The Whoop Podcast: John John Florence

On this episode of the Whoop podcast, world-champion surfer John John Florence (and brother to Team FITAID athlete Nathan Florence), shares how mindset prepares him for elite performance.

Listen now.

Our Australia/New Zealand Partners are Officially LIFEAID

This week, we completed the acquisition of our Australia/New Zealand distributors, Fit Trendz, officially welcoming them into the LIFEAID family. They have been flying the LIFEAID flag in the land down under since 2015 and we’re excited for them to help us continue to grow our global footprint.

Read more about it.

"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

—Theodore Roosevelt

8 Reasons Sleep Is Crucial for Entrepreneurs and Leaders

In the gym business, nutrition and training are paramount to what we do. So is sleep which sometimes can be the first to go when life gets hectic. There were many nights while building LIFEAID, that I didn’t get proper sleep (and I’m sure there will be more as we continue to expand). However, I’ve experienced the benefits of getting proper sleep for myself and it continues to be a focus for me.

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Dare to Lead

Brene Brown is a New York Times Bestselling author, researcher, and professor who has spent the last two decades studying shame, vulnerability, courage, and empathy. In this book, she lays out the road map of how to be an effective leader by taking ownership, asking questions and staying curious.

Get the Book Here

HindeSight  |  No. 60

 The Whoop Podcast: John John Florence On this episode of the Whoop podcast, world-champion surfer John John Florence (and brother to Team FITAID athlete Nathan Florence), shares how mindset prepares him for elite performance. Listen now. Our Australia/New Zealand Partners are Officially LIFEAID This week, we completed the acquisition of our Australia/New Zealand distributors, Fit […]



CrossFit Open Wrap Up with MisFit Athletics

On this bonus episode of the MisFit Athletics podcast, the “Goon Squad” recaps the first phase of the CrossFit season, the CrossFit Open and look ahead to Quarterfinals which kick off this week.

Listen now.

There Are No Rules to Healthy Eating

As CrossFit athletes, we learn that the foundation of health is nutrition. When the methodology first was introduced, the Zone Diet was the prescription. That has changed over time and while I am a proponent of healthy eating (hence, the origin of LIFEAID), there is a lot to consider when it comes to diets versus lifestyle with nutrition.

Read the full article here

"You don’t learn from following the rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over."

—Richard Branson

How to Say 'I Don't Know' with Confidence 

When Orion and I started LIFEAID, there was a lot that we didn’t know. We had never started a beverage brand before! If we tried to build the company without acknowledging those blind spots and seeking the answers to those questions, there is no way we would have made it to the 10 year mark as a brand. 

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Screw Business as Usual

One of the things I love about Richard Branson is that he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He leads his businesses with conviction and is celebrated for it (as he should be). In this book, Branson argues that people, communities and the planet are perhaps more important than focusing on profit in business.

Get the Book Here

HindeSight  |  No. 59

    CrossFit Open Wrap Up with MisFit Athletics On this bonus episode of the MisFit Athletics podcast, the “Goon Squad” recaps the first phase of the CrossFit season, the CrossFit Open and look ahead to Quarterfinals which kick off this week. Listen now. There Are No Rules to Healthy Eating As CrossFit athletes, we […]

 Managing Time and Setting Expectations with Marcus Filly

It may feel like a lot of things aren’t within our control right now, however, we absolutely have control over how we spend our time. Former competitive CrossFit Athlete turned functional bodybuilding coach, Marcus Filly talks about his strategies in time management and how to set expectations on this episode of the Active Life podcast.

Listen now.

A Changing Gut Microbiome May Predict How Well You Age

In a new study in the Journal of Nature Medicine, the constantly changing and diversifying of your gut microbiome is a sign of healthy aging. How and what you eat plays a big role in this, because certain foods (mostly processed foods) can kill off some microbiomes. I talk about gut health a lot, specifically the negative effects of Sucralose to your gut microbiome which is  why we do not use Sucralose in any of our products.

Read the full article here

"A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well."

—Jeff Bezos

11 Lessons for Entrepreneurs From Jeff Bezos's Tremendous Success

At the core of Amazon’s success is it’s focus on delivering an excellent customer experience. As Jeff Bezos steps away from his CEO role at the company, Inc. lays out 11 lessons that all entrepreneurs can learn from him.

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First, Break All the Rules

Ever since LIFEAID was started 10 years ago, we’ve leaned on some unconventional approaches to building the business and our employees. We have a talented team and it’s always been in our DNA to highlight their strengths and encourage them to always keep growing. This book is a product of a decade’s long management study from the Gallup Organization that debunks some myths and exposes methods of how to get the best out of your employees.

I Want to Build High-Performers

HindeSight  |  No. 58


 Managing Time and Setting Expectations with Marcus Filly It may feel like a lot of things aren’t within our control right now, however, we absolutely have control over how we spend our time. Former competitive CrossFit Athlete turned functional bodybuilding coach, Marcus Filly talks about his strategies in time management and how to set expectations […]

 Over the Wall with Rob LoCascio

Ron Aniello joins Rob LoCascio on Over the Wall from the studio in New Jersey for an inspiring conversation about how to surround yourself with talented people who can boost your creative process and set you off towards success. There’s tons of helpful knowledge in this one for anyone experiencing creative frustration, self-doubt, or issues answering the call of their own curiosity.

Listen now.

Unhealthy Foods Aren't Just Bad For You, They May Also Be Addictive

Orion and I started LIFEAID because we saw a trend in kids consuming high sugar, high caffeine beverages. We wanted to provide people with a healthier alternative without all of the junk. More and more we’re seeing people adopt healthier lifestyles, but as this article suggests, there are still strides to be made.

Read the full article here

"Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time. No one learns more about a problem than the person at the bottom."

—Sandra Day O’Connor

What Business Leaders Can Learn From Tom Brady and Serena Williams

Every quarter we establish our goals as a company and individually, putting them into a vision statement that is shared weekly in present tense. This has been a big reason why we’ve been able to push LIFEAID forward for the last 10 years. Good to know that we’re in good company.

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Think Again

In this book, Organizational Psychologist Adam Grant lays the groundwork of why it’s so important to always listen like you’re wrong. It allows us the opportunity to approach situations with a new perspective; especially those that we are closest to.

Are You Willing to Rethink and Unlearn?

-No. 57-

 Over the Wall with Rob LoCascio Ron Aniello joins Rob LoCascio on Over the Wall from the studio in New Jersey for an inspiring conversation about how to surround yourself with talented people who can boost your creative process and set you off towards success. There’s tons of helpful knowledge in this one for anyone […]

 Mindful Productivity: The Power of the Pivot

Feeling like you want to make a huge change in your life? Feel like something needs to change or that your energy levels are drastically different than they were a year ago? Maybe it's time for a pivot.

Listen now.

Don't Underestimate the Power of a Walk

Technology is a great tool especially in this day and age, but it also has an overwhelming ability to suck us in. I don’t know about you, but there have been days where I realize I haven’t gotten up from my desk all day and I can feel the difference. Especially now, I have gotten into the habit of taking some of my meetings while on a walk to get some movement.

Read the full article here

"No matter the risks we take, we always consider the end to be too soon, even though in life, more than anything else, quality should be more important than quantity."

—Alex Honnold

Is Two Hours Outdoors the New 10,000 Steps?

With the cooler weather and government shutdowns across the country, getting outdoors and enjoying nature may not be as easy as it once was. In a 2019 study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports showed that participants who spent two hours or more in nature had a better chance of reporting better health and well-being than those who spent less than two hours outside.

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The Art of Impossible

Bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of those elite performers—athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more—who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we too can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more attainable for all of us.

Get Into Flow State

HindeSight  |  No. 56

 Mindful Productivity: The Power of the Pivot Feeling like you want to make a huge change in your life? Feel like something needs to change or that your energy levels are drastically different than they were a year ago? Maybe it’s time for a pivot. Listen now. Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Walk Technology […]

 How I Built This: Joel Clark of Kodiak Cakes

When he was 8 years old, Joel Clark loaded bags of his mom's whole grain pancake mix into a red wagon to sell door-to-door. By the mid-90s, he and his older brother had upgraded to selling the mix out of a Mazda sedan and calling it Kodiak Cakes. As he tried to scale the business, Joel made some risky business decisions and almost went bankrupt, but eventually got the brand into Target—a major turning point. Today, Kodiak Cakes is approaching $200 million in annual revenue as one of the best-selling pancake mixes in America.

Listen now.

Now is a Great Time to Practice Mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness is a big part of my daily routine. A big question I get from my team is how to practice mindfulness. It’s not about bypassing feelings, but leaning into them. This article explains why leaning into our feelings are beneficial and ultimately make us all better leaders.

Read the full article here

"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

—Theodore Roosevelt

The Best Time to Work Out

In a new study conducted by The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society, it was found that there actually is an optimal time to work out. This study focused on men with Type 2 diabetes and found that participants had better results when working out in the afternoon as opposed to earlier in the day.

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Good to Great

Why be a good company when you could be a great company? Stanford researcher and consultant Jim Collins breaks down how to create long-term sustainable performance in order for a company to achieve their greatest potential.

Show Me How

HindeSight  |  No. 55

 How I Built This: Joel Clark of Kodiak Cakes When he was 8 years old, Joel Clark loaded bags of his mom’s whole grain pancake mix into a red wagon to sell door-to-door. By the mid-90s, he and his older brother had upgraded to selling the mix out of a Mazda sedan and calling it […]

 Resiliency and Grit in Adverse Times

I was joined by my friend and LIFEAID co-founder, Orion Melehan, on The Active Life podcast where we discussed what it takes to build a business through challenging times.

Listen now.

Defining Your Purpose

There has been an overwhelming reckoning with questioning purpose over the last year. What may be a small piece of life is actually a very important practice of longevity. Studies have shown that a defined purpose results in improved stress response.

Read the full article here

"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion."

—Jack Welch

State of the Fitness Industry

Two-Brain Business conducted a comprehensive study on the current state of the fitness industry. A 59-question survey was sent to a 30,000-person email list as well as their Facebook group. The data that was collected from 6,000 gyms was analyzed by an outside consultant and packaged by Two-Brain Business.

Read it Here

Blue Ocean Strategy

The fitness space is crowded and now more than ever business owners are challenged with figuring out how to think outside the box to separate themselves from the competition. This book gives you the tools to create your own wide-open space or blue ocean.

Show Me How

HindeSight  |  No. 54


 Resiliency and Grit in Adverse Times I was joined by my friend and LIFEAID co-founder, Orion Melehan, on The Active Life podcast where we discussed what it takes to build a business through challenging times. Listen now. Defining Your Purpose There has been an overwhelming reckoning with questioning purpose over the last year. What may […]

 Eric Roza on Make Pods Great Again

CrossFit CEO joined Make Pods Great Again to discuss the current state of CrossFit. He talked about how his journey has been since taking over, obstacles and challenges he has faced in his personal life, and the new Open format and how he approaches the Open personally. He even gave listeners the scoop on the hire of the new Chief Technology officer as well as spent some time discussing his thoughts around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within the CrossFit Community.

Listen now.

Building a Morning Routine in 6 Steps

Having a morning routine has always been important to me and my success in building LIFEAID. We talk about them often in our weekly meetings and I encourage everyone on our team to find a routine that works for them. If you are struggling to create a morning routine for yourself, this is a great article to help you build one.

Read the full article here

"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are."

—J.P. Morgan

Strategies for Success in 2021

2020 was a trying year on all businesses, but specifically small businesses. This year, there will still be challenges to overcome, but approaching business with strategic thinking can help navigate these hurdles with more confidence and success.

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Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to do is Healthy and Rewarding

While exercise was essential for our prehistoric ancestors, it’s not essential for the lives of the common man. However, even though we don’t rely on hunting and gathering, that doesn’t mean exercise isn’t something that should be part of our daily lives. 

More on Exercise and Evolution

HindeSight  |  No. 53

 Eric Roza on Make Pods Great Again CrossFit CEO joined Make Pods Great Again to discuss the current state of CrossFit. He talked about how his journey has been since taking over, obstacles and challenges he has faced in his personal life, and the new Open format and how he approaches the Open personally. He […]

A Letter from Us: Wrapping Up 2020

In hindsight, 2020 has been an educational and transformative year because we’ve been forced to look at everything so differently and so much more decisively than in past years. We’ve never taken our success for granted, but we all know we don’t look at success with the same level of scrutiny we apply during tougher times. Closing out, we hope 2020 brought you more highs than lows and a clearer picture of what your goals are personally and professionally in 2021.

 Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris: The Ultimate New Year's Resolution

Meditation teachers Susan Piver and Jeff Warren talk about the ample evidence that you are more likely to achieve your long-term goals if you pursue those goals not out of self-loathing or shame (which is the not-so-subtle subtext of the whole ‘New Year, New You’ slogan) but instead with self-love -- or self-compassion. 

Listen now.

How To Set Your New Year Intentions

2021 will be here before we know it and while I am not a big fan of the idea of resolutions, I do believe heavily in intention. This article outlines how to create your intentions for the new year.

Read the full article here.

"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."

—Robert Fritz

Goal Setting: A Scientific Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals

How many times have you set goals, only to be disappointed when they didn’t come to fruition? One of my favorite authors, James Clear (he wrote “Atomic Habits”) put together a comprehensive guide about how to set achievable goals.

Check it Out

The Five Minute Journal

Despite what’s going on around me, one of my non-negotiables is my morning routine. I start my day with three questions prompted by my The Five Minute Journal which allows me to ground myself for the day ahead.

Give Yourself Five Minutes 

HindeSight  |  No. 52

A Letter from Us: Wrapping Up 2020 In hindsight, 2020 has been an educational and transformative year because we’ve been forced to look at everything so differently and so much more decisively than in past years. We’ve never taken our success for granted, but we all know we don’t look at success with the same […]

 8 Roles of an Entrepreneurial Leader

Sean Castrina discusses the 8 roles an entrepreneur must be willing to be to find success.The good news is, it’s all about being flexible and open-minded.

Listen now.

1000 True Fans

To be a successful creator you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, millions of clients or millions of fans. To make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker, entrepreneur, or inventor you need only thousands of true fans.

How to Get 1000 True Fans

"Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, trans-formative success is."

—Seth Godin

Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid

This may be an older article, but it very much applies to the times we’re experiencing right now. Mental toughness is important now more than ever as we navigate changes as business owners.

Read the List.

Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change

All businesses are facing challenges right now, especially small businesses. This article gives business owners a framework to navigate disruption with the intention of getting back on the path of growth.

Get the Roadmap

HindeSight  |  No. 51

 8 Roles of an Entrepreneurial Leader Sean Castrina discusses the 8 roles an entrepreneur must be willing to be to find success.The good news is, it’s all about being flexible and open-minded. Listen now. 1000 True Fans To be a successful creator you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of […]