For Mother's Day this year, we launched our Mothers of Fitness community to celebrate the strong women in our midst. Part of the intention of this group was to allow mothers to share their experiences, offer advice to other women in their shoes, and just have a place to gush over something they all have in common--the love of motherhood and health and fitness.

You can join the party here.

We want you to meet Molly Tilove, one of our awesome group 'Momerators' whose path to fitness and maintaining consistency now with twins in tow was filled with challenges, but totally worth it.

How did you become interested in fitness?

Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I was NEVER interested in fitness or working out (in fact, I avoided PE at all costs!). Once I went off to college, I realized all of my friends had gym memberships and maybe I should actively work on avoiding the dreaded “Freshman 15”. I started running, and soon that became a big part of my life!

What inspired you to start posting on Instagram and sharing your journey?

It just sort of evolved naturally. While I was in college, I developed anorexia and spent several years severely underweight. I was obsessed with running and doing body weight exercises, and had a twisted goal of eating less and less each day. After admitting I had a serious problem, got help, and received treatment, I gained weight, but still really struggled with body image issues. While I physically was “healthy” again, I still was struggling horribly on the inside. After years of being a “runner”, a friend invited me to check out a new CrossFit gym opening in the area. I was immediately hooked!

That first year or two, I had shared a few before/after photos from my college days, and now my much stronger, CrossFit days. I was finally starting to see a transformation on the inside - I was no longer focused on what I looked like, but was really proud of my body and what it was capable of doing. The photos I had shared were reposted on a lot of “viral” sites, including Reddit. My Instagram quickly started growing and I started sharing more about my journey, my workouts, etc! It’s been about five years now since that all happened so it’s been really fun connecting with so many more people, growing new friendships and relationships, etc!

What has been the most challenging part of juggling work, fitness, and motherhood?

Life definitely takes a lot more planning now! When the twins were newborns, they slept SO much, so it was easy to keep them in their bassinet or swings and bring them out with me while I worked out, or while I worked in our home office. Now that they’re over one and totally mobile… they have my whole attention while they’re awake! It makes it tricky managing a business with two littles and a husband who has a very full work schedule himself, but I just really focus on making nap times as productive as possible.

Workouts are definitely much less consistent than they used to be, but I still make it a priority to fit them in - whether its including the babies, or waiting until they go down for the night and fitting a workout in before bed. We built out our home gym before the babies were born and it has been SUCH a blessing this year, especially with COVID!

What is your favorite part about being a mom?

It is truly a love like NO OTHER. I never felt more purpose, more passion, or more fire than I have since these babies were born. They give me a whole new reason to be my best. We waited years before finally getting pregnant and they were worth every second of that wait, a million times over. It has been the greatest blessing watching them learn and grow this last year, and I can’t wait for all of the incredible adventures we have in our future.

Do you have any advice for other moms that are thinking about starting or need help continuing their fitness journey?

IT IS POSSIBLE to make fitness and wellness a priority with kids, no matter how much you have on your plate. Even if it’s 10 minutes during nap time, something is always better than nothing! There are some weeks where I can fit in six workouts, and some weeks where I only get two - but staying as consistent as you can and coming and showing up when it is possible pays off. Keeping my health and fitness a priority keeps me feeling good, energized, and truly helps me be a better mom. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so be sure to include things in your life that make YOU a better person so you can be better for the people you love!

How do you take time for yourself? Any favorite self care activities?

A workout is always a favorite activity! Some days though, a hot bath or shower and a glass of wine is all I need after a long day!

How have you been coping with this crazy year in regards to COVID and having young kids?

Honestly, having newborn twins before this all started - I was already basically living the “quarantine life”! It was difficult to get out too often with two tiny babes, especially during the winter after their NICU stays. COVID hit when they were about 4 months old, and life just sort of continued on the way it had been! It’s definitely been challenging at times, feeling like it’s groundhog day for the last year. The little things I did for “me” to recharge really aren’t options at the moment (getting my nails done, meeting a friend for coffee, etc), and I miss the social interactions we used to have!

Being a new mom can feel isolating anyways, but having this never ending lockdown in place makes it feel extra difficult some days. It also makes me sad that the kids have had so much less interaction in their lives than a typical child would have their first year! At the same time though - this bizarre year has allowed both me and my husband to be at home SO MUCH more than we may have otherwise been. I try and look at the positives as much as I can about this entire situation! We’ve had more time together, Erik has been able to be home for more of their milestone moments, we’ve saved more money, and we find joy in the simplest things! With that being said… I am definitely looking forward to a life no longer controlled by COVID restrictions! 🙂

Are you watching any good TV shows or movies now that you want to share?

Oh man! I wish!! I’m hoping once the holiday season is over and business slows down, I’ll be able to start doing a little more reading / TV watching! The few things I always stay up-to-date on, no matter how busy I am, are “This Is Us” and “A Million Little Things”! I’m here for everyone else’s suggestions for good TV shows though!

What are some goals you have going into 2021?

Carrying less stress with me. I am a stresser. We surprisingly had our best year with Belle & Bell yet, but it has made me CRAZY stressed this entire Q4. I get overwhelmed and feel like I have a difficult time being completely present with work OR with my kids. Learning to balance and give myself more grace is definitely a goal. Aside from that - I hope to grow B&B even BIGGER this year, create some amazing memories with the kids, and hopefully get my ring muscle ups back 😉 we just installed a rig in our backyard, so I have no excuse now!

Do you have any products or services (for you or your kids) that you can't live without or are essential to your everyday routine? 

I *LOVE* that we use a meal prep delivery service. We order a la carte meats and carbs from Trifecta and it makes it so convenient for weekday lunches for both me AND the kiddos. Other random stuff we love : our Lovevery subscription for educational toys, our Lillebaby baby carriers, our big playpen that the kids love to hang in while we workout, and probably a billion other things I cant think of right now! For me personally - I rely on RP Strength for my nutrition guidance, and I’m pretty sure protein coffee is what now runs through my veins 😉 (if you follow me on IG, you know I am obsessed with cold brew and then Bowmar Nutrition Pumpkin Spice coffee!)

 What are your hobbies/interests outside of fitness? 

I have had a ton of fun getting into photography the last few years! I also really like hiking, traveling...and eating good food! lol!

For Mother’s Day this year, we launched our Mothers of Fitness community to celebrate the strong women in our midst. Part of the intention of this group was to allow mothers to share their experiences, offer advice to other women in their shoes, and just have a place to gush over something they all have in […]

As boredom increases during quarantine, so does the amount of screen time spent on televisions, phones, video games and computers. The stay-at-home restrictions still have many of us sheltered in place. As a result, device addiction is perhaps more prevalent now than ever, especially in youths, so it's important to have some fun, tech-free activities and sports to help get everyone away from the screens and more balanced.

With remote learning the new norm now, finding an alternative to the activities that keep us glued to the screen all day is critical. Here are a few examples that can fill some of that time, away from the screen.

Basketball or Soccer

For basketball and soccer players, there are plenty of at-home practice drills that can be done while quarantined—from shooting baskets on the driveway, practicing ball-handling drills like dribbling, to kicking a soccer ball into a net or against the garage door. There are also rebounding nets that can be easily set up against the basketball hoop to help with solo practice. So whether you prefer basketball or soccer, just get outside and get dribbling!

Ping Pong

One of the more popular indoor sports is ping pong (or table tennis as it is also referred to). Having a ping-pong table is, of course, the best way to play, but if you don’t have the room or don’t want to spend the money on one, there are ways to accomplish the same thing with just a portable net, kitchen table, a couple of paddles and a ping-pong ball. Another nice feature of table tennis is that you can practice by yourself against a solid backdrop, to start developing your skills, having some fun in the meantime.

Indoor Golf

While golf courses are slowly starting to open up under some restrictions after the complete shutdown of the past couple of months, there is plenty of golf that can be practiced at home in the meantime. Indoor putting greens are very affordable and offer a great opportunity to practice what many consider to be the hardest part of the game. While swinging a club around the yard at a Wiffle ball is very economical, another great option is to grab your sand wedge from the bag, a few golf balls, a bucket, and hit some chip shots from a few yards out in your own backyard. And when it's time to hit the courses outdoors, try the best golf drinks by LIFEAID: GOLFERAID.

Water Balloon Dodgeball 

This is a very simple, but fun twist on the gym-class staple that—while tutoring or wrangling the kids at home—can be a nice release of energy with the added benefit of a cool, refreshing break once the weather heat up. Instead of those old-school bouncy balls, simply replace them with water balloons and have a good old-fashioned game of dodgeball. Be sure to include mom and dad in the fun! And just like the PE teacher always said, never aim for the head.

Photo courtesy of


With nothing more than a yoga mat, you can discover the combination of physical and mental exercises that have been popular for thousands of years. The beauty of yoga is that you don’t have to be an expert to reap the benefits. Plus, with doga, it is not your ordinary yoga but rather a yoga hybrid you can do with your canine companion. I mean, who doesn’t love getting to spend more time with their dog while doing an activity they enjoy? Just don’t forget to make sure you and your buddy both have fresh breath for complete peace of mind during your doga session. 

Whether you are young or old, fit or overweight, doga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. It's easy to be intimidated by doga terminology, and complicated poses, but don’t be. Doga is a great sport for everyone and it is also beneficial to your dog to help calm him or her. 


Aside from the sports mentioned above, you can also try planting something indoors or outdoors. Start small, pick up some packets of seeds or a few starter plants you’d love to nurture. You may never know what your green thumb can do until you try! Plus, gardening can be a great outlet to help relieve mild stress and quiet the mind, while also snagging you some fresh air and much-needed vitamin D in the sunshine.


However you decide to unplug and get away from the daily ‘screen life’ during these crazy times, just remember to focus on the activities and people in your life that help bring you joy and leave you feeling less stressed. So next time you’re tempted to rush through your day, just pause, put down your phone, breathe, move your body, get outside, and enjoy the moment. Because nothing beats that feeling of creating a little more balance in your daily life.

Cover photo courtesy of
All rights reserved.

Jordan Fuller

Jordan Fuller is a retired golfer who also owns a golf publication site, Golf Influence. He has loved golf since he was a kid and feels golf has been significantly helpful in improving his overall health. 

> > > Stay well.

FACT: As boredom increases during quarantine, so does the amount of screen time spent on televisions, phones, video games and computers. The stay-at-home restrictions still have many of us sheltered in place. As a result, device addiction is perhaps more prevalent now than ever, especially in youths, so it’s important to have some fun, tech-free […]

While this has been a time of uncertainty around the world, one thing is certain: social distancing is leading many of us to a revolutionary time as a society, we're witnessing a 'closening' of relationships. People are reflecting on what matters most in their lives, surrounding themselves with the people they love (even if only via FaceTime), appreciating nature, embracing new hobbies, making time for healthy habits, and just taking life at a slower pace in general. The LIFEAID team shares how they are practicing social distancing and embracing all the good things that have come out of this otherwise difficult time.

Wishing everyone health & calm.
—Your LIFEAID family

Aaron (President & co-founder)

Aaron & his family

Destiny (Email marketing)

Sabine (Accounting)

Hannah (Graphic design)

Hannah, practicing yoga at home

Karis (Field marketing & social media)

Karis & fur friends

Claudia (Operations)

Ashley (Sales)

Katie (Social media)

Katie, in her home office

Orion (CEO and co-founder)

Orion & daughters in Santa Cruz

The biggest blessing for me during this crazy time of uncertainty has been how much quality time I get to spend with my two beautiful daughters. It's a perfect reminder to us all—never take these moments for granted, they are just waiting to shine through amidst all the chaos.
—Orion Melehan, LIFEAID CEO and co-founder

Need another good excuse to move your body?

> > > Stay healthy.

While this has been a time of uncertainty around the world, one thing is certain: social distancing is leading many of us to a revolutionary time as a society, we’re witnessing a ‘closening’ of relationships. People are reflecting on what matters most in their lives, surrounding themselves with the people they love (even if only […]

This year, the LIFEAID team of 71 employees from around the U.S. and Canada traveled to Guerneville, California, for three sunny days of team-building and outdoor adventures. It served as the perfect reminder to all of as to exactly WHY we do what we do and HOW much we enjoy doing it with the people around us who support and inspire us to be better daily.

As always, fun was had, memories were made and lessons were learned. Those who could no attend were dearly missed.

Cheers to making 2020 the best year yet!

A special thank you to all of the staff and guest speakers who inspired, empowered and pushed each of us to become better leaders and team members—living intentionally and connecting with ourselves and others on deeper levels:

Meet our heart & soul, the LIFEAID Customer Success Team.

Kayaking down the Russian River.

Costume contest winners: The Minions

© All images property of in-house badass photographer Abby Clayden.

> > > Live well.

This year, the LIFEAID team of 71 employees from around the U.S. and Canada traveled to Guerneville, California, for three sunny days of team-building and outdoor adventures. It served as the perfect reminder to all of as to exactly WHY we do what we do and HOW much we enjoy doing it with the people […]

The LIFEAID Beverage Co. staff took to the streets and beaches of their local community in Santa Cruz, California, this past Friday, April 19, in honor of Earth Day. With trash bags and grabbers in hand, the crew walked the 3-mile loop to the beach area from their office headquarters in the Old Wrigley building off Mission Street. Employees brought family members & friends to help take part in the clean-up efforts which lasted from 4-6:30 p.m., providing some good clean (albeit dirty) fun for all.

"It's important that we all do our part every day to help give back and protect Mother Earth from the litter and trash that all-too-often lines our streets and park trails," said one team member.

At LIFEAID, we like to live by the rule "Pack it in, pack it out," and we encourage others to do the same. This Earth Day, we hope you find your own fun way to support local eco-systems and make the world a cleaner place for future generations.

—Your Team at LIFEAID

Co-founders Orion Melehan & Aaron Hinde led the charge for LIFEAID Beach Clean-Up Day.

©Above photos courtesy of LIFEAID in-house photographer Abby Clayden. All rights reserved.

> > > Live well.

The LIFEAID Beverage Co. staff took to the streets and beaches of their local community in Santa Cruz, California, this past Friday, April 19, in honor of Earth Day. With trash bags and grabbers in hand, the crew walked the 3-mile loop to the beach area from their office headquarters in the Old Wrigley building […]


September is always one of the nicest months of the year in Northern California. The tourists are gone, the weather is fantastic and it’s hard not to enjoy the bounty NorCal has to offer. The start of Indian summer brings along with it our annual LIFEAID company retreat. This is an incredible opportunity for our entire team to come together, celebrate the accomplishments from the past year and embark on a shared journey of personal and professional development.

At LIFEAID Beverage Co., we have 10 core values that drive our culture and ethos:


  1. Create the most fun, healthy, holistic and fulfilling work environment in Santa Cruz County (and beyond).
  2. Grow deliberately, sustainably and consistently create long-term value for our customers and stakeholders.
  3. Be curious, ask questions, communicate and adopt a growth mindset.
  4. Everyone is an owner—approach your work as such.
  5. Work hard, play hard—have fun doing both.
  6. Create raving fans—of our team members, customers, suppliers and community.
  7. Be solution-oriented, not problem-focused.
  8. Do more with less.
  9. Strive for continuous improvement rather than perfection.
  10. Always play the long game.


Although we practice these core values on a daily basis, the annual retreat brings multiple core values to light all at the same time, allowing us to revisit and focus on them in new ways each year.

This year was extra special to me on a personal level because we embarked on a journey to Lake Don Pedro—a lake I practically grew up on, having spent countless weekends waterskiing there as a kid. Our team rented six houseboats, four Jet Skis and a ski boat. We had professional caterers join us on board to prepare all of our meals, and we brought in seven dynamic speakers to present to our group over the weekend.

It’s amazing how things often work out even better than we could have imagined. I knew it would be an amazing retreat, but we were fortunate to experience what seemed like

a rare, perfect balance of personal development and fun in the sun.

Aside from the occasional mimosa, each morning began with about a 60-minute talk from one of our dynamic presenters. Our entire team gathered around, happily crammed onto the top deck of our main houseboat with our notebooks and pen in hand, eager to learn, grow and be challenged. Little did we know just how much of each would take place!

I should mention that four of our presenters were professional speakers—highly recognized and accomplished authors, TED Talks speakers, leaders and so forth. However, three of our presenters were not well-known, at least not beyond our little circle. They were LIFEAID team members. Honestly, it was pretty amazing being able to empower and then watch individuals on our team get out of their comfort zones, stand up in front of 70 of their colleagues and deliver incredibly well-crafted and powerful messages.

I intentionally gave no direction to any of the speakers when they first asked me what topic I would like them to present on at the retreat. I simply told them about our team, our values and our vision. Then I basically said, “Just deliver a presentation you feel would provide the most value to our group. I trust you.”

Boy, did they ever deliver! As the weekend progressed, a common thread began to develop between each speaker’s message. No one knew what the other speakers were presenting, yet a consistent theme began to emerge. As fate would have it, it was a theme that we all needed to hear.

After three full days and seven amazing speakers, the 2018 LIFEAID Beverage Co. retreat theme can be best summarized this way:

We are all powerful human beings who are manifesting our ability to be agents for positive change in this world. As human beings, our thoughts (conscious and unconscious) are eventually reflected in our words. With our words we create — our words drive our actions and lead to results (both positive and negative). At LIFEAID, our team has been uniquely unified by the common cause of improving the health and well-being of our diseased nation. We each realize and are fueled by the need to get people off of high-sugar, high-caffeine sodas & sports/energy drinks. As an alternative, we are passionate about providing everyone with our clean, healthful products. We possess the power to improve our lives and the lives of everyone we touch by being mindful and intentional regarding our thoughts, words and actions.

By the end of the weekend, we were not the same team we started as.

We had all experienced some “aha!” moments which have forever improved our trajectory as individuals and as a team. We ate, we drank, we played, we laughed, we cried, we danced, we shared, we contributed and — most importantly — we grew. It’s undeniable, watching the people who you care about have breakthroughs that will stick with them for the rest of their lives is what it really is all about.

Our brand is not merely our founders (myself and Orion) or a single product (like FitAid or FocusAid). Rather, it is the collective efforts and inventions of all the great women and men who comprise our LIFEAID team, a team which manifests in each and every one of our products and customer experiences.

While I can say, “I am LIFEAID” and “You are LIFEAID,” I am even prouder still to state that together,


Aaron Hinde

To learn more about Aaron, follow @aaronhinde on Instagram.


> > > Live well!

  September is always one of the nicest months of the year in Northern California. The tourists are gone, the weather is fantastic and it’s hard not to enjoy the bounty NorCal has to offer. The start of Indian summer brings along with it our annual LIFEAID company retreat. This is an incredible opportunity for […]