By Michelle Kennedy Hogan at

Let's just jump right in!

... Believe it or not, the simple act of jumping rope can do more for you overall than the same time spent jogging. Plus, jumping rope is also easy to do anywhere. A jump rope slipped in your backpack or bag can be brought along on a trip, to work, school or at home ...

Here are a few benefits of jumping rope that you might not know about:

1. Improves Coordination

Jumping rope actually improves your coordination by making you focus on your feet. Whether or not you’re paying attention to them, your brain is aware of what your feet are doing. This practice, over and over again, makes you “lighter” on your feet. Training for one of those warrior-style obstacle course races? Jumping rope can help. According to's Boxing Training Guide, “the more tricks you do with the jump rope, the more conscious and coordinated you have to be.”

2. Decreases Foot and Ankle Injuries

Jumping rope is beneficial for those active in other sports. Many athletes in basketball, tennis, football and other sports often suffer foot and ankle injuries from running and then stopping quick and turning. This is very common in both tennis and basketball. Jumping rope not only improves your foot coordination but also increases your strength in the muscles surrounding your ankle joint and in your foot, decrease the chance of injury to those areas.

According to the Jump Rope Institute, “jumping rope teaches players to stay on the balls of their feet, as opposed to being flat footed or on their heels. And since you are on your toes the entire time you jump rope, you will find that staying quiet on your toes when playing tennis will become easier and second nature.”

3. Burns Major Calories

Compared to jogging for 30 minutes, jumping rope actually burns more calories. According to Science Daily, “This aerobic exercise can achieve a “burn rate” of up to 1300 calories per hour of vigorous activity, with about 0.1 calories consumed per jump. Ten minutes of jumping rope can roughly be considered the equivalent of running an eight-minute mile.”

4. Completely Portable and Fun

A jump rope can go anywhere with you. Take it to work, take it to school. Warm up before your basketball game or cool down after a bike ride. Learn to do tricks and double dutch with your kids or have competitions between you and your family — how long, how low you can jump, how high, spinning — all kinds of tricks can be done with a jump rope.

5. Improves Bone Density

Dr. Daniel W. Barry, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, at Denver, and a researcher who has studied the bones of the elderly and of athletes, says that the best exercise to improve bone density is simply jumping up and down.

“Jumping is great, if your bones are strong enough to begin with,” Dr. Barry says. “You probably don’t need to do a lot either.” (If you have any history of fractures or a family history of osteoporosis, check with a physician before jumping.)

According to The New York Times, “in studies in Japan, having mice jump up and land 40 times during a week increased their bone density significantly after 24 weeks, a gain they maintained by hopping up and down only about 20 or 30 times each week after that.”

6. Improves Cardiovascular Health

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, skipping rope is highly recommended for aerobic conditioning. In order to increase your heart and lung health you must do it three to five times per week for 12 to 20 minutes at a time.

7. Improved Breathing Efficiency

In addition to improved heart health and stamina, jumping rope also improves how efficiently you breathe. This becomes very beneficial when doing other activities because you won’t be as out of breath after running down the court or swimming laps in the pool.

8. Makes You Smarter

Believe it or not, jumping rope can make you smarter. According the Jump Rope Institutejumping aids in the development of the left and right hemispheres of your brain, which further enhances spacial awareness, improves reading skills, increases memory and makes you more mentally alert. Jumping on the balls of your feet requires your body and mind to make neural muscular adjustments to imbalances created from continuous jumping. As a result jumping improves dynamic balance and coordination, reflexes, bone density and muscular endurance.

9. Improves Your Ability to Stay Calm

Because you are actually working your brain and your body at the same time, boxers in the ring who jump rope actually are more calm overall than those who don’t. The Jump Rope Institute attributes this to the bio-mechanical perspective.

“As one dissects this exercise further and views it from a bio-mechanical perspective, it represents a composite movement combining a circular motion with an angular momentum. The body resembles a projectile subject to all the laws that govern projectile motion while the rope becomes a dynamic flywheel subject to all the laws that govern rotary motion. It is in the synchronous and harmonious coordination of these movements where the secrets and benefits are received.”

Your improved ability to jump rope and be synchronous with your body, mind and the rope, can actually help you be more calm in other situations.


Grab a jump rope, get hopping and be amazed by the different ways your body and mind will benefit.

> > > Source: Read the original article by Michelle Kennedy Hogan on

BONUS: Want a free jump rope?

Now during the 2019 CrossFit OPEN, you can receive a FREE RPM Sprint Jump Rope + FREE SHIPPING
with every single order of two 24-packs at (Offer valid while supplies last, Feb. 21- March 25, 2019.)

For additional information about RPM jump ropes, visit


> > > Live well.

By: Karenia Bowman |

As a chef, I’m highly inspired by all-things food. I love all of the seasonal offerings available toward the end of the year and everything butternut squash is no exception. Even though butternut squash is widely available year-round, it is best known as a winter squash. It’s deliciously soft, sweet and nutty, not to mention easy to prepare, and extremely versatile. One of my favorite seasonal pairings this time of year is butternut squash along with a deliciously savory breakfast sausage.

I know, most people think sausage isn’t conducive to a fit and healthy lifestyle but it can be—dreams really do come true!

With a simple healthy swap of low-fat chicken sausage instead of full-fat pork sausage, you can still indulge without derailing your lifestyle goals or sacrificing flavor. Sometimes I buy my sausage from my local grocer’s butcher department, and sometimes I make my own from scratch (it’s actually easier than you think). Whether your chicken sausage is store-bought or homemade, it’s absolutely delicious when paired with butternut squash. I also love to add a little kale to the mix because it transforms this dynamic duo into a serious triple threat in everything you enjoy them in.

Breakfast is my love language. I have to have it or else I don’t feel whole. I really believe it completes my life. Every morning I cheerfully make my breakfast while sipping an ice-cold protein latte—it’s my ritual … what can I say? More often than not, my morning typically starts with an egg/egg white-based dish. Some mornings, I’ll enjoy my egg muffins on the go, and some mornings I'll opt for a scramble or an omelet of some kind at home. I’ve also been known to savagely chug my egg whites over ice with a morning bowl of oats. At my core, I'm a creature of healthy habits. I start most days with an egg white/egg-based dish because they are high in muscle-building protein, they are deliciously satiating and extremely versatile.

When it comes to mornings, I recognize the fact that most don’t have the time to sit and prepare a full-on breakfast.

If it comes down to hitting the snooze button two to three times, or cooking breakfast ... chances are, most people will opt for the snooze. I’m a firm believer in “having it all," so why not hit the snooze button a few more times and relish the extra sleep while still managing to start your day with a fit, filling, seasonal breakfast on the go? Well, with these deliciously convenient egg muffins, you totally can!

As a chef, my absolute passion is creating balanced solutions for healthier living.

Creating solutions that are actually doable is always my goal, and these savory breakfast egg muffins do not disappoint. Whether you are someone who doesn’t have much experience in the kitchen, or someone who is a seasoned pro, you can easily throw these into your regular breakfast rotation. They require minimal effort and masquerade as convenient protein-packed snacks, ideal for anytime you need a healthy and filling on-the-go snack.

If you have a hectic morning ahead of you, make these little babies the night before. Simply reheat them in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Voila! You have an instant, homemade high-protein breakfast ready to enjoy before you start your busy day!

R  E  C  I  P  E

Butternut Squash, Sausage, Kale Egg Muffins
Servings: 12
60 calories per serving
Macros: 7g Protein | 3g Carbs | 2g Fat

4 oz. low-fat chicken breakfast sausage, casings removed
1.5 cups butternut squash, diced
1.25 cups loosely packed Lacinto kale, chopped
1.5 cups liquid egg whites
4 eggs
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
Coarse ground pepper & Kosher salt, to taste

1. Spray a muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray and set aside. Dice butternut squash into small bite-sized pieces and set aside. Chop the kale leaves and set aside, discarding the stems. Heat a large nonstick skillet over low heat. Spray the surface of the skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Transfer the butternut squash cubes and sauté for 7-10 minutes or until tender. When the butternut squash is done, remove the cubes from the skillet and set aside.

2. Wipe down the skillet and spray the surface with non-stick cooking spray. Transfer the low-fat chicken sausage to the skillet. Cook until the meat is no longer pink and begins to brown. While the sausage is cooking, break the pieces into bite-sized crumbles with the corner of the spatula. When the sausage is done cooking, remove the skillet from the heat and transfer the sausage to a colander and drain (optional).

3. Wipe down the skillet and spray the surface of the skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Heat the skillet over low heat. Add butternut squash, sausage and kale to the skillet. Cook until the kale leaves begin to soften and wilt. When done, remove the skillet from the heat and let the mixture cool.

4. In a small mixing bowl, add the eggs and egg whites. Season the egg mixture with granulated garlic, salt & pepper and whisk until well combined.

5. Ladle/pour the egg mixture halfway up into each muffin cavity. When cool enough to handle, disperse the filling evenly among each cavity. Place the muffin tin on top of a sheet pan (larger than the muffin tin). Place the muffins in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until done with no liquid remaining. When done, remove the muffins from the oven and let cool.

6. When the egg muffins have cooled, enjoy immediately or transfer to an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator for later.

> > > Live well!



Article by 

You don’t need to have both arms to live an outstanding life, and Logan Aldridge almost prefers it this way now.

“I love being different,” says the 27-year-old. “I love being the guy with one arm.”

Life changed forever for Aldridge at age 13 after a day wakeboarding on Lake Gaston on the North Carolina-Virginia border. Helping his dad on the family boat, the duo was pushing off from a friend’s dock and heading back home when a rope he was coiling got tangled in the propeller. Within an instant, it severed through the skin and arteries in his left arm, right up to the bone. Blood was everywhere, he recalled. His Dad, springing into action, created a tourniquet of sorts that kept him from bleeding out until the emergency teams arrived. In the ambulance, Aldridge’s mother said something that would shape his perspective for years to come.

“I remember laying there and looking at my arm, looking at everyone around me, and asking my mom what if I lose my arm from this?” he told “Without skipping a beat, she said, 'Logan, it’s just an arm.' Some people think that’s a brutal parental response, but that was the most important thing to hear. It instilled the perception in me that at the end of the day, I’d still have my life. Whatever happens, we’re going to make it through this.”

Logan’s mom gave him the tough-love advice that inspired him to face his new reality head-on: "without skipping a beat, she said, 'Logan, it’s just an arm.'"
Standing in the hospital bathroom, tears streamed down his face seeing the shape of his new body in the mirror. But that was the last time that the Raleigh native would grieve his loss, something wise beyond his years at such a young age.

“I knew I had to move forward,” he says. “I immediately went into problem-solving mode, started to learn how to write with my right hand, make the best of a less-than-ideal situation, and embrace my situation.”

Today, Aldridge is an accomplished para-athlete and has fully embraced life with a handicap. As someone who is "in pursuit of more potential and maximizing [my] output," he craves comfort that allows him to push his personal and physical boundaries. To that end, he turns to the reliable ease and durability of cotton in and out of his WODs. "I'm training all the time and like to be comfortable."

Similarly, his go-to sweaty habit, CrossFit, continually pushes him to be better and prepares him for his other active passions, from mountain biking to Spartan Racing. “We learn so much about ourselves when we are challenged,” he says. “When I’m breathless and working hard and in an uncomfortable state, that’s when I grow.” Pressing on with determination and grit has led Aldridge to set some impressive weight-lifting PRs—like deadlifting 500 lbs and doing 245-lb. cleans.

"We learn so much about ourselves when we are challenged."

When he’s not traveling for his full-time job as a sales manager or teaching CrossFit, Aldridge is speaking to large groups about the lessons he’s learned (and also: training to one day compete in the Paralympics).

“My life’s purpose now is to motivate others,” he says. “We hear inspiration a lot, especially in the case of active amputees. Inspiring is cool—and I’m grateful to do that—but motivation is different that inspiring. You can be inspired sitting on the coach, but when you’re motivated—you’re ready to take action and still change. Something has happened that’s made you ready to move. And I say hey, let’s move together.”

 is a freelance writer, certified fitness trainer, and host of the podcast Hurdle. You can find her work in GQ, Shape, Runner’s World, and other health and fitness publications.

> > > Live well.


“If you need a hand, I’m here to help,” says CrossFit athlete and coach Logan Aldridge with a laugh. “The irony is perfect for me, but it also does a great job of describing my mentality every day.”


Aldridge’s life changed when a fluke wakeboarding accident resulted in the amputation of his left arm as a teenager. Despite the obvious challenges, Aldridge has committed to his personal fitness and, more importantly, how he improves the lives of others.

“Although I may only have one left, at the drop of a hat and without a second thought, I’m always willing to lend a hand to someone else,” says Aldridge. “The story of this hand and the hard work I put in with it – failures and accomplishments included – is by making it available to other people.”

Aldridge is part of Reebok’s 2017 brand campaign, highlighted by the emotional spot, ‘Hands’ – an evolution of the company’s “Be More Human” platform. The campaign highlights how our hands tell the stories of our effort and hard work, successes and failures, and dedication to improvement.

Aldridge attended his first WOD while in college, but it was not love at first lift.

“I sweated a lot, and I almost threw up,” Aldridge laughs. “I was like, ‘No, screw that! I’ll just work out with my buddies at school and get huge!’”

It wasn’t until after Aldridge graduated and moved away that he realized he missed the camaraderie of working out with friends. Given CrossFit’s well-known community aspect, he decided to give it another chance.

Aldridge showed up for his second WOD at CrossFit Exchange in Raleigh, North Carolina, and has remained there ever since.

reebok-logan-aldridge-hands-4“How I rediscovered CrossFit was really fueled by wanting to be more competitive and be involved in a community of people doing fitness,” Aldridge explains. “The camaraderie of the people at Exchange was awesome. I knew after one good day that I would always be coming back.”

Despite the inauspicious start in the sport, Aldridge has become fully immersed in the CrossFit world as both an athlete and coach.

“What keeps CrossFit so exciting is working from the coach’s perspective,” says Aldridge. “I don’t think there’s another career where you can get so much fulfillment from watching people realize their potential or the opportunities that are placed in front of them.”

“It’s amazing to see how enlightened they are after each class. It keeps me coming back because each athlete leaves there feeling more human and more fulfilled.”

While Aldridge developed into an elite CrossFit athlete (and recently a world record holder), it has been his impact on others that has been the most rewarding throughout his fitness journey.

“The following that I’ve gotten both on and off social media has been amazing,” he says.

“Some adaptive athletes and amputees have even reached out to me to say that until then they had always kept their shirt on or had never wanted to reveal their body, and that I had been able to show them how to not care, be comfortable in their own skin, and embrace who they are.”

“I’ve been able to motivate them to be more accepting and proud of how they look, and to me that’s the biggest accomplishment I’ve had to date.”


How do your hands tell your story?  Let us know by tweeting @Reebok and tagging #BeMoreHuman.

> > > Live well.