Reposted from original article online at | Sept. 10, 2020

Starting Thursday, Sept. 17, at 3:30 p.m. PT/10:30 p.m. GMT, CrossFit will go live from its studio in California to guide fans through an action-packed weekend of competition. Tune in for live updates on event results on

Niki Brazier and Sean Woodland will keep you informed as scores roll in and standings are released on the CrossFit Games Leaderboard. Guest analysts and hosts from around CrossFit’s global community will join the pair throughout the weekend.

How to Watch Stage 1 of the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games

Recordings of the athletes’ full workouts and additional coverage will be released throughout the weekend.

Follow the live shows on the Games website or through the CrossFit Games Facebook, Games Instagram, or the new CrossFit Games YouTube account to stay up to date on breaking news and competition highlights.

You can also keep up with your favorite Games athletes through their individual Instagram pages.


The 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games will take place in two stages: 1) an online competition in athletes’ home countries from which the top five men and top five women will advance and 2) an in-person finals in California to compete for the titles of Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth.


For the first time, the final stage of the CrossFit Games will begin in CrossFit affiliates around the world. The top 20 women and top 20 men from the Open leaderboard along with the 10 women’s and 10 men’s qualifiers from Sanctionals will compete in a virtual competition beginning Friday, Sept. 18.

Each event can be performed only one time. Once an athlete finishes an event, they may not attempt it again. There are no restarts. The workout must continue to completion once the timer begins.

More than US$500K in prize money is on the line for athletes placing in 20th through sixth place in stage one.

The top five men and top five women will advance to compete in person for up to US$1.3 million, with the Fittest Man on Earth and Fittest Woman on Earth earning US$300K each.

Related: Which Athletes Benefit Most in the Online Format?


A list of required equipment has been emailed to the 2020 Games athletes and CrossFit affiliates. Athletes are required to have the following equipment:

Required support equipment:

The wait has been long, but it is almost time for the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games! Keep checking for more information as the competition nears.

The above article is reposted directly from original content found at


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FITAID is a proud partner of the 2020 CrossFit Games. Good luck, athletes!

You can follow along on Instagram for updates on FITAID athletes who are competing this weekend: @fitaid

> > > Stay well.

Dear Affiliate Owners—

As many of you within the fitness community know, during June of this year our brand took a stand against gross missteps by our longtime partner, CrossFit®, and announced the withdrawal of our sponsorship for the 2020 CrossFit Games.

Since that time, we have been in active dialogue with the new CrossFit leadership including Eric Roza, to understand how CrossFit will address needed improvements to policy, attitude and direction, and we are confident positive change is underway. There is an exciting new chapter ahead for CrossFit and its partners, one that emphasizes respect, a strengthened and aligned community, greater humility and needed inclusivity.

We believe in new beginnings and have been impressed enough by what we’ve seen over the past two months, so we have decided to return as a partner of the 2020 CrossFit Games.

As longtime CrossFit partners, Orion and I feel their company is heading in the right direction. As a partnering voice, we will be doing our part to help them rebuild and continue to deliver on promised changes.

We encourage all CrossFit partners, affiliates and members to ask the hard questions of the brand’s new leadership so you can make your own decision, like we did, about if and how you want to support CrossFit in the future.

If you wish to contact Orion or me about why we felt it was the right time for LIFEAID to reinstate our support, please email us (or DM me on Instagram at @aaronhinde). We’d love to hear from you and offer whatever insights we can.

Thank you,
Aaron Hinde and Orion Melehan

Cover photo courtesy of

> > > Live well.

Will Smith's Life Lessons

As a successful actor, filmmaker, artist, family man, entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Will Smith has been inspiring us all for decades with his life lessons. Here are some of his most powerful words—may they ignite a spark within you.

Watch the video on Instagram here.

Struggling to Stay Motivated to Work Out?

Here are five ways to help you find your motivation and stay on track with your fitness goals.

Read the full article here.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

—Winston Churchill

Judge Rejects Gov. Doug Ducey's Request to Delay Process for Reopening Gyms in Arizona 

With many gym doors still re-opening and re-closing nationwide in the U.S. (amidst spikes in COVID numbers and constantly changing CDC guidelines), Arizona gyms fight back.

Check out the full article on FOX News here.

Because friends don't let friends suffer alone ...

FITAID wants to give one lucky winner TWO—yep, you read that correctly—FREE Assault AirBikes! It's FREE to enter with your email address. You have until the entry deadline: Sept. 1, 2020.

It Takes What It Takes

World-renowned mental conditioning coach Trevor Moawad gives you the tools to manage and overcome negativity and achieve any goal in your life.

Learn more about his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 43

As boredom increases during quarantine, so does the amount of screen time spent on televisions, phones, video games and computers. The stay-at-home restrictions still have many of us sheltered in place. As a result, device addiction is perhaps more prevalent now than ever, especially in youths, so it's important to have some fun, tech-free activities and sports to help get everyone away from the screens and more balanced.

With remote learning the new norm now, finding an alternative to the activities that keep us glued to the screen all day is critical. Here are a few examples that can fill some of that time, away from the screen.

Basketball or Soccer

For basketball and soccer players, there are plenty of at-home practice drills that can be done while quarantined—from shooting baskets on the driveway, practicing ball-handling drills like dribbling, to kicking a soccer ball into a net or against the garage door. There are also rebounding nets that can be easily set up against the basketball hoop to help with solo practice. So whether you prefer basketball or soccer, just get outside and get dribbling!

Ping Pong

One of the more popular indoor sports is ping pong (or table tennis as it is also referred to). Having a ping-pong table is, of course, the best way to play, but if you don’t have the room or don’t want to spend the money on one, there are ways to accomplish the same thing with just a portable net, kitchen table, a couple of paddles and a ping-pong ball. Another nice feature of table tennis is that you can practice by yourself against a solid backdrop, to start developing your skills, having some fun in the meantime.

Indoor Golf

While golf courses are slowly starting to open up under some restrictions after the complete shutdown of the past couple of months, there is plenty of golf that can be practiced at home in the meantime. Indoor putting greens are very affordable and offer a great opportunity to practice what many consider to be the hardest part of the game. While swinging a club around the yard at a Wiffle ball is very economical, another great option is to grab your sand wedge from the bag, a few golf balls, a bucket, and hit some chip shots from a few yards out in your own backyard. And when it's time to hit the courses outdoors, try the best golf drinks by LIFEAID: GOLFERAID.

Water Balloon Dodgeball 

This is a very simple, but fun twist on the gym-class staple that—while tutoring or wrangling the kids at home—can be a nice release of energy with the added benefit of a cool, refreshing break once the weather heat up. Instead of those old-school bouncy balls, simply replace them with water balloons and have a good old-fashioned game of dodgeball. Be sure to include mom and dad in the fun! And just like the PE teacher always said, never aim for the head.

Photo courtesy of


With nothing more than a yoga mat, you can discover the combination of physical and mental exercises that have been popular for thousands of years. The beauty of yoga is that you don’t have to be an expert to reap the benefits. Plus, with doga, it is not your ordinary yoga but rather a yoga hybrid you can do with your canine companion. I mean, who doesn’t love getting to spend more time with their dog while doing an activity they enjoy? Just don’t forget to make sure you and your buddy both have fresh breath for complete peace of mind during your doga session. 

Whether you are young or old, fit or overweight, doga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. It's easy to be intimidated by doga terminology, and complicated poses, but don’t be. Doga is a great sport for everyone and it is also beneficial to your dog to help calm him or her. 


Aside from the sports mentioned above, you can also try planting something indoors or outdoors. Start small, pick up some packets of seeds or a few starter plants you’d love to nurture. You may never know what your green thumb can do until you try! Plus, gardening can be a great outlet to help relieve mild stress and quiet the mind, while also snagging you some fresh air and much-needed vitamin D in the sunshine.


However you decide to unplug and get away from the daily ‘screen life’ during these crazy times, just remember to focus on the activities and people in your life that help bring you joy and leave you feeling less stressed. So next time you’re tempted to rush through your day, just pause, put down your phone, breathe, move your body, get outside, and enjoy the moment. Because nothing beats that feeling of creating a little more balance in your daily life.

Cover photo courtesy of
All rights reserved.

Jordan Fuller

Jordan Fuller is a retired golfer who also owns a golf publication site, Golf Influence. He has loved golf since he was a kid and feels golf has been significantly helpful in improving his overall health. 

> > > Stay well.

Cover photo By Matt Stone / MediaNews Group / Boston Herald

LIFEAID randomly surveyed 135 gym owners in July of  2020, in order to find out how they are handling re-opening, keeping members safe, plans for reinvigorating memberships, stocking their fridges with FITAID, and more...


Q: How long has your gym been in business?

Q: Has your gym re-opened (as of July 2020)?

Q: What percentage of your members has returned to your gym for regular workouts?

Q: How long do you think it may take for your gym to return to pre-COVID attendance numbers?

Q: Do you plan to continue offering Zoom/virtual class options to your members?

Q: Which LIFEAID products do you currently offer members at your gym?

> > > Stay well.

Brianna Cope is a professional surfer born and raised on the beautiful island of Kauai, Hawaii. Growing up near the ocean, Cope fell in love with the power of its waves and began surfing on a longboard at the age of four.

“I love how free and alive I feel in the ocean. It is such an indescribable feeling to be able to ride a wave, always thinking how special it is that you can only ride that wave once—you will never get the same wave again,” says Cope.

Cope won her first surfing competition when she was just 11 years old, deciding then and there that she wanted to be a professional surfer. Currently, Cope can be spotted competing on the World Surf League qualifying series, traveling across the globe for competitions. Her 2018 documentary “Surfing to Cope” is now available on iTunes.‘Big Neechi’ is an internationally recognized celebrity, bodybuilder and festival host known for his incredible strength, muscular physique, and for throwing wild parties.

Neechi graduated from Texas State University as somewhat of a campus legend, obtaining a degree in Exercise & Sports Science. His capabilities in the gym came at an early age when he broke his Jr. High School’s bench press record of 315 lb. in the eighth grade! Big Neechi has since won the title of "Combine King" and "Strongest Man". 

During college, Big Neechi also earned another reputation for himself after throwing a Project X-style pool party that went viral and ended up on every news outlet in America. Big Neechi has become the #1 event host in Texas, and even hosted Spring Break in South Padre Island. 

No matter how wild his lifestyle gets, Big Neechi always prioritizes fitness, maintains a great physique, and displays insane numbers on all his lifts. (He was the 2019 Iron Wars 4 champion after completing a 475-lb. pause-rep bench press!) Weighing only 215 lb., Big Neechi has proven he can keep up with the best of the best.

Greg Lutzka is a professional skateboarder, best known for his technical skills which have landed him countless trophies, gold medals and awards in contests including: X-Games, The Maloof Money Cup, Dew Tours and World Cups. Currently, Lutzka is also the only skater to have ever won the highly respected Tampa Pro an unprecedented three times.

Lutzka’s reputation as one of the hardest working skateboarders in the industry is well-earned. At the age of 18, Greg moved from the Midwest to Southern California, the Action Sports mecca of the world. During the course of his career, Lutzka has been featured in videos for Almost & Darkstar Skateboards, K-Swiss and Oakley Eyewear. He has also cross-branded himself with Harley Davidson and Aqua Hydrate, always representing sponsors to the fullest while also practicing and improving his skateboarding skills daily.

Lutzka has acted in a movie, commercials and music videos. During whatever remaining freetime Lutzka has, he enjoys snowboarding, cycle riding and spending time with family and friends.

> > > Stay well.

Joshua Schall sat down with LIFEAID co-founder Aaron Hinde during an April 2020* interview—just as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to affect both business owners and consumers—for a candid discussion about how to harness the power of your mind to set yourself up for success.

(*Note: This interview contains dated information about the LIFEAID LIFT program which ran until late June 2020, to help get gyms back on their feet.)

You can watch the full podcast episode on YouTube here.


Survey Reveals Gyms Will Never Be the Same After Coronavirus

A recent OnePoll survey asked 2,000 Americans how they will be handling their fitness and whether they will be returning to their local gym, as doors begin reopening worldwide. The results may shock you.

Read the full article here.


6 Quarantine Cooking Strategies to Make the Most of Every Store Trip

Two pro triathletes share their top recipes and tips for success in the kitchen.

Read the full article here.

"It's very interesting that it took isolation to bring everybody together."

—Aaron Hinde

10 Entrepreneurial Lessons You Didn't Learn in College

Check out these 10 lessons from top entrepreneurs that you can't learn from a textbook.

Read the full article here.


HindeSight  |  No. 40

Results from a recent One Poll survey, published in a New York Post article on June 26, 2020

One in four Americans will never be returning to gyms … even once the pandemic is over, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 Americans who exercise at least twice a week surveyed respondents on their attitudes toward gyms in the “corona age” and found 24 percent are over them, with one in three saying they will be likely to go less than before.

However, four in 10 remain undeterred by COVID-19 and said they will be returning to the gym at the same rate or more once it opens back up.


The study, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of LIFEAID Beverage Co., also found many active Americans are turning to at-home workouts.

Forty-two percent of those polled said they have a home gym set-up that they prefer over their membership gym.

Going back to gyms is currently a big unknown, but many safety measures will surely be implemented upon re-opening, including masks.

Wearing a mask during a pandemic is common sense for many, with only 26 percent saying they are anti-mask and won’t go to any gym that requires it.

Twenty-nine percent said they are anti-mask but would wear one if their gym required it, while 20 percent are for masks and will wear one at the gym reluctantly — and 26 percent are for masks and won’t go to any gym that does not require them.

All that being said, 62 percent of those polled said they believe wearing masks in gyms will help against the spread of COVID-19 and 83 percent agreed they’d feel much more comfortable in gyms if everybody was wearing a mask.

Masks aren’t the only safety concern for gym-goers, however.

Thirty-eight percent of those surveyed said they will be wiping down the equipment each time before they use it.

Over nine in 10 said they’d be more vigilant about others wiping down equipment properly and half (49 percent) said they’d call somebody out for not properly cleaning the equipment after they use it.

“We understand why some gym-goers may reject wearing a mask throughout their entire workout, but no one should drop the ball on cleanliness and disinfection of hands and equipment. It’s a courtesy and a personal responsibility as much as the responsibility of the gyms,” said Aaron Hinde, co-founder of LIFEAID Beverage Co.

“What gym devotees also need to understand is there is a price for higher standards of cleaning and safety at the gym. That requires more staff, more equipment, more cleaning supplies. So gym-goers should not be surprised or even indignant if they get hit with higher fees. And if the gym is critical to your balance and wellness, you should accept those fees.”

People are keen to exhibit caution when returning to public spaces to get back into their exercise routine.

The average respondent said that when their gym opens back up, they’ll still wait around four and half weeks before finally returning for a workout.

Many feel this can’t come soon enough, as 75 percent said they feel they need to put in some overtime in order to get back in shape after a lengthy quarantine.

But it hasn’t been all bad, as the survey showed Americans learned some self-love during the time in isolation.

Three in four said they are more accepting of their bodies now than they were pre-pandemic and the average respondent was found to have made four positive lifestyle changes since it started, too.

“If we experience lasting, positive change from the gym shut down, we hope it’s an embrace of some level of moderation. We can be fit, healthy and very strong without being obsessive,” said Hinde. “And smart moderation may also be better for our longer term physical health.”

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

From local 5ks to hikes in far-off, exotic destinations, many of our planned fitness challenges have been added to the list of canceled activities this year. Initially, it might be disheartening to have to remove these events from your calendar, but don’t lose hope. Many competitions and challenges are simply moving to a virtual platform so attendees don’t have to experience fitness FOMO. 

Check out these five fun, fitness-related challenges for the summer and get your fitness fix! 

  • Paddle Boarding Competition

    For those of you who are heavily involved in the sport of paddle boarding, check out this fundraising event for the World Wildlife Fund! The Panda Paddle helps to support the conservation work of WWF and is typically held in San Diego, California. The organizers of the competition stated, “While we're sad to not be there in person with our great community of nature loving paddle enthusiasts, we'd like to recreate the friendly competition with our Virtual Paddle Competition which we can now open up to other paddle sports.”  If you’re ready to get out on the water for a good cause, sign up for the Panda Paddle HERE.


  •  Limitless Vertical Challenge

    This intense endurance challenge focusing on vertical gain is perfect for those who love to continuously push themselves and their physical boundaries. Starting at Level One and moving through to Level Six, you can register, log your vertical gain and attempt to get yourself to “Double Everest”. Run Steep tells us, “Like other virtual races and challenges, you are in control. You get to design your course, choose your location, mix up locations each day as you like, and keep track of your progress through the week. Keep us updated each day and #ShareYourSummit as you trek toward the next level.” Ready to put some elevation gain under your belt? Click HERE to get more info on the Limitless Vertical Challenge. 

  •  Virtual Marathon

    Offering a 10k, half marathon, 30k and a full marathon option, this virtual race benefitting Blueprints of Love will have you running for a good cause in no time. This virtual race not only facilitates your marathon but it also helps to train and encourage you during the process. If you want to help out a great cause and get in some fitness, check out the virtual race with lots of options HERE

  • Camino de Santiago Virtual Pilgrimage

    The ancient 480 mile pilgrimage located in Spain beckons many people of all walks of life and all fitness levels. Unfortunately, the Camino has closed for the year but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own hiking challenge in your own hometown. Each time you log your miles, it inches you across the map and lets you see, virtually, what you would be seeing if you were on this legendary trail using Google Street View. You’ll also receive virtual postcards which give more information about each location you reach on the trail. This pilgrimage is meant to be an intensely personal experience for each pilgrim so not only is it a fitness challenge but it also serves as  a mental journey. Start your Camino today by clicking HERE

  • Swim the Distance

    Whether it’s in the local lake or your own backyard pool, this swimming challenge will have you clocking some serious distance. After you register, you choose your distance and you have the month to document and complete your challenge. This virtual competition is perfect for those who are looking for some virtual fitness motivation. Clock your miles HERE


Whether you’re supporting a fundraiser or attempting to push your own physical boundaries, these virtual fitness challenges will have you motivated and staying fit during a time of many competition cancellations. These challenges are perfect for both beginners who are just getting started on their fitness journey as well as professional athletes who are looking for another sport to add to their repertoire. Join the league of other virtual athletes and start working towards your goal today! 

Cover photo courtesy of @the_goodish_traveler
Additional images courtesy of @pandapaddle and @aravaiparunning


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website:


> > > Stay well.

The FITAID Five: Helping Gyms Reopen Safely & Successfully

LIFEAID co-founder Aaron Hinde and daughter Trinity share the top-five steps to help our community safely return to the gym, as doors begin reopening nationwide. We know how important fitness is to our overall well-being, so please stay safe and stay fit out there. We're all in this together.

Check out the full video here.

How Athletes Are Handling Quarantine

We interviewed four FITAID athletes—Kelsey Kiel, Jacob Heppner, Neal Maddox and Jackie Perez—to get their take on how they’ve been staying fit and what key learnings they're taking away from quarantine.

Read the full article here.

"The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition."


—Ryan Holiday

The Obstacle Is The Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph

Especially during difficult times such as these, this #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller has helped those who apply its wisdom to become more successful at whatever they do.

Check out Ryan Holiday's book here or at your local bookstore. 


HindeSight  |  No. 39