Top Strategies to Amp Up FITAID Sales

Running a gym is all about creating an inviting atmosphere that keeps your members motivated and excited about their fitness journey. One great way to achieve this is by offering products that enhance their workout experience. FITAID is not just a drink; it's a fitness companion that replenishes and refreshes. Here are some fantastic strategies to sell FITAID like hotcakes (well, cold cans of FITAID, to be precise!).

  1. Welcome to the FITAID Club: Show your prospects and new members some love by gifting them a free can of FITAID after their first workout. They will immediately associate FITAID with a reward and incorporate it in their workout regimen moving forward. $2.99 investment for long-term ROI. Nothing says "welcome" like a rewarding sip. It's like a high-five in a can!
  2. Sip and Sample: If you're not up for handing out whole cans, offer refreshing 3oz samples after your group classes? Give them a little taste of FITAID magic that'll leave them craving more. Keep in mind: sampling is single handedly the largest driver of repeat purchases!
  3. Keem ‘Em Chilled: Make restocking your fridge part of your closing shift. Keeping your FITAID fridge stocked each evening ensures you’ll have chilled product ready to go the next morning. Nothing tingles the taste buds more than an ice-cold can of FITAID.
  4. Prime Placement: Position your FITAID fridge front and center, where all eyes can see and all hands can reach. The more visible it is, the more irresistible it becomes. Pick a high traffic area in your space that tilts temptation.
  5. Posters and Promos: Deck out your space with FITAID posters and eye-catching point-of-sale items. Repetition is the name of the game when it comes to boosting purchases. There are plenty of options in the gym portal for you to pull from!
  6. Coach's Choice: Give your coaches a sweet deal with a discount on FITAID (say, $3 a can). They'll not only love the taste but also become your ultimate FITAID advocates. It’s a small way to say thank you!
  7. Punch It Up: Have your members prepay for FITAID with convenient punch cards. It's like a loyalty card for delicious hydration. Good ‘ole fashion punchcards are a fun - make sure to keep the hole-punch nearby and remind members to keep the card in their gym bag.
  8. Win-Win: Create a buzz with a "Buy 10, Get 1 Free" punch card promotion. It's like hitting the jackpot with every sip. The tangible card will allow members to see how close they are to earning their free can - a motivator to get more!
  9. Easy Peasy Checkout: If you're tech-savvy, make sure FITAID is pre-programmed into your system for smooth checkout at the end of the month. Simplicity and ease of use means more sales for you and less hassle for members.strategies variety
  10. Luck of the Draw: Collect used punch cards and add some excitement by drawing a punch card winner from a hat each month. The winner earns a free merchandise item AND people are encouraged to drink (and buy) more FITAID for better odds at winning.
  11. Case in Point: Offer discounted cases for members to take home. Not only do they get a deal, but you also score a nice margin. Try selling 4-packs, or a 12-pack case for $45, your members skip the shipping costs and get immediate gratification.
  12. Make It Count: When you buy 22 cases and get 2 free. Those freebies? Perfect for samples and prizes. They cost you nothing and have the potential to make you more in the long run.
  13. Nutrition Integration: Seamlessly incorporate FITAID into your nutrition counseling sessions. You’re already offering advice on what members’ should and should not be putting in their bodies; remind them to be conscious of what’s in their beverages. Propose it as a swap for high-sugar, artificially caffeinated alternatives. They’ll get more nutritional benefits by drinking a can of FITAID than a can of soda pop.
  14. Simple Sales Sheet: Use a FITAID-branded sign-out sheet for easy point-of-sale transactions. No fancy software? No problem! We provide them upon request!
  15. Flavorful Variety: Stock FITAID, FITAID RX, and FITAID Energy. Members love options, and you've got 'em covered.
  16. Social Sizzle: Harness the power of social media. Post pictures of coaches enjoying FITAID – it's an easy and effective way to spread the FITAID love. You can provide educational content and blast promotions you’re running to generate buzz!
  17. Give and Win: Host FITAID-themed giveaways on social media and in your gym. Make sure your members tag your gym and FITAID for extra exposure.

With these creative strategies and sales tactics, your gym is well on its way to becoming a FITAID hotspot. Remember, selling isn't just about products; it's about enhancing your members' experience and giving them something to look forward to post-workout. So, pop the top, enjoy a sip, and let FITAID infuse your gym with refreshing vibes that keep your members coming back for more! And if you're in doubt about which blend to choose, let our sports nutrition experts guide you! They are more than happy to help.

Remember: different strategies work for different gyms! If you've found a successful sales method we forgot to mention send us a message - we'd love to hear!

Dealing with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

When daylight hours start to decrease and it gets cold and dreary outside, many people may find themselves experiencing symptoms resembling depression during the winter months.

In this episode of The Viva Podcast, Jor-El and Rachel discuss the signs of SAD and the steps you can take to ease symptoms and feel better during the winter time.

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What to Know About Seasonal Depression

Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD — a type of depression that occurs with the changing of the seasons — can affect up to 10% of people in the United States.

Read about some of the best ways to manage SAD, how long is lasts, and why you or someone you know may be experiencing drastic mood shifts this winter.

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"Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever."

- Anonymous

6 Tips for Overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder

Even with small changes in your lifestyle, you could help yourself through Seasonal Affective Disorder. This article highlights six tips to help you find the mental relief you need to make it through the dreary winter months.


Winter Blues, Fourth Edition: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder by Norman E. Rosenthal, MD

“Picking up this book is the first step toward feeling more energized, productive, and alive--all year long.”

Whether you’re having difficulties staying motivated or feeling down in the dumps now that the weather has changed, there is a high chance you are suffering from seasonal depression. This is a common occurrence for most people, but just because it’s common doesn’t mean it should go untreated or unnoticed. We all need a little bit of encouragement from time to time, but especially when we’re feeling down. In this book by Norman E. Rosenthal, MD, you can hopefully find all of the insight and encouragement you need to get through this season of life and the ones to follow.

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How Your Environment Affects Your Mental Health

The state of your surroundings can affect you mentally whether you know it or not. Things such as messes, dishes in the sink, the heat or the cold can affect your mood and can add to any stress you might be feeling. Most often these things are in your control to some degree, but if you share a house, apartment, gym, workspace etc. the maintenance of your environment is a team effort. It is very important to communicate your concerns if problems maintaining a space arise, this way everyone is on the same page and is aware of everyone’s wants and needs when it comes to sharing a space.

Listen to host Diana Marie Keller talk about how the state of our environment causes us to feel.

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The Link Between Your Surroundings and Your Emotional Well-Being

The condition of your environment can affect you in ways you probably didn’t even realize. For example, if you’re a student or work from home and your room is messy, you’re more likely to get distracted and get off track. Studies have shown that clutter leads to more snacking, bad decision making and can even detract people from connecting with you.

Other than clutter and messiness, there are many other environmental situations that can affect you mentally and emotionally that are covered in this article.

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“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.”

- James Clear

Is It Time To Switch Up Your Space?

From aesthetics to people, how you surround yourself shapes who you are and how you function. In this article by Sara Lindberg, M.Ed she covers every aspect of your surroundings and how they shape you as a person. Notable factors include: Aesthetics, culture & values, people, sensory and familiarity. Read more to find out how these factors can affect you.


What Anyone Can Do: How Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Will Drive Change, Opportunity, and Personal Growth by Leo Bottary

People shape who we are. It’s a fact of life. Whomever those people are can either benefit us or crush us. Even you as an individual require a team effort to grow and thrive, that’s why having a healthy community to turn to is essential to grow as an individual.

Think about the people in your life. Your parents, siblings, bosses, partners, teachers, instructors, etc. and think about how they affect you. Every category affects you in some way and it is important to acknowledge that. In What Anyone Can Do, Leo Bottary elaborates on this topic and shares many key points in regards to the people in your life.

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In honor of our 100th HindeSight we’d like to give a big thank you to our readers! We hope you're enjoying these weekly emails and would love for you to reply with any topics suggestions you'd like to see in your inbox.


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Light And Mental Health: How To Create Big Shifts In Mood, Weight and More With Andy Mant

In this podcast hosted by Stegania Romeo and Katherine Griffiths, they speak with guest Andy Mant - a thought leader in the natural and artificial light space. They discuss the impacts of technology’s blue light on our mental, physical, and hormone health. He shares the ways in which our natural circadian rhythm is disrupted. Your circadian rhythm is the rise and sleep cycle that follows the sun and helps our body to stay balanced and healthy. This disruption can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and even fertility issues. The good news: there are simple things everyone can do right now to course correct and feel better almost immediately.

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The Benefits of Natural Light In The Workplace

Too many office buildings are dark, dull, and windowless. When considering the benefits natural light has on wellbeing, it’s a no-brainer that workers should receive those benefits. Natural light helps maintain your body’s circadian rhythm, which is linked to human’s immune systems. Greater access to daylight may also increase employee productivity and creativity, in turn bettering performance and sales.

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“Light is as fundamental to life as food, water, and air.”

- Inge van de Wouw

Let the Sunshine In

The doctor’s orders might as well include get outside in the fresh air and get some sunlight. In this article, Richard Schiffman discusses how sunlight can be leveraged to combat illness.

Natural light plays a role in the production of Vitamin D, an important regulatory vitamin in our immune systems. Light exposure also has a significant impact on our biological clocks, or circadian rhythms, which can affect the quality of one’s sleep. Getting adequate exposure to natural light can help you lead a healthier and happier life.


The Healing Power of the Sun by Richard Hobday

This book provides scientific research on sunlight therapy and its ability to treat chronic illnesses. It reveals how sunlight can act as a natural disinfectant against bacteria and viruses.

It delves deeper into the impact sunlight has on eyesight, sleep, mental health, and the immune system. The Healing Power of the Sun shows how humans need sunlight for health and well-being and for vitality and happiness.

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How We Actually Heal: Integration | Being Well Podcast

In this podcast hosted by Forrest Hanson, he and his dad, Dr. Rick Hanson dive into psychological patterns related to healing such as defense, fear, insecurities etc.. A key point in healing is being able to identify where you need to heal and acknowledging your behaviors and tendencies around it. Healing takes time, but with the right strategies and mindset, you will be able to overcome and heal from your wounds.

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Why We heal: The Evolution of Psychological Healing and Implications for Global Mental Health

Learn how biological evolution has affected humans and our process of healing. Healing is a forever changing thing as time progresses and we learn how to adapt our ways to help us heal, grow and accept ourselves as human beings in this forever changing world.

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“My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. And they bring to mind something else, too. They remind me that the damage life has inflicted on me has, in many places, left me stronger and more resilient. What hurt me in the past has actually made me better equipped to face the present.”

- Steve Goodier

7 Self-Care Tips For Healing During Difficult Times

Healing from anything can be challenging and can be a long challenging quest, but there are some methods that aid us through this journey and help us to recover and grow from our past. Here are 7 self help tips for healing during difficult times from Brightly to help you wherever you are on this journey of healing.


The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.

“Trauma is a fact of life.”

It doesn’t matter who you are or how you were raised, everyone is recovering from something traumatic in their life no matter how big or small that is. Our traumas literally shape who we are as a human being, so it is important to see our past experiences as opportunities to learn about ourselves and grow as an individual.

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Experiencing Life Fully | The Bledsoe Show

A life fully lived & experienced… what does that even mean? What does it look like?

I talked with Mike Bledsoe about my own experience...from bankruptcy, to the “top of the mountain”, to losing almost everything in fires, family dynamics, and creating even more beauty from the ashes. Listen to how I healed during my own difficult times.

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The Power of Your Words to Shape Outcomes

Your mindset affects the way you think, which affects the way you act and what you say, which affects how you are viewed by others. Especially as a leader, or someone who has authority, it is important for you to not only watch your words, but also the thoughts you have before you speak your words. Listen in on this episode of Full Focused hosted by Michael Hyatt and his daughter Megan Hyatt Miller for more.

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Your Words Have Impact, So Think Before You Speak

Words are arguably one of the most important tools humans have. How you use this tool can affect people for a very long time, if not, forever. It’s important to take a minute to evaluate what you’re about to say before you say it. Whether you’re talking to a coworker, a relative or a child, your words linger and can be taken to heart, even to people around you who you might not even be talking to directly.

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“The tongue has no bones but is strong enough to break a heart. Be careful with your words.”

- Anonymous

Choose Wisely: How Our Words Impact Others

Your words have meaning and can make a difference, so always speak with mindfulness. Even a simple comment can forever make an impact—either uplifting or defeating. Encouraging words are a powerful force, but discouraging words are equally powerful, so make sure to choose wisely.


It's the Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well-Spoken, and Clear by Carol A. Fleming

The way you sound and the way you speak have an impact on what you are saying and who you are saying it to. Through this book we learn how to reconstruct our vocabulary and speech to effectively communicate to who we might be speaking to no matter who they are. Take a step back and reevaluate your speech and implement changes that can change the impact you have on not only others, but yourself as well.

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Upgrade your language to shape your life using Procabulary, a course to optimize both personal and professional communication

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How Endurance Sports Help You Win At Life

Jennifer Strong McConachie is a lifelong outdoor adventure athlete and the author of Go Far: How Endurance Sports Help You Win At Life. As an ultrarunner, mountaineer, marathon swimmer, and multisport competitor, Jennifer showcases the spirit and mindset required to push yourself beyond your limits and achieve your dreams. These values don’t just apply to extreme and endurance sports, they can also be applied to our everyday lives and help us create a life we never thought possible.

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Benefits of Diversifying your Workout Routine

Are you getting bored with your same old workout routine? In this article from American Home Fitness, they explain four different reasons as to why you should diversify your workouts and the benefits of doing so. From engaging new muscles you didn’t even know you had, to preventing injuries in the future, you’ll find that changing up your workout routine will change you for the better.

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“Small changes eventually add up to huge results.”

- Unknown

Extreme Sports vs. Adventure Sports

Free climbing, volcano surfing, cave diving - chances are you haven’t participated in any of these activities before. Unless you are part of the extreme/action sports community, these feats probably seem too dangerous to be fun. But the thrill of danger is exactly why over 500 million people and growing are pursuing these sports. Check out this article and learn about these crazy sports.


Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall

Journalist and runner Christopher McDougall set out to study the blissful Tarahumara Indians and how they are able to perform so exceptionally as runners. McDougall then brings his team from Harvard and creates “The Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen,” putting the Tarahumara ultra-runners in a race against America’s best runners. The result? We learn that we are all born to run.

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Why It's Harmful to Compare Yourself with Others

In this episode of "The Verywell Mind" by Amy Moris we are presented with various different examples of how one might compare themselves to others around them, whether it’s through social media, a friend or a colleague. In this episode, Moris helps us identify different ways we might be comparing ourselves to someone else and how we can shift that mindset.

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The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others

A common trait most people have in this day and age is comparing themselves to those around them. In some cases, self comparison can motivate one to do better, but most of the time it endangers one's self esteem and confidence. This article digs deeper into the dangers of this potentially self destructive struggle shared amongst almost every individual on this planet.

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“The only person you should try to be better than is who you were yesterday”


Belonging in the Workplace: Creating Space For Authentic Self-Expression

In my experience, creating space for self expression within your workplace is good for both employees and their organizations. Research shows that companies that value this see enhanced wellbeing, as well as increased job satisfaction and motivation.


You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

Check out this awesome how-to guide from renowned life coach Jen Sincero. Learn how to nix self-sabotaging thoughts and create a life you totally love! Twenty-seven fantastic chapters including fascinating stories and sage advice.

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Healthy Habits that Last a Lifetime

Healthy habits are easier to form than you think! With the right mindset and some willpower, anything is possible. In this episode of Feel Better, Live More hosted by Dr Rangan Chatterjee, guest Professor BJ Fogg provides useful information as to how achieving the implementation of healthy habits can affect the way we see ourselves in a positive way.

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Creating Healthy Habits

In this article by NIH, New in Health, the process of creating healthy habits is broken down for us. From the very first step taken, to the mindset you need in order to carry through with the healthy change. Through this process, you might find out a lot about yourself as well as feel a great sense of accomplishment!

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"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."

- Vincent Van Gogh

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How to Build Healthy Habits

This article highlights some really great examples of healthy habits you can implement into your everyday life. Whether it’s drinking more water, taking a walk before dinner every evening, or even doing 5 push-ups a day, starting small can lead to even greater results! 5 push-ups can lead to 50, 1 glass of water can lead to 3, etc.. The possibilities are endless!


Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book written by James Clear is a great read if you need some encouragement to work towards turning over a new leaf. Clear’s guide for starting good habits in entertaining and easy to understand. With true stories from celebrities and athletes, you’ll find yourself more ready than ever to not only start healthy habits of your own, but also learn to break the bad ones.

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Barbell Shrugged with Aaron Hinde

In this episode of Barbell Shrugged, I sit down to discuss my career path and how it brought me to the creation of LIFEAID. We cover themes such as adversity, entrepreneurship, and fitness. Have any topics you want to talk about more after listening? Let me know over on Instagram!

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Wearable Technology

After an increase over the past 2+ years, online training is losing popularity. Check out this article on what is deemed to be 2022's top fitness trend: wearable technology (smart watches, heart rate bands, etc). This allows users to get key fitness metrics at the point of exercise and keep track of their workouts. Read more to find out how this will impact the fitness industry.

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"Two things we can control: attitude and effort."

- Ali Krieger

6 Ways Virtual Reality Workouts?!

Check out this article from Self and find out why virtual reality is a game changer for fitness. Trainer Louise Green explains that your body becomes the controller and guides you through fun, dynamic workouts.


Chasing Excellence

Using the fierce competition at the CrossFit Games as a background, author and trainer Ben Bergeron explains how he creates the world’s fittest athletes. Bergeron outlines the mindset necessary to be the best, a methodology to apply to all aspects of life.

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With the CrossFit Games right around the corner, don't miss out on the opportunity to score a FREE FITAID x Bear Komplex Limited Edition Backpack, (while supplies last)!

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