted, you’ll also feel more in control of your emotional health while working from home.


If you’re able to, take a break and go step outside. Getting some much needed vitamin D while you’re gardening, working on a project or even mowing the lawn can help your emotional and mental wellbeing improve tremendously. Now is the time to finally build your raised plant beds or declutter that garage. You’ll feel accomplished and happy to have finally gotten it done!


This time in our lives is a collectively stressful time. Try to utilize this moment to focus on physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Begin with the exterior and the changes will begin to affect the interior as well. Decluttering your home can also help to declutter your mind. Take the time to unwind and focus on a project today. You’ll be so glad you did!

Cover photo by Thought Catalog
Additional images courtesy of contributor



About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or website:


> > > Stay well.

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman  The current climate can feel like a weird and uncertain time with school closures, work-from-home orders and shelter-in-place mandates. Sometimes things can feel out of our control. The important thing to focus on during this unprecedented time is what you can control. Currently, many of us are self-isolating in […]

What we feed our bodies affects its ability to resist and fight-off disease. Inadequate nutrition can compromise our body’s defense and its response to foreign invaders, while conscious dieting can optimize its ability to resist disease. It’s therefore important we be mindful of our diet to ensure that our bodies have the tools needed to heal and recover.

Diet can be broken up into several basic categories. The following food groups and types are excellent sources of nutrients that directly support the immune system.


As simple as it sounds, water is an essential part of our well-being. Sticking to water as opposed to diuretic beverages like alcohol, coffee, and sugary drinks is ideal. Hydration is especially important during winter and early spring, as colder and drier weather can leave the respiratory lining susceptible to infection.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables offer countless benefits to our body. These are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that our body needs to function and keep our organs healthy. They are nutrient dense, meaning that they offer more nutrients per calorie than most other foods.

Fiber from fruits and vegetables promotes a healthy digestive tract, where they act as prebiotics. This is extremely important! Our gut plays a key role in the absorption of nutrients and in supporting the immune system. A healthy gut allows the body to reap the full benefits of the nutrients consumed.


Berries are packed with antioxidants that protect our body from all sorts of wear and tear. Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals, reactive molecules that would otherwise react with important micro-biological structures and render them useless.

Berries are also abundant in phytochemicals (“plant-” chemicals), which are becoming more and more recognized as important to our health. Examples of phytochemicals includes flavonoids, carotenoids, anthocyanins, sulfides, thiols, and many many more. Phytochemicals are the most effective when consumed in their natural form, not as a supplement.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a good source of healthy (poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated) fats. Examples include plant-based oils (liquid at room temperature), omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to immune support and function, eliciting a supporting effect on phagocytic cells like neutrophils and macrophages. Nuts and seeds are also packing with energy and are phytochemicals, making them a no-brainer when it comes to immune support.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is a miracle worker when it comes to immunity. Adequate levels of vitamin D ensure that we have strong bones and a strong immune system. Supplementing with vitamin D has been found to lower the likelihood of upper respiratory tract infections as well as shorten the illness. Vitamin D also has antioxidant properties that protect with oxidative damage and has a stabilizing effect on mood.

>>> Stay well.

Original post by Santa Cruz Core on March 26, 2020 ⋅ Written by Jaimi Jansen What we feed our bodies affects its ability to resist and fight-off disease. Inadequate nutrition can compromise our body’s defense and its response to foreign invaders, while conscious dieting can optimize its ability to resist disease. It’s therefore important we be mindful […]

With so many gym doors forced to close, we started the LIFEAID LIFT program to support our local gyms & businesses, helping our community get through this current crisis, together.

BOX OWNERS, earn some cash and save your members money! Simply share this link:

Your gym will receive $15 cash for every 24-can purchase made by your loyal members or customers under your gym's name at! We ship their orders directly to them and send you the cash*. It's a win-win.  (*Verified accounts will be paid out every two weeks via PayPal.) Program valid only for the temporary duration of your gym or business' mandatory closure.

GYM MEMBERS, now you can purchase discounted cases ($5 OFF/case) when you shop at Plus, we'll give $15 cash back (for every 24-can case purchase) directly your gym. Remember to SHARE the link, SHARE the love!

This is a great way for those who are working out at home to be able to stock up any of our immunity and recovery boosting LIFEAID blends—chock full of vitamins—while supporting the gyms and businesses we call 'home,' so we can return to them once the dust settles.

We're so grateful for our community. Let's stay strong together!

Your LIFEAID family is humbled and grateful to be able to give back and financially lift up those in need during this difficult time. Please contact our team if you have any questions about the LIFEAID LIFT or how to get started: (888) 558-1113.


Share on social: #LIFEAIDlift

> > > Stay strong. With so many gym doors forced to close, we started the LIFEAID LIFT program to support our local gyms & businesses, helping our community get through this current crisis, together. BOX OWNERS, earn some cash and save your members money! Simply share this link: Your gym will receive $15 cash for every 24-can purchase made […]

While this has been a time of uncertainty around the world, one thing is certain: social distancing is leading many of us to a revolutionary time as a society, we're witnessing a 'closening' of relationships. People are reflecting on what matters most in their lives, surrounding themselves with the people they love (even if only via FaceTime), appreciating nature, embracing new hobbies, making time for healthy habits, and just taking life at a slower pace in general. The LIFEAID team shares how they are practicing social distancing and embracing all the good things that have come out of this otherwise difficult time.

Wishing everyone health & calm.
—Your LIFEAID family

Aaron (President & co-founder)

Aaron & his family

Destiny (Email marketing)

Sabine (Accounting)

Hannah (Graphic design)

Hannah, practicing yoga at home

Karis (Field marketing & social media)

Karis & fur friends

Claudia (Operations)

Ashley (Sales)

Katie (Social media)

Katie, in her home office

Orion (CEO and co-founder)

Orion & daughters in Santa Cruz

The biggest blessing for me during this crazy time of uncertainty has been how much quality time I get to spend with my two beautiful daughters. It's a perfect reminder to us all—never take these moments for granted, they are just waiting to shine through amidst all the chaos.
—Orion Melehan, LIFEAID CEO and co-founder

Need another good excuse to move your body?

> > > Stay healthy.

While this has been a time of uncertainty around the world, one thing is certain: social distancing is leading many of us to a revolutionary time as a society, we’re witnessing a ‘closening’ of relationships. People are reflecting on what matters most in their lives, surrounding themselves with the people they love (even if only […]

Featuring Dr. Nick of @thefittestdoc and Aaron Hinde, co-founder and president of LIFEAID®

What’s stress got to do with it? Can’t I just double up on vitamins to stay healthy? With the expertise of Dr. Nick, MD, also known as “The Fittest Doc,” alongside co-founder and president of LIFEAID® Aaron Hinde, we are debunking some of the top immunity myths while providing health tips that will actually help keep your immune system firing on all cylinders.


“It is important to try to reduce anxiety in order to keep your immune system working at maximum capacity. Chronic stressors like a stressful job or home life or even persistent non-transient states of anxiety...tend to cause an inflammatory state physiologically and a persistent depression of our own ability to fight off infection,” says Dr. Nick. 

TIP: If you are feeling anxious, try meditating or practicing breathwork exercises to help reduce stress. Dr. Aaron Hinde, says “My daily life at LIFEAID can be hectic, so I’ve created a morning routine practicing breathwork and meditation to help me stay calm and grounded throughout the day.”

BONUS: Here is a simple breathwork exercise that you can do anywhere:

  1. Get into a comfortable position 
  2. Place your hand on your chest and your other hand on your belly
  3. Take a deep (belly) breath in while counting to five in your head.
  4. Pause, then slowly and fully exhale your breath.
  5. Repeat for a few minutes, until you feel calm & relaxed.


“From the research that I’ve seen, exercise is no different than any other stressor,” says Dr. Nick. “Transient stressors involving family, work and even exercise have been shown to be associated with strengthening the immune system.” Moving the body will release endorphins — the ‘feel good hormone’ — which reduces cortisol levels and thus improves your immunity response. 

TIP #1: Go for a 15-minute walk outside to release endorphins and reduce stress. (You will also be getting the added benefit of absorbing Vitamin D from the sun.)

TIP #2:  If you are not feeling well, skip the gym. “Self isolate to keep others safe,” says Dr. Nick. “Even though you may know what health issues you have, you have no idea what other people at the gym have.”


“If hand sanitizer has 60 percent of alcohol or higher, then it can be just as effective as washing your hands with soap, if applied properly,” according to Dr. Nick.

TIP #1:  Make sure to wash hands for at least 20 seconds.  Many germs live underneath the fingernails, Dr. Nick recommends putting soap on the palm of one hand and cleaning your nails of the opposite hand by lighting scratching the soapy palm.

TIP #2: For maximum effectiveness, coat your entire hand (front and back) when using hand sanitizer, then let it air dry.


There is no proof of the added benefits from consuming extra vitamins and supplements (above & beyond the daily recommended amounts), unless your body is nutrient deficient. However, if you aren’t consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables, you may need to look for an extra immune boost from supplementation

Dr. Nick also adds, “There is no solid evidence that vitamins like echinacea, zinc and vitamin C effectively treat the common cold; However, there is absolutely some data showing there is a significant decrease in illness duration if taken before onset of symptoms.”

TIP: Need a boost? Try IMMUNITYAID. The IMMUNITYAID Wellness Blend delivers key vitamins and nutrients to naturally help boost your immune system, with 20x more Vitamin C than one orange, plus other natural ingredients like Echinacea, Zinc & Astragalus Root in every can. IMMUNITYAID is the simple and delicious way to get your vitamins and stay defended, with only 40 calories and a refreshing Orange Burst flavor kids & adults love!

> > > Be well.

Featuring Dr. Nick of @thefittestdoc and Aaron Hinde, co-founder and president of LIFEAID® What’s stress got to do with it? Can’t I just double up on vitamins to stay healthy? With the expertise of Dr. Nick, MD, also known as “The Fittest Doc,” alongside co-founder and president of LIFEAID® Aaron Hinde, we are debunking some […]

Sunshine has a bigger impact on health than most would think. Simply going outside and getting some sunshine can boost your mood, energy levels, and immune function. This connection between sunlight and health sheds some light our synergistic relationship with nature.

While there is concern over potential damage to the skin and the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, moderate sun exposure is still recommended. The benefits of moderate sun exposure go beyond the skin- they affect the entire organism.

Here are the top three reasons to go into nature and enjoy the sunshine:

1). Vitamin D

Vitamin D synthesis is perhaps the most well-known benefit of sunlight. Our skin naturally makes vitamin D in response to light stimuli and going into the daylight will promote it. It is a powerful antioxidant that boosts mood, energy levels, bone density, and immune function.

It is possible that going into the sunlight will not promote sufficient vitamin D and need to supplement. Ongoing research on this vitamin suggests that it has a unique role in preventing upper respiratory infections and certain types of cancer. Since vitamin D deficiency is common, it is recommended to supplement it if you spend most of the day indoors.

2). Circadian Regulation

The light stimulation from the sun helps regulate the circadian rhythm- a daily rhythm of hormone oscillations that follow roughly a 24-hour cycle. Melatonin is perhaps the most well-known hormone that follows this pattern. The circadian rhythm is key to getting good sleep at night and being productive during the day.

Light stimuli from the sun regulate our internal biological clock (the suprachiasmatic nucleus) which in turn influences many homeostatic functions in the body- like body temperature. Waking-up to the morning sunlight will help ensure that you are alert during the day and sleepy at night.

3). Biodiversity

Apart from sunlight, spending time outdoors is good for stimulating our immune system and gaining biodiversity in our microbial populations. The outdoors (the wind, the earth, the plants) is full of different types of antigens to which our immune system responds and adapts to. By going out and increasing our exposure, we are strengthening our immune function.

Microbial populations in our bodies become more diverse when we interact with nature. This is beneficial because a diverse microbial population in the body helps us better respond to our environment and synchronize with it. Microbes, especially those in our gut, have been found to play countless roles in our health- from digestion to even our behavior. So go out and enjoy nature!

—Content and images courtesy of Santa Cruz Core
(All rights reserved)

> > > Live well.

Original article by Santa Cruz CORE  |  April 3, 2019 Sunshine has a bigger impact on health than most would think. Simply going outside and getting some sunshine can boost your mood, energy levels, and immune function. This connection between sunlight and health sheds some light our synergistic relationship with nature. While there is concern over potential damage […]