Let’s go girls *queue Shania Twain* ♪


FITAID CrossFit Athlete, Gabi Migala pulls her weight in leveling the playing field for men & women at the 2023 Berlin SemiFinals


The fitness industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation as there's been a significant rise in the participation and empowerment of women. Historically, there have been gender disparities within the fitness realm, deterring women from fully engaging in physical activities. However, recent studies and articles have shed light on a changing narrative. The fitness industry is becoming more female-centric, more inclusive, and more supportive of women looking to prioritize their health and well-being.


Breaking Down the Gender Gap at the Gym

An interesting read from Glamour highlights a gender gap that has been prevalent in gyms, acting as a barrier for women seeking to work out. The tide is turning. The male-dominated weight-room is no longer a forbidden zone for females. Gyms are increasingly focusing on creating a more welcoming environment for women. They are implementing initiatives such as women-only workout spaces, specialized classes, and diverse fitness programs tailored to women's specific needs. By addressing these gender disparities, the fitness industry is actively striving to make fitness accessible and enjoyable for women of all backgrounds and fitness levels.


Role Models in CrossFit & Weightlifting

CrossFit and weightlifting are two disciplines that are significantly changing the narrative surrounding women and lifting. Traditionally, weightlifting has been perceived as a male-dominated activity, with women often discouraged from engaging in heavy lifting due to societal norms and misconceptions. The idea that lifting makes girls bulky and inherently unattractive is becoming a notion of the past. CrossFit has been a game-changer, providing a platform for women to showcase their strength, athleticism, and capabilities in lifting heavy weights. CrossFit communities have fostered an environment that celebrates the achievements of women in weightlifting, emphasizing strength, technique, and performance rather than conforming to conventional beauty standards. By breaking down gender stereotypes and promoting inclusivity, CrossFit and weightlifting are empowering women to challenge their physical limits, build confidence, and redefine societal expectations surrounding femininity and strength. These disciplines are redefining fitness for females, inspiring women to embrace their inner strength and realize their full potential both inside and outside the gym.


FITAID Athlete and Pro-Weightlifter, Hunter Elam flexes her muscles and uses her platform to show being strong is beautiful.


Embracing the Digital Fitness Boom

Digital fitness has seen an extraordinary surge in recent years, and women are at the forefront of this movement. The Healthline article highlights how the digital fitness industry is empowering women by providing them with flexible workout options, personalized training programs, and access to a supportive online community. Virtual fitness platforms, mobile apps, and wearable technology have opened new doors for women to engage in fitness from the comfort of their homes or on the go. Social media enables women to connect with other like-minded individuals, share their fitness journeys, and inspire other users along the way. This democratization of fitness ensures that women can choose the mode and timing of their workouts, thereby eliminating potential barriers and increasing overall participation. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on body positivity and embracing diverse body types, ensuring that women feel comfortable and confident in their fitness journeys.


Pursuing Gender Equity in Fitness

Gender equity in fitness is a significant topic of discussion. Fitness professionals, trainers, and organizations are actively working to dismantle stereotypes and biases. IDEAfit explores the discrepancy of the number of female vs. male trainers against the amount of female executives in the fitness industry. Advocating for equal representation in leadership positions is the next step towards greater equity. OrangeTheory is a prime example of a successful woman-owned workout franchise. The lack of female representation in high-ranking roles is not unique to the fitness industry, but is a major stepping stone towards a more inclusive and equitable world.


FITAID CrossFit Athlete Kelsey Kiel moves BIG weights while redefining the narrative of what it means to be strong and female.


The exciting and encouraging trend of the fitness industry is promising for women. The efforts made to bridge the gender gap at the gym, embrace digital fitness, show females what they’re capable of, and pursue gender equity are empowering women to prioritize their health and well-being. By providing tailored programs, safe spaces, and inclusive communities, the fitness industry is breaking down barriers and encouraging women of all ages, backgrounds, and fitness levels to engage in physical activities confidently. The evolving landscape of the fitness industry is not only shaping women's lives positively but also redefining societal norms and promoting health for all.


  Let’s go girls *queue Shania Twain* ♪     The fitness industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation as there’s been a significant rise in the participation and empowerment of women. Historically, there have been gender disparities within the fitness realm, deterring women from fully engaging in physical activities. However, recent studies and articles have […]

50 Years of Title IX

50 years ago this month, June 23rd to be exact, Title IX was signed into law by President Richard Nixon. Back then, I do not believe people understand how big of an impact this Civil Rights Act would have not only on education, but in athletics. 


Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex or gender in any educational institution that receives federal funding. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”


Over the years, Title IX has grown to protect women not just in education and sports but against sexual harassment.  Although it does operate to prohibit and provide guidance on dealing with sexual harassment, that does not define the essence of Title IX. Title IX is, and always will be, an equity law, and like other equity laws, Title IX should be employed in any forum in which it is needed. Title IX should be utilized to its full potential and not limited merely because of its narrow application in the past. Fortunately, we are seeing its scope broaden to meet current needs. For example, today’s Title IX is applicable in cases concerning gender identity and sexual orientation, making it an essential tool as we encounter unlawful discrimination and harassment of our LGBTQ+ community members.


Over the past 50 years, Title IX has transformed women’s sports for the better. In 1972, there were just over 300,000 women and girls playing college and high school sports in the United States. Female athletes received 2% of college athletic budgets, while athletic scholarships for females were basically nonexistent. Today, over 3 million girls are participating in high school sports and over 200,000 are participating in collegiate athletics. Also, today 1 in every 5 girls are participating in female athletics in the United States as opposed to 1 in 27 before Title IX in 1972. 


Title IX has progressed female athletics, education, and safety. However, there is still a long way to go. So continue to support female sports and continue to be an advocate for all female athletes around the world! Are you a female athlete? We want to feature YOU! Tag us on Instagram @FITAID

50 Years of Title IX 50 years ago this month, June 23rd to be exact, Title IX was signed into law by President Richard Nixon. Back then, I do not believe people understand how big of an impact this Civil Rights Act would have not only on education, but in athletics.    Title IX is […]