Will Smith's Life Lessons

As a successful actor, filmmaker, artist, family man, entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Will Smith has been inspiring us all for decades with his life lessons. Here are some of his most powerful words—may they ignite a spark within you.

Watch the video on Instagram here.

Struggling to Stay Motivated to Work Out?

Here are five ways to help you find your motivation and stay on track with your fitness goals.

Read the full article here.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

—Winston Churchill

Judge Rejects Gov. Doug Ducey's Request to Delay Process for Reopening Gyms in Arizona 

With many gym doors still re-opening and re-closing nationwide in the U.S. (amidst spikes in COVID numbers and constantly changing CDC guidelines), Arizona gyms fight back.

Check out the full article on FOX News here.

Because friends don't let friends suffer alone ...

FITAID wants to give one lucky winner TWO—yep, you read that correctly—FREE Assault AirBikes! It's FREE to enter with your email address. You have until the entry deadline: Sept. 1, 2020.

It Takes What It Takes

World-renowned mental conditioning coach Trevor Moawad gives you the tools to manage and overcome negativity and achieve any goal in your life.

Learn more about his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 43

How Are Gym Owners Handling Life After COVID?

Based on a recent survey of 135 gym owners in America, learn how the fitness community is handling forced gym closures and other effects of the ongoing pandemic.

Read the full article here.

Google Extends Work-From-Home Policy to Summer 2021

One of the world's largest tech companies, Google® braces for a long pandemic, announcing that they will allow all employees to work from home until at least July 2021.

Read the full article here.

"Excellence is the best deterrence to racism and sexism."

—Oprah Winfrey

5 Keto Recipes That Will Fill You Up

From two-ingredient pasta to 90-second Keto bread, Tasty walks you through five recipes that are quick, simple and Keto-friendly for the whole family to enjoy!

Watch the YouTube video here.

In Search of Excellence

Learn more about forty-three of America's best-run companies, plus the eight basic principles of management that made these organizations successful.

Learn more about the book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 42

How Innovative Concepts Become Top Brands 

Taste Radio: Episode 221 features highlights from recent interviews with six entrepreneurs who started small and have made it big, including the founders of Siete Family Foods, Bantam Bagels and Caulipower.

You can listen to the full podcast episode here.


Top-50 Healthy Summer Recipes

Whether you are trying to shed the 'Quarantine 15' or just want to whip up some balanced meals for yourself or your family, check out these healthy recipes from Eating Well to help you crush your nutrition goals this summer.

Read the full article here.

"Every business is successful exactly to the extent it does something others cannot."

—Peter Thiel

8 Books Entrepreneurs Should Read About Dismantling Racism in Business

Great books to help leaders better understand issues of social inequality and to inspire positive action.

Read the full article here.


HindeSight  |  No. 41

Joshua Schall sat down with LIFEAID co-founder Aaron Hinde during an April 2020* interview—just as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to affect both business owners and consumers—for a candid discussion about how to harness the power of your mind to set yourself up for success.

(*Note: This interview contains dated information about the LIFEAID LIFT program which ran until late June 2020, to help get gyms back on their feet.)

You can watch the full podcast episode on YouTube here.


Survey Reveals Gyms Will Never Be the Same After Coronavirus

A recent OnePoll survey asked 2,000 Americans how they will be handling their fitness and whether they will be returning to their local gym, as doors begin reopening worldwide. The results may shock you.

Read the full article here.


6 Quarantine Cooking Strategies to Make the Most of Every Store Trip

Two pro triathletes share their top recipes and tips for success in the kitchen.

Read the full article here.

"It's very interesting that it took isolation to bring everybody together."

—Aaron Hinde

10 Entrepreneurial Lessons You Didn't Learn in College

Check out these 10 lessons from top entrepreneurs that you can't learn from a textbook.

Read the full article here.


HindeSight  |  No. 40

Mastering Your Mindset for Business

In this episode of Thrive On Life, Aaron Hinde teaches us key mindset lessons he learned on his journey from bankruptcy to scaling a multi-million dollar company. Plus, we'll uncover some practical tips on how to better communicate with your partner, attract the right people for your brand, and how to pivot your business during this new norm.

Listen to the full podcast episode here. 

How I'm Thinking Through Hard Times

Life-coach guru Brendon Burchard shares his 10 proven principles and practices to help you combat the stress and fear of this chaotic time.

Watch the podcast episodes (Part 1 & 2) here.

"If everything is hunky-dory in life, if everything's just totally easy and kosher and smooth sailing, you never change your behavior. Why would you? So there's no growth. But when you have obstacles that force you to grow and force you to deal with challenging situations, you should get excited. Because I guarantee those are going to be opportunities for growth in your life."
—Aaron Hinde


Top 15 Nutrition Tips During Quarantine

Having trouble sticking to your nutrition goals during this crazy time? Here are some great tips on how to rewire your brain and create successful habits in and out of the kitchen.

Read the full blog post here.

These Are The Best Books for People With Anxiety, According to Psychologists

Good Housekeeping polled six mental health professionals and asked them to share some must-read recommendations for those struggling with breaking the cycle of anxiety in their life.

Check out their suggestions here. 


HindeSight  |  No. 37


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We're all in this together. Stay strong.



How to Maintain an Abundance Mindset

On this episode of Oversharing, Mikhail Alfon interviews Aaron Hinde to discover the importance of morning routines and how to maintain an abundance mindset in times of adversity.

Watch the full podcast episode here.

How to Lead Well Through Crazy Times 

On this episode of The Business & Leadership Podcast with host Jared Graybeal, LIFEAID co-founder Aaron Hinde offers up a ton of great wisdom around how to navigate your business and yourself as a leader through tough times (like this pandemic) and in general.

Listen to the podcast episode here.

"Our belief system dictates our thoughts. Our thoughts dictate our words. Our words dictate our actions. Our actions—over time—equal results ... Therefore, if you have a negative or scarcity belief system, you will have a negative mindset, your verbiage will be negative, your actions will be negative, and negative results will follow. Change your mind and words, change your results."
—Aaron Hinde


The 'Scary Times' Success Manual

The Strategic Coach team shares their (FREE, downloadable) manual with information about transforming current anxieties and fear into strategic growth, progress and achievement.

Check out the blog post and FREE manual here.

The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph

Ryan Holiday's #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller is a cult classic and a great reminder to us all, helping millions of entrepreneurs succeed amidst adversity and difficult times (such as these).

Check out Holiday's book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 35

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

If you’ve ever been powering through a project, chipping your way through a workout, or hiking in nature only to look down at your watch and realize an hour or two have passed undetected, you might have found yourself in a state of flow. Being 'in the zone'—or 'flow state'—is a highly sought after meditative state for artists, athletes, entrepreneurs and just about anyone eager to optimize the hours in their day. Lately, this immersive state of consciousness can often be found more easily through the usage of hemp or cannabinoid products, oils or extracts coupled with some simple mindset exercises.

Here’s a quick list of facts to get you up to date on flow state, hemp and how they can work hand in hand:

  • What is hemp oil?

    Simply put, hemp oil or hemp extract is the result of extracting the oil from the seeds of the hemp plant. Hemp has become a widely utilized and popular crop with many uses such as textiles, industrial products, health and organic mind and body care among a myriad of other purposes. It’s important to note that hemp is THC-free and non-addictive.

  • How can flow state work for you?

    Those who have found their own personal flow state will maintain that they experience increased focus, heightened creativity as well as full immersion in the task at hand. While in a productive flow state, time passes unnoticed as you’re fully immersed and present in your project, task or event. Many athletes and artists explain that their flow state can be likened to enjoyable, relaxing meditation.

  • How can you achieve flow state?

    It has become mainstream knowledge in recent years that you need to ease your mind into flow state by focusing on the following three triggers: clear and tenable goals, the willingness to focus intensely, and the knowledge of the necessary skills needed to complete the task. The usage of hemp oil or cannabinoid-infused drinks or tinctures paired with a commitment to this mindset could have you well on your way to a golden flow state experience. 

C O N C L U S I O N 

Next time you’re wanting to fully dive into a work project, workout or creative endeavor, give flow state a try. Quieting your mind and being fully present in your task can be a welcome respite from the modern ‘multi-tasking is king’ mindset that we currently find ourselves in, especially with more of us working from home these days. Find a quiet space, enjoy some LIFEAID Hemp Blend, dive into flow state and optimize the hours in your day!

You can learn more about LIFEAID HEMP here.


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Stay well.


The LIFEAID LIFT program is now live at LIFEAIDlift.com!

LIFEAID is giving $15 cash, from every 24-can purchase made by consumers at LIFEAIDlift.com, directly to their designated local gym or business. BONUS: Members will save $5 OFF/case! Simply visit LIFEAIDlift.com for more details.  

SHARE the link with others to help give back to the local gyms & businesses we call 'home.'

We're all in this together. Stay strong.



7-Day Income Ignition Program

Successful entrepreneur and speaker Bedros Keuilian wants to help show you how to quickly pivot your business and start profiting again, after being hit hard by the economic disaster caused by COVID-19. Watch his introduction video for more information.

Learn about Keuilian's program here.

How to Move Your Business Online in 48 Hours

Mike Bledsoe and The Strong Coach team have put together this FREE guide that will provide you with the exact steps, resources and software suggestions to help make the process of setting up your online coaching business a breeze!

Check out the FREE guide here.

"To move forward you have to give back."
—Oprah Winfrey


Eating a Keto Diet May Give Some Protection Against the Flu

While the connection between a healthy diet and immune system health has long been established, a recent study has found a possible link between the Keto diet and improved immunity.

Read the entire article here.

LIVE! The Strong Coach & FITAID Help Gyms Navigate Business During This Pandemic 

Mike Bledsoe (The Strong Coach) and Aaron Hinde (co-founder of LIFEAID) will be hosting a LIVE Zoom call this week, providing helpful tips & information to get gym owners through this difficult time. For full details, click the link below.

Sign up to access the FREE Zoom call here.


HindeSight  |  No. 34

Later this week, LIFEAID will be launching its LIFEAID LIFT program.
Watch your inbox for additional details!

“Our gyms have been so supportive of our brand, making FITAID the #1 Workout Recovery Drink in America. Now we want to give back and provide monetary assistance to them during this time of turbulence and financial uncertainty. We’re all in this together.”
—Orion Melehan, LIFEAID CEO and co-founder


The Guest Show Podcast: Aaron Hinde Discusses How to Thrive During This Time of Uncertainty

On this episode of the Guest Show, co-founder and president of LIFEAID Beverage Company, Aaron Hinde comes on to talk about the uncertainty presented by the COVID-19 outbreak and how you can steer your business through it.

Aaron's life story takes him through all the ups and downs that entrepreneurs face and this episode presents his actionable advice that you can use now to get through this.

Listen to this episode here.


from Nutritional Coaching Institute

As part of the LIFEAID family, Nutritional Coaching Institute is giving you FREE access to one of their best-selling online courses (worth over $2,000). Also, be sure to check out their gut-health course. Get started today!

Learn more about the gut-health course here.

Learn more about the FREE NCI Level-1 course here.

"If we picture ourselves like magnets ... If everybody is throwing out the same polarity—and it's fear—then the people who throw out confidence, certainty and calm are going to be like the super-magnets, attracting everybody to them."
—Dr. Sean Pastuch

LIFEAID Employees Find Positivity in Social Distancing

During this dark time for many, the entire team at LIFEAID Beverage Co. is shedding a light on the brighter side of social distancing.

Read the blog here.

Debunking 4 Popular Immunity Myths

Dr. Nick, MD, talks all-things immunity and sets the record straight about a few commonly misbelieved notions.

Read the article here.


HindeSight  |  No. 33