The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes plenty of crowded planes, trains & automobiles!

Dr. Allison Brager tells us about the clean, active ingredients in ImmunityAid which can help boost your immune system.

I travel often for my profession, and I travel across many time-zones, so I know firsthand about “jet lag”. I have studied jet lag and its many awful side effects in the lab. In these studies, I mimicked worldwide travel in rodent models in order to study the effects on the brain, physiology, and genetics. From these studies, I've found that the rodent brain is overactive even seven days after a bout of travel. These animals were also more prone to sickness and had lots of inflammation. Sure these are rodents, but there is actually a lot of symmetry in the brain and physiology between mice and men.

I was very pleased to see that the active ingredients in ImmunityAid are plant-based medicines that have been widely studied and utilized in recent years to ameliorate jet lag.

Three of these ingredients have been widely studied in neuroscience and are thought to be essential for protecting the brain against neurodegenerative disorders: Turmeric, Valerian Root and Ginger. Each has a unique contribution to neuroscience research.


Turmeric is a major export of India and is found in many curries. Its cultivation is dependent on heavy rainfall, which lends support to its biochemical significance. The active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is a very attractive antioxidant candidate in Alzheimer's research. It suppresses certain genes and biological factors that are increased in expression with stressors such as time-zone jet lag.


The biochemical powers of Valerian root have been known for many centuries. It has been widely recognized as a hypnotic (i.e. sleep-promoting agent) and anxiolytic (i.e. anxiety-alleviating agent). It is so biochemically powerful because it increases activity in one of the major inhibitory systems of the brain, fine-tuning the system and ensuring that the system does not overreact to stress.


Ginger (much like turmeric) is thought to be an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It has been widely studied in the treatments of nausea and arthritis—two conditions that can be exacerbated by travel.

To conclude, I have spent ten years studying why and how animals adapt to stress in their environment. The science fascinates me but practical application of this science fascinates me even more. We know travel is inevitable and necessary for many professionals and athletes.

So, what can you do to reduce risks of sickness when traveling? Drink ImmunityAid, to start.

Dr. Allison Brager, Neuroscientist

Source: Original June 20, 2016 product review

> > > Live well.

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes plenty of crowded planes, trains & automobiles! Dr. Allison Brager tells us about the clean, active ingredients in ImmunityAid which can help boost your immune system. I travel often for my profession, and I travel across many time-zones, so I know firsthand about “jet lag”. […]

Original article posted Oct. 18, 2018 by 

If you’re not already familiar with FITAID athlete Logan Aldridge, then read our mini-profile on this unbelievable adaptive athlete.

In short, Logan lost his left arm in a boating accident when he was 13 years old. But this guy isn’t one to just “survive” but thrive.

He currently holds the World Record for the most one arm/one leg push-ups in 1 minute and for most weight cleaned with one arm in 1 minute. He also boasts a 315 pound front squat and a 455 pound deadlift. He can also climb a rope with one hand, and yes, he has his sights on doing them legless.

You get the point.

The story.

So a few weeks back, Logan was competing in a Spartan Race when he approached the side-by-side rings across a moat. These are challenging even for strong athletes with two arms.

Logan has one, but that doesn’t matter to Logan.

“I did not complete this obstacle. I failed. But that was okay. ‘It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you fail by default.’ It is ‘impossible’ for me to complete a Spartan Race without failing at least one obstacle. That does not discourage me or reduce my confidence. It excites me! Failure is inevitable, so fail forward,” Logan wrote on Instagram.

Check out these photos, then be more like Logan.

> > > Live well.

Original article posted Oct. 18, 2018 by MORNING CHALK UP If you’re not already familiar with FITAID athlete Logan Aldridge, then read our mini-profile on this unbelievable adaptive athlete. . In short, Logan lost his left arm in a boating accident when he was 13 years old. But this guy isn’t one to just “survive” but thrive. He […]

Bedros Keuilian is known as the “hidden genius” behind some of the fitness industry’s most successful movers and shakers.

In addition to serving as the founder and CEO of the international fitness franchise Fit Body Boot Camp, he teaches entrepreneurs how to attract massive amounts of leads, how to close leads on long-term, high-priced services, and how to scale to six, seven, even eight figures.

We sat down with Bedros to pick his brain about business and what it takes to run your own entrepreneurial empire.

Q: In your book Man Up, you talk about how most entrepreneurs are held back by the excuses they make. How do you condition yourself to stop making excuses without getting too down on yourself?

Bedros: You have to realize that you’re in control. See, we like to hand the pen over to everyone else and let them write our story for us. Think about it. When something bad happens to you, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? It’s might be something like, “Oh, well I don’t have the knowledge to make money,” or,  “I’m just not meant to be in this industry.” You have to cut the negativity out. You don’t have the knowledge? Hire a coach, go buy an online course and learn. Can’t market? Go find the best marketers and study what they do. We have so many free resources available to us today; there’s no room for saying “I can’t do it.”

Man up and realize that you’re the one in control, not everyone else, and especially not the doubts that pop up in your head.

I used to make excuses for myself. I’d tell myself, “I’m just a college dropout foreigner who wasn’t meant for money.” Then I realized that what I was using as an excuse was actually my edge, that I had faced so much resistance that I was forced to grow as a person. So I stopped making excuses for myself and thought,

“How can I take back control of my own life?”

Q: You talk about how entrepreneurs need to adhere to “The 5% Rule.” What does that mean, and why do so many entrepreneurs struggle to stick to their 5%?

Bedros: Because most entrepreneurs want to do everything. Let’s go back to that first question. As the leader of your business, 95% of the stuff that needs to get done can be done by others. In other words, you’re probably not the one at your office cleaning toilets, right? You could just pay someone to do it. Yet there’s 5% of the work that you, and only you, can do. That’s what you need to focus on. For me, my 5% is to delegate, motivate, and sell. Anything that falls outside of that—writing blogs, editing videos, handling customer service, etc—is done by someone on my team.

The problem with most entrepreneurs, especially new entrepreneurs, is that they try to do everything themselves.

That only lasts until your growth exceeds how much you can do, and the last thing you want is to shut down because you can’t keep up with your business’s success.

I used to take sales calls, even though I was the CEO of my own company and had hired a sales team. Now every time we get a new sales team member, they watch a video of me teaching the sales process and learn how to sell like I would. I used to write the blogs, but now I train our in-house copywriters how to write in my voice—what I would and wouldn’t say. Through teaching, I free myself up to focus on my own 5%.

Q: Ok, so you talk about how people have “crabs” in their lives that they need to get rid of. What does that mean?

Bedros: So let me tell you a little story here. I was on a cruise with my wife years ago. Her parents were nice enough to treat us to this cruise, even though I had no money at the time. Anyways, we’re in Alaska, and I’m walking by the water. All of the sudden, I see this guy pulling a net filled with crabs out of the water. He then puts these crabs in this bucket that was next to him.

So I look into the bucket and see one of the crabs—this ambitious crab—crawling over the rest of the crabs in the bucket and aiming for the brim. He was trying to escape. I had to say something, so I tell the guy, “Hey man, that crab is going to escape from your bucket.” He looks at me and says, “Watch what happens next.”

Almost instantly the other crabs began to pull the ambitious crab back down, right as he was about to escape to freedom. They pulled him down and returned him back to where he started—right at the bottom of the bucket with the rest of the group.

See, negative people are like the crabs in this story. The people who doubt you when you tell them your dreams. The ones that suck the life right out of you because they’re critical and cynical.

You want to protect your dreams from these people, because they’ll pull you down if you don’t—just like crabs tried to pull that one crab down when he was just trying to escape his fate. I’ve had family members question me when I’d tell them my dreams. I had an 11th grade teacher tell me I was gonna be a failure unless I went to the army. But I tuned those people out. I choose to surround myself with uplifters, with visionaries, with fellow entrepreneurs who know what it’s like to pursue something you dream about. As an entrepreneur, you are the sum of the 5 people you hang around most. Make sure those five people are positive and for your vision.

Q: You say that everyone has a purpose. How do you know that you’ve found your purpose in business?

Bedros: Most people think you’re born with a purpose, when really you can develop your purpose over time. Look, I started out as a young high school kid who was interested in fitness because I wanted to ask this one girl out to prom. I turned that passion into beginning my personal training career and eventually founding of one of the top fitness franchises in the world. Then, I started to develop a passion for mentoring other fitness entrepreneurs who had no idea what to do in business. Again, I pivoted to focus my energy on coaching and consulting them. So really you develop your purpose around your passions, and you need to. When shit hits the fan, and it will, you need to have a strong reason behind why you do what you do. When you can overcome that adversity and move forward, that’s when you know you’ve found your purpose.

Q: How exactly do people man up and dominate in business and in life?

Bedros: Ha! You’ll have to read the book to find out. But I’ll give you a little sneak peek. In business, you need to cut the bullshit and stop putting stuff off. Go fire that business partner that’s weighing down your business. Go have that tough conversation with that team member that needs to step things up. Stop following your emotions and start doing what makes sense for your business. In life, it’s the same thing. You don’t have to compromise your values for anyone.

Man up and stand for what you believe in.

Stop avoiding fear—embrace it and grow through that resistance.


> > > Live well.

Bedros Keuilian is known as the “hidden genius” behind some of the fitness industry’s most successful movers and shakers. In addition to serving as the founder and CEO of the international fitness franchise Fit Body Boot Camp, he teaches entrepreneurs how to attract massive amounts of leads, how to close leads on long-term, high-priced services, […]

By: Karenia Bowman |

As a chef, I’m highly inspired by all-things food. I love all of the seasonal offerings available toward the end of the year and everything butternut squash is no exception. Even though butternut squash is widely available year-round, it is best known as a winter squash. It’s deliciously soft, sweet and nutty, not to mention easy to prepare, and extremely versatile. One of my favorite seasonal pairings this time of year is butternut squash along with a deliciously savory breakfast sausage.

I know, most people think sausage isn’t conducive to a fit and healthy lifestyle but it can be—dreams really do come true!

With a simple healthy swap of low-fat chicken sausage instead of full-fat pork sausage, you can still indulge without derailing your lifestyle goals or sacrificing flavor. Sometimes I buy my sausage from my local grocer’s butcher department, and sometimes I make my own from scratch (it’s actually easier than you think). Whether your chicken sausage is store-bought or homemade, it’s absolutely delicious when paired with butternut squash. I also love to add a little kale to the mix because it transforms this dynamic duo into a serious triple threat in everything you enjoy them in.

Breakfast is my love language. I have to have it or else I don’t feel whole. I really believe it completes my life. Every morning I cheerfully make my breakfast while sipping an ice-cold protein latte—it’s my ritual … what can I say? More often than not, my morning typically starts with an egg/egg white-based dish. Some mornings, I’ll enjoy my egg muffins on the go, and some mornings I'll opt for a scramble or an omelet of some kind at home. I’ve also been known to savagely chug my egg whites over ice with a morning bowl of oats. At my core, I'm a creature of healthy habits. I start most days with an egg white/egg-based dish because they are high in muscle-building protein, they are deliciously satiating and extremely versatile.

When it comes to mornings, I recognize the fact that most don’t have the time to sit and prepare a full-on breakfast.

If it comes down to hitting the snooze button two to three times, or cooking breakfast ... chances are, most people will opt for the snooze. I’m a firm believer in “having it all," so why not hit the snooze button a few more times and relish the extra sleep while still managing to start your day with a fit, filling, seasonal breakfast on the go? Well, with these deliciously convenient egg muffins, you totally can!

As a chef, my absolute passion is creating balanced solutions for healthier living.

Creating solutions that are actually doable is always my goal, and these savory breakfast egg muffins do not disappoint. Whether you are someone who doesn’t have much experience in the kitchen, or someone who is a seasoned pro, you can easily throw these into your regular breakfast rotation. They require minimal effort and masquerade as convenient protein-packed snacks, ideal for anytime you need a healthy and filling on-the-go snack.

If you have a hectic morning ahead of you, make these little babies the night before. Simply reheat them in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Voila! You have an instant, homemade high-protein breakfast ready to enjoy before you start your busy day!

R  E  C  I  P  E

Butternut Squash, Sausage, Kale Egg Muffins
Servings: 12
60 calories per serving
Macros: 7g Protein | 3g Carbs | 2g Fat

4 oz. low-fat chicken breakfast sausage, casings removed
1.5 cups butternut squash, diced
1.25 cups loosely packed Lacinto kale, chopped
1.5 cups liquid egg whites
4 eggs
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
Coarse ground pepper & Kosher salt, to taste

1. Spray a muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray and set aside. Dice butternut squash into small bite-sized pieces and set aside. Chop the kale leaves and set aside, discarding the stems. Heat a large nonstick skillet over low heat. Spray the surface of the skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Transfer the butternut squash cubes and sauté for 7-10 minutes or until tender. When the butternut squash is done, remove the cubes from the skillet and set aside.

2. Wipe down the skillet and spray the surface with non-stick cooking spray. Transfer the low-fat chicken sausage to the skillet. Cook until the meat is no longer pink and begins to brown. While the sausage is cooking, break the pieces into bite-sized crumbles with the corner of the spatula. When the sausage is done cooking, remove the skillet from the heat and transfer the sausage to a colander and drain (optional).

3. Wipe down the skillet and spray the surface of the skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Heat the skillet over low heat. Add butternut squash, sausage and kale to the skillet. Cook until the kale leaves begin to soften and wilt. When done, remove the skillet from the heat and let the mixture cool.

4. In a small mixing bowl, add the eggs and egg whites. Season the egg mixture with granulated garlic, salt & pepper and whisk until well combined.

5. Ladle/pour the egg mixture halfway up into each muffin cavity. When cool enough to handle, disperse the filling evenly among each cavity. Place the muffin tin on top of a sheet pan (larger than the muffin tin). Place the muffins in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until done with no liquid remaining. When done, remove the muffins from the oven and let cool.

6. When the egg muffins have cooled, enjoy immediately or transfer to an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator for later.

> > > Live well!



By: Karenia Bowman | As a chef, I’m highly inspired by all-things food. I love all of the seasonal offerings available toward the end of the year and everything butternut squash is no exception. Even though butternut squash is widely available year-round, it is best known as a winter squash. It’s deliciously soft, sweet and nutty, […]

Professional athletes do not wake up every morning and begin their training session by playing a full game, start to finish, of their specific sport. Rather, they lift weights, practice skill transfer exercises, run sprint drills, do yoga (if they’re smart) and learn the required strategies to help them become better athletes in their sport. So, why do the most serious yogis in the world practice yoga six days a week as their training?

Answer: We can do better.


Here are five (5) movements any yogi can practice during training to help enhance their experience on the mat and remain injury free:

1. Box Squats

Two words: Posterior chain. Yoga does a great deal to build our anterior chain—hello, Chaturanga!—but when it comes to our glutes and hammies, we’re often left with all stretch and no strength. We love the box squat for its capacity to build strength in your back body while also creating stability in your core. It’s also an effective movement to help prevent wear and tear on the cartilage surrounding your hip joints.

2. Strict Pull-Ups

Yoga is all about balance. Pose, counter-pose, pose, counter-pose. Unfortunately, as yogis, we push and push and push with no pull. Adding strict pull-ups (or ring rows) to your routine can help balance all the pushing we do on our mats, allowing us to better hold our own if we’re ever challenged to a game of tug-o-war with a group of paddlers.

3. Hollow Body Rocks/Holds

All yogis want to stand on their hands and have a few arm balances in their back pocket as fun party tricks. Hollow body rocks and holds are a perfect way to build the core stability needed for achieving complex gymnastics movements such as handstand. The best gymnasts in the world use these movements as part of their regular training, which allows us as yogis to benefit from their expertise, mirror their techniques in practice and improve our abilities to gravity surf like a boss.

4. Hill Sprints

Yes, it’s as simple as running up a hill — fast. Yoga is an amazing practice, but it’s not a complete physical practice because we rarely encourage a spike in our heart rate. By adding (up-hill) sprints into your practice, your body gets a stimulus that is imperative to maintaining overall physical health. Having that extra stimulus will also prevent you from pushing too hard on your yoga mat where overexertion often leads to injury.

5. Turkish Get-Ups

Stability, balance, strength, rotation and unilateral loading all come together into this one elegant movement. The Turkish Get-Up is an incredible exercise to help you practice stabilizing your body under a load. Many yogis struggle to balance on one foot and/or create a stable shoulder position in downward-facing dog. Practicing the Turkish Get-Up with a dumbbell or kettlebell will drastically improve these two essential pieces of your yoga practice while also building core stability and breath awareness.

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Now that you have the tools, it’s time to find yourself a badass coach and supplement one day of your practice per week with these functional training techniques.

You’re guaranteed to be the strongest, most sustainable yogi on the mat as a result.

Debbie Steingesser, E-RYT 500, CF-L2, has been teaching her inspired approach to Vinyasa yoga for over a decade. She holds her Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher certification at the 500-hour level with the Yoga Alliance and is a CrossFit Level-Two Coach. Debbie was named one of the “Top Yoga Teachers in the Bay Area” by Common Ground Magazine in 2008, and has been a featured presenter at Yoga Reaches Out, Bhakti Fest and various international retreats. For the past eight years, Debbie has been a committed brand ambassador for Lululemon Athletica.

Debbie’s mission is to guide individuals towards a deeper sense of strength, balance and personal power through yoga and movement. She is the creator of, a website and interactive community bringing accessible yoga practices to athletes. Debbie provides regular content and offers her Functional Yoga For Athletics seminar through Debbie’s classes and workshops are fun, challenging and open to all experience levels.

To find out more, visit: and follow @debbiesteingesser on Instagram.

> > > Live well!

Professional athletes do not wake up every morning and begin their training session by playing a full game, start to finish, of their specific sport. Rather, they lift weights, practice skill transfer exercises, run sprint drills, do yoga (if they’re smart) and learn the required strategies to help them become better athletes in their sport. […]

By: Megan Schrader |

We all have egos.

What affects our ego, how our ego presents itself and when it rears its ugly head will, however, vary from person to person. In the gym, our egos can either result in displays of confidence or cockiness. What often differentiates the two is simply the outward reaction of a person either to their own performance or the performance of a competitor. (Note: I’m using the term competitor loosely, as I’m not necessarily talking about competitive athletes. While it may be a competitive athlete, it’s more likely to be as basic as the person next to us in the gym who we feel we stack up against.) A cocky CrossFitter is going to be that guy or girl walking around needing to outwardly prove themselves for their own self-assurance. Does everyone recognize how well he or she did? If not, they’ll boast about it and circle the conversation back to their own performance seeking out praise.

They will make comments about edging out their competition, or off-handedly remark that "it really wasn't that hard" ... knowing full well it was hard—in fact, it sucked.

Maybe their performance isn’t what they expected and they didn’t get the fastest time or the most reps, now the opposite will be true. They’ll get upset, they’ll sulk in the corner, and they’ll usually stay quiet when it comes to conversations regarding performance. They don’t have anything to talk about because in their eyes, they failed. At the root of our cocky person are deeply rooted insecurities regarding their self worth and value.

What about confidence? Confidence is essentially the opposite of cockiness. The confident CrossFitter doesn’t need to outwardly prove themselves via their performance. This man or woman understands this one key fact:

Self worth isn’t attached to the scores, times or weights posted after a workout.

After all, it is just a workout. If they win, it will feel good, there’s not denying that. But if they don’t top the leaderboard it’s not the end of the world,
and they won’t try to offer up excuses for why they didn’t perform at the top. If the confident CrossFitter gets edged out, they won’t necessarily feel threatened by whoever beat them. It might sting a little to be beat, CrossFit is inherently competitive and nobody enjoys losing, but they won’t take this to heart or let it raise questions about their worth.

We will all have moments of cockiness because we all have egos that enjoy having the spotlight shining on them. In a CrossFit setting, we bring out everyone’s competitive spirit, whether it be little or massive. The way we harness that spirit and how it shapes the way we view ourselves will be difference between falling victim to perpetual cocky moments or the rare, occasional cockiness. At the end of the day, 99% of us are not professional CrossFitters. We don’t have endorsement deals or sponsorships, and our performance doesn’t dictate how much money we bring in annually. We’re doing this for fun and because regular gym workouts “didn’t do it” for us.

So if your workout makes or breaks your day, start asking yourself why?

Why is it so important to you? The answer may just surprise you, help you reassess your training priorities and create new goals.


Live well!

By: Megan Schrader | We all have egos. What affects our ego, how our ego presents itself and when it rears its ugly head will, however, vary from person to person. In the gym, our egos can either result in displays of confidence or cockiness. What often differentiates the two is simply the outward reaction of […]

By: Natalie Schmett |

What does "warming up" before a round entail?

If you only had five minutes to get to the tee box, what would you do? Most would say, "Hit as many golf balls as possible." However, I disagree. So many players spend time beating golf balls on the range with no intent, which ultimately does nothing to their game on course. It’s important to develop good habits before hitting the links, no matter how much time you have to warm up before.

Each individual player will have different routine, but the point of warming up on the range before a round is to actually warm your body up. I've come across so many players who are way too concerned about how they're hitting the ball versus getting their body loose and ready for play.

1. Find a stretching routine that works for you.

Include a combination of the following:

1.       Hip stretches

2.      Arm stretches

3.       Neck and back stretches

2. Start with short wedge shots—don’t rush!


3. Quality over quantity.

Choose a few different clubs to hit throughout your entire warm up. Take your time, and do a lot of short game before you even head to the tee box.

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Keep your warm-up simple and get your body loose!

This will benefit you immediately upon tee off. Follow the above steps and you'll be ready to start scoring on the first tee versus finally feeling loose on the back nine! And to boost your golf performance on the green, try the best golf drink on the market, GOLFERAID Performance Blend.


> > > Live well!



By: Natalie Schmett | What does “warming up” before a round entail? If you only had five minutes to get to the tee box, what would you do? Most would say, “Hit as many golf balls as possible.” However, I disagree. So many players spend time beating golf balls on the range with no intent, which […]

By: Karenia Bowman |

Salmon is one of my favorite seafood superstars.

It’s an excellent source of protein, jam packed full of healthy Omega-3’s, and really good for the heart. Don’t get me started on the taste! Not only is salmon a quick and healthy option, salmon is an absolutely delicious option as well. This time of year, we have a tendency to embrace the heartier comfort foods we all know and love, but lighter fare can be just as comforting, especially if you embrace all the season has to offer.

Salmon is a great protein option you can enjoy year-round and can easily be customized for your seasonal needs. Whether you are rushing home after running endless holiday errands, or you have dinner guests and are in need of something easy and elegant without being too pretentious, or perhaps you just need a convenient option that gives you that fun seasonal moment while keeping your lifestyle practices fit and flexible, salmon is the jam! One of favorite ways to prepare salmon involves a tried and true two-step process: marinate & broil. With a few simple ingredients like an orange, a drizzle of honey and a few cloves of garlic, you can easily transform a simple fillet of salmon into an unforgettable main dish that will leave your taste buds singing (and your guests raving).

As we all know, the holiday season brings joy, laughter, and festivities galore. Unfortunately, it’s also the season for coughs, colds, sneezes, and sniffles.

Being a health-focused chef, I’m all for wellness support and the healing properties found in foods.


Did you know that you can use easily accessible, affordable, seasonal ingredients that help boost your precious immune system when you become the most vulnerable? Well, you can…and this recipe is a perfect example. I absolutely love oranges. Mandarin oranges, Navel oranges, Blood oranges, and so many more. Oranges are an awesome ingredient when preparing both sweet and savory dishes. Oranges are sweet, juicy and loaded with the immunity supporting, antioxidant protection of Vitamin C. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C is an easy, convenient (and tasty) approach to the common cold prevention that many of us need this time of year.

Honey (aka: liquid gold!) is a common ingredient I incorporate into many of my dishes, especially marinades. Most of us have a jar or bottle on hand even though it’s delicious healing properties are often overlooked. Honey is a natural cough suppressant, which can be really beneficial this time of year. It has been suggested that by enjoying a teaspoon or two of mother nature’s sweet throat-coating nectar, you can silence a pesky nighttime cough so your restful night’s sleep can resume. For those of you who love a little trivia, the Manuka Honey variety is especially good for us. It is know to help us combat all of the seasonal “sickies” that we often encounter this time of year.

Manuka honey contains anti-­inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.

Last but certainly not least, we have to give some love to garlic. Garlic has and always will be one of my go-to ingredients. On one hand, it elevates the taste of absolutely anything and everything. On the other, it’s just plain good for you. Don’t let the size of a garlic clove fool you. Garlic may be small, but it’s mighty—packing quite the nutritional powered punch! Research suggests that garlic can help combat coughs and colds. Garlic is also known to be a heart-healthy food and can even assist in healthy digestion.

These three immune boosting superfoods are not only delicious on their own, but they make a delicious marinade as well. I love teamwork, and these three all-stars paired with some fresh salmon hit a home run for an immune-boosting, wellness-supporting entree that requires minimal time and effort.

R  E  C  I  P  E

Sweet Garlic Citrus Marinated Salmon
Servings: 4
318 calories per serving
Macros: 32g Protein | 8g Carbs | 16g Fat

1 lb. Atlantic Salmon fillet
zest from 1 whole orange
1/2 cup orange juice, fresh-squeezed
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
1 Tbl. honey
2 tsp. olive oil
1/4 tsp. Kosher salt

1. Preheat the broiler. Line a sheet pan with foil and set aside. Mince the garlic cloves and add
them to the mixing bowl. Grate the orange peel and transfer the zest to the mixing bowl.
Squeeze the orange and add the juice to the mixing bowl. Add the remaining marinade
ingredients to the bowl and whisk until well combined.

2. Place the salmon fillet in a large resealable bag. Pour the marinade into the resealable bag
over the salmon, remove any air, and seal the bag. Place the salmon in the refrigerator for a
minimum of one hour, flipping once halfway through.

3. Remove the fillet from the resealable bag and place it on the sheet pan. Pour the remaining
marinade over the salmon fillet. Place the sheet pan in the broiler for 8-10 minutes, or until
the salmon begins to flake and/or the preferred level of done-ness is achieved. When the
salmon is done broiling, remove the sheet pan from the oven and let the salmon rest for 10
minutes. After the salmon has rested, enjoy immediately or transfer to an airtight container
and store in the refrigerator for later.


> > > Live well!

By: Karenia Bowman | Salmon is one of my favorite seafood superstars. It’s an excellent source of protein, jam packed full of healthy Omega-3’s, and really good for the heart. Don’t get me started on the taste! Not only is salmon a quick and healthy option, salmon is an absolutely delicious option as well. This time […]

Festivals are fun!

On one hand, festivals often leave us with some of our favorite memories and experiences. But, they can also be a long and grueling few days. After attending my fair share of festivals, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks that will help you have the best possible festival experience.

Tip #1: Stay Hydrated

I can’t stress this enough: Remember to drink lots of water! Festival days can be long, especially when you spend 10-12 hours on your feet, dancing ‘til your heart’s content. As a result, you’re sweating in the heat and losing valuable electrolytes. So always remember to hydrate throughout the day and night. Consider investing in a refillable bottle or canteen that you can keep with you — I promise, it’ll be worth its weight in gold.

Tip #2: Designate a Meet-Up Point

Festivals are big and there are large crowds of people everywhere. You’re bound to lose your friend from sight at some point, or have to deal with someone in your group wandering off (if they’re a wanderer like I am). Festivals are also notorious for not having very good cell phone coverage since there are so many people competing for reception. For these reasons, it’s a great idea to remember to pick a meet-up point in advance! Usually, my friends and I try to pick something that’s visible from far away, like a large art sculpture. Then we stand by it whenever we lose a friend in our group. That way, it’s always easy to find the designated meet-up point in the bustle of the crow and reconnect easily with your group.

Tip #3: Wear Comfy Shoes

Fashion is a very integral part of any festival experience. Oftentimes, people put their best foot (or footwear) forward — literally. It may be the only time some of us can let our fashionista souls shine! However, standing around for 10-12 hours in those cute booties or heels you got just for the festival is simply not practical. Instead, I recommend wearing something you’re more comfortable in, such as sneakers. That way, you can really go all out and dance ‘til you drop instead of leaving the festival barefoot with your blistered, sore feet and your “cute” shoes tucked under your arm.

Tip #4: Send Texts with Timestamps

Discovering your cell phone gets a spotty signal is something you can expect at most festivals. So if you are texting your friends, get in the habit of adding a timestamp to each text. For example: “We’re at the meet-up spot. 12:45.” That way, whenever the text finally goes through, your friends can see how long ago the text was actually sent and know whether you’re likely still at the meet-up point or not. Anything to make it easier to find and keep tabs on your buddies is a good idea.

Tip #5: Invest in Batteries

We all want to capture that magic moment on our phone or camera — whether you intend to share it with the world or you just want some photos and videos as keepsakes to remember what an awesome time you had. Regardless, all those cute photos and videos you take are definitely going to drain your battery, fast. Not to mention, if you’re constantly checking set times or texting your friends to track down their location, your battery will get zapped even quicker. Since you want to be sure your battery will last the whole day, it’s a great idea to bring a small external battery to the festival. You can connect the battery to recharge your phone (or camera) throughout the day. Another easy trick I’ve learned is to simply put your phone on “airplane mode” when you’re not using it — that way it doesn’t waste unnecessary energy trying to find cell phone coverage, run background apps or refresh. With an external battery by your side, you’ll be sure you never miss the perfect shot.

C  O  N  C  L  U  S  I  O  N

Armed with these tips and tricks, you’re ready to go off and have the festival experience of a lifetime!


> > > Live well!

Festivals are fun! On one hand, festivals often leave us with some of our favorite memories and experiences. But, they can also be a long and grueling few days. After attending my fair share of festivals, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks that will help you have the best possible festival experience. Tip #1: Stay Hydrated […]

The natural ingredients in LIFEAID HEMP contain balancing adaptogens (lemon balm and rosemary) and hemp extract to help you find your bliss in everyday life. Crack a can anytime you're looking for that perfect zen moment. Proudly brought to you by LIFEAID Beverage Co., your trusted supplement brand since 2011. Discover more about the ingredients in LIFEAID HEMP below.

What are cannabinoids?

There are more than 100 known active cannabinoids, the compounds found in the hemp plant. Many scientific and health related research studies have been performed on these molecules.

The LIFEAID HEMP Blend uses Ojai Energetics™ broad spectrum hemp which contains high level of active cannabinoids which are not intoxicating when isolated, so they will not cause the euphoric high or psychoactive effects associated with THC.

IMPORTANT: LIFEAID HEMP is 100% THC-free, non-addictive and non-psychoactive.

To learn more about the difference between CBD, HEMP and THC, visit

What are adaptogens?

The LIFEAID HEMP Blend contains several key adaptogens, which are basically any herbal supplement or natural source which helps to promote homeostasis—or balance—in the body.

The adaptogens lemon balm and rosemary are both natural sources used in LIFEAID HEMP to help balance the mind & body.

What other ingredients are in LIFEAID HEMP?

What do hemp products taste like?

Not all hemp products are created equal, ranging in form and flavor.

LIFEAID HEMP is lightly carbonated and has a refreshingly light Herbal Lemon taste. It may remind you of sipping lemonade on a sunny day, offering subtle hints of rosemary and lemon balm.

Get ready to enjoy the light, refreshing Herbal Lemon taste of LIFEAID HEMP—now you can drink happy thoughts. Every can is 100% THC-free, only 40 calories and contains adaptogens (rosemary and lemon balm) and hemp extract to help provide balanced bliss in your everyday life. 

When should I drink LIFEAID HEMP?

LIFEAID HEMP is best enjoyed ice-cold anytime of day, to help you find those perfect zen moments amidst the stress of everyday life. It contains absolutely no THC and no caffeine—it's the perfect low-cal refreshment choice morning, noon or night. Drink a can on your break, with a meal, or whenever you just need a moment to find better balance and harmony for your mind & body.

Will I feel any strange effects from drinking LIFEAID HEMP?

LIFEAID HEMP contains absolutely no THC (the part of the hemp plant which causes psychoactive effects). That means it's non-addictive and non-psychoactive. The natural adaptogens lemon balm and rosemary along with hemp extract in LIFEAID HEMP are intended to simply help improve homeostasis (balance) in the mind and body, helping you find bliss and balance amidst those mildly stressful moments in everyday life.

Why is Ojai Energetics™ preferable to other sources on the market?

The LIFEAID HEMP Blend proudly uses Ojai Energetics broad spectrum hemp and contains no THC. (It’s 100% THC-free, non-addictive and non-psychoactive.)

Ojai Energetics broad spectrum hemp is of the rigorously tested for heavy metals, VOCs, pesticides, herbicides, microbes, terpenes & cannabinoids. 

'Broad spectrum' means that it has multiple cannabinoids, which we now know are simply the active ingredients in the hemp plant. There are currently over 100 known cannabinoids in hemp. The Ojai blend contains 10 times more active cannabinoids per milliliter than many competitors.

Another reason we chose Ojai Energetics is because they use a patented microcellular nano-encapsulation process. Generally, other broad spectrum hemp products are fat soluble, meaning they don’t absorb well into the bloodstream. Ojai Energetics has found a way around this with their nano-encapsulation process. Think of it as a sheath around these fat molecules that allow for 100% absorption into the bloodstream, making it much more potent and, subsequently, more effective.

You can learn more about Ojai Energetics at

What is nano-encapsulation?

In a nutshell, nano-encapsulation allows for faster absorption, increased bioavailability and higher potency levels. (Bioavailability is the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream.)

Now let’s break that down a bit further.

Nano-encapsulation is the patented delivery system that Ojai Energetics uses to improve the absorption rate of their hemp extract, making the hemp water soluble and more bioavailable. While other broad spectrum hemp products are fat soluble (meaning they don’t absorb well into the bloodstream), Ojai Energetics has found a way around this with their nano-encapsulation process. Think of it as a sheath around these fat molecules that allow for 100% absorption into the bloodstream, making it much more effective, much more potent.

In most hemp products, up to 90% of what is ingested is destroyed by the liver and stomach acids before it is even able to be used. This is because the body doesn’t absorb fat molecules, and must encapsulate them in water inside the gut before it can be absorbed. For example, if you eat 20mg of a regular hemp oil, only 2mg of hemp is usable. So those who consume other extracts are paying for 100% of the hemp but only getting 10% of the potency, often waiting 30 minutes before any benefits even occur.

With LIFEAID HEMP, you’re getting more bang for your buck, plus a higher absorption rate due to the nano-encapsulation process used by Ojai Energetics.

What is the price point for LIFEAID HEMP?

LIFEAID HEMP currently has one of the most competitive price points on the market.

$3.99 SRP per can

12-can case of LIFEAID HEMP = $41.88 SRP   | 24-can case of LIFEAID HEMP = $83.76 SRP
Subscribe & Save (10% OFF + FREE shipping) = $37.69 SRP for 12 cans | $75.38 SRP for 24 cans
Mixed case, 24 cans (12 cans LIFEAID HEMP + 12 cans OTHER) = $71.76 SRP
Subscribe & Save (10% OFF + FREE shipping) SRP mixed case (24 cans, half HEMP) = $64.58 SRP

24-can case of LIFEAID HEMP (wholesale): $57.46

Log in to shop now at

The natural ingredients in LIFEAID HEMP contain balancing adaptogens (lemon balm and rosemary) and hemp extract to help you find your bliss in everyday life. Crack a can anytime you’re looking for that perfect zen moment. Proudly brought to you by LIFEAID Beverage Co., your trusted supplement brand since 2011. Discover more about the ingredients in […]