We've all been there: capping off the weekend with friends and family or celebrating a win on Super Bowl Sunday, only to wake up with a terrible hangover to start a long work week. What you might not know is that alcohol consumption interferes with natural brain activity during sleep — to say nothing of those late-night emergency trips to the bathroom! In short, a hangover's effect on the brain is essentially identical to that of sleep deprivation, disrupting the hormones that regulate our biological clocks.


What are some of the most common symptoms of a hangover?

Hangovers range in severity based on degree of overindulgence, with the most common symptoms being fairly debilitating. These include migraines, nausea, diarrhea and extreme fatigue. More severe cases can manifest in sustained elevation of systolic blood pressure, shaking, clamminess and overproducing sweat glands.


It goes without saying that the obvious best course of treatment for a hangover is hydration and plenty of bed rest. However, it's worth noting that social events and holidays like birthdays, bachelor parties and St. Patrick's Day don't always fall on weekends! In this post, let's look at how LIFEAID beverages, hemp-derived CBD products and common health supplements may help you get ready for a productive day at work — with or without a killer hangover.


PARTYAID Recovery Blend to Reduce Fatigue & Stomach Issues

LIFEAID’s PARTYAID beverage is a non-caffeinated, 40 calorie recovery blend for revitalizing the system with much-needed electrolytes. It comes in a refreshing berry bliss flavor; a piquantly perfect balance to perk up the taste buds and energize the senses.


PARTYAID contains 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), a natural amino acid used in the production of serotonin which functions as an important chemical messenger and neurotransmitter. Low serotonin levels lead to fatigue and sleep dysfunction as well as rapid weight gain, depression and other physiological disorders. 5-HTP may be an effective hangover remedy in itself because of its reported ability to promote healthy sleep cycles and reduce fatigue by normalizing serotonin levels in the body.


PARTYAID also contains milk thistle, a well-established home remedy for nausea, indigestion, gas and upset stomachs. For decades, milk thistle has been a household go-to for hangovers — making it a natural addition to a weekday recovery blend.


Cannabidiol (CBD) for Increased Focus and Relief from Headaches & Nausea

CBD and other cannabinoids produce their effects through interactive modulation of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a network of cannabinoid receptors in the body that influence the production and throughput of hormones like dopamine and norepinephrine. This ability to regulate the flow of hormones into the nervous system is the foundation of medical research into CBD as a possible natural alternative to lab-synthesized spasmolytics, painkillers and anxiolytic drugs.


As of this writing, there is a significant amount of scientific literature exploring the viability of CBD supplementation not only for improving overall focus, but in managing symptoms of dementia as well. Studies highlighting CBD's analgesic potential are further supported by millions of anecdotal testimonies in the form of product reviews across social media and e-retail sites.


While more research is required before CBD's viability as a novel alternative to pharmaceutical drugs becomes a fact of life, it certainly can't hurt to try an all-natural, user-backed hangover remedy to reduce headaches and nausea while increasing focus and concentration — all with virtually no risk of side effects.


And if you’re not quite ready to dive into the expensive world of CBD oil yet, LIFEAID Hemp is a great alternative. It has 20mg of organic broad-spectrum hemp extract with active cannabinoids (and it tastes much better than CBD oil too!).


A Cup of Tea Using Common & Complementary Health Supplements

If you happen to be a believer in natural medicine, you'd be surprised how many of the common supplements available at your local health and wellness shops effectively reduce symptoms of a bad hangover. Let's look at three of the best examples below:


Red Ginseng has been shown in crossover studies to potentially relieve the severity of hangover symptoms by "significantly lowering" blood alcohol levels with regular supplementation. With other well-known benefits like increased energy, strengthened immune system and decreased stress, red ginseng is a handy supplement for much more than the odd episode of overindulgence.


Borage oil is derived from starflower seeds, and may be effective in reducing hangover symptoms, as shown in a home-based open label study with 113 participants. In the study, 88% of subjects reported significant relief from typical hangover symptoms like headaches and stomach discomfort — with a notable exception being palpitations in overweight individuals.


Ginger is considered in several cultures as a tried and true remedy against the spells of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea associated with everything from severe fevers to pregnancy and food poisoning. So ginger may be just as effective in ameliorating these symptoms when brought about by a bad hangover, and greatly enhances numerous Asian recipes when not in use as homemade medicine. Ginger can be an acquired taste, if you’re not ready to fully dive in, you can also crack open an ice-cold can of LIFEAID which contains ginger extract in its proprietary blend.


While these ingredients can tackle symptoms of so-called "weekday sickness" fairly well by themselves, there's no reason you can't combine two or more of the above with tea leaves and honey to make a potent home remedy against particularly debilitating hangovers. So if you can find all four of the above, be sure to stock up for emergencies.

-Paul Lewin

Paul Lewin is a hemp industry enthusiast and craft beer lover, currently hiding out in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He's written for The GrowthOp and many other large publications. 


Ginger is a flowering plant and its official name is Zingiber officinale. The rhizome, more commonly known as the root, is what you are likely familiar with. The root is spicy and peppery in flavor, with loads of medicinal properties. It’s used all over the world in culinary and clinical applications—both for good reason.

Ginger has been called a superfood time and again, but what makes it so powerful? This root has the following superpowers:

1. Stimulates Digestion

...Ginger is your new best friend for supporting digestive health. Ginger may help increase the body’s ability to empty food from the stomach more quickly (known as gastric emptying). With this increased motility in the digestive system, it may be less likely that heartburn or indigestion will occur.

The more efficient your digestion is, the more energy you will have. Researchers have found that approximately 60 percent of your body’s energy goes to metabolism. If ginger can improve digestion, your metabolism may improve and may help to make energy more available.

2. May Help Reduce Nausea

Nausea is no fun. Ginger has also been found to help reduce the amount of nausea you might otherwise experience in everyday life, from motion sickness and beyond.

3. May Help Reduce Mild Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural and healthy response to protect the body. However, when inflammation is excessive or ongoing, it can be very damaging.

The active constituents in raw ginger—gingerol, shogaol, and paradol—are responsible for many of the natural inflammation-fighting powers of ginger. This root may be a great, easy way to help reduce mild inflammation in the body caused by everyday stress.

4. Antibacterial Properties

In oral health, two types of ginger have been shown to have natural antibacterial properties which may help inhibit the growth of pathogens that contribute to gum issues caused by bacteria.

5. Blood-Sugar Regulator

Ginger may help regulate the mind-body system to support balanced blood sugar levels.

How to Use Ginger

Knowing all these benefits of ginger is great, but how can you easily incorporate ginger in your daily routine? Ginger is pretty spicy, so you may not enjoy its taste. Luckily, there are many options for those who love ginger and those who may be new to the root.

  • Fresh ginger root: This is the most potent form of ginger, but also the most versatile. You can slice it and steep it in hot water for tea, mince it into stir-fry dishes, juice it, add it to your smoothies, or even take a slice and suck on it! Dried ginger or ginger juice is great for a mid day snack.
  • Ground ginger: Ground ginger can be used in similar ways to fresh ginger. It can be steeped in hot water for tea or added to your favorite recipes. Powdered ginger is also great to use for baking.
  • Ginger capsules: This is the easiest way to get ginger into your diet—especially if you aren’t a fan of the taste! Ginger capsules, or ginger supplements, are simple. The ground ginger powder is added to a capsule for easy consumption at any time of day.
  • Ginger tea: As mentioned, you can make ginger tea using fresh ginger or ground ginger. But you can also buy ready-to-go ginger extract tea bags at the store. These are great to have on hand if feel nauseated or want to settle your stomach after eating.
  • Ginger chews: Ginger chews are like ginger candies and tend to be more mild in flavor and can be taken anywhere. Make sure to check the ingredients to make sure you’re not consuming unwanted ingredients like corn syrup.
  • Ginger oil: Ginger oil can be taken internally or rubbed topically to treat pain. Ginger essential oil has many soothing properties and is useful to use for massages.

*Editor’s Note: These statements have not been reviewed by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. The information in this article is intended for your educational use only; does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chopra Center's Mind-Body Medical Group; and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health program.

Two of the blends made by LIFEAID Beverage Co. contain ginger (along with other clean vitamins & nutrients your body needs).

Shop or learn more about all of our products at LIFEAIDBevCo.com!

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The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes plenty of crowded planes, trains & automobiles!

Dr. Allison Brager tells us about the clean, active ingredients in ImmunityAid which can help boost your immune system.

I travel often for my profession, and I travel across many time-zones, so I know firsthand about “jet lag”. I have studied jet lag and its many awful side effects in the lab. In these studies, I mimicked worldwide travel in rodent models in order to study the effects on the brain, physiology, and genetics. From these studies, I've found that the rodent brain is overactive even seven days after a bout of travel. These animals were also more prone to sickness and had lots of inflammation. Sure these are rodents, but there is actually a lot of symmetry in the brain and physiology between mice and men.

I was very pleased to see that the active ingredients in ImmunityAid are plant-based medicines that have been widely studied and utilized in recent years to ameliorate jet lag.

Three of these ingredients have been widely studied in neuroscience and are thought to be essential for protecting the brain against neurodegenerative disorders: Turmeric, Valerian Root and Ginger. Each has a unique contribution to neuroscience research.


Turmeric is a major export of India and is found in many curries. Its cultivation is dependent on heavy rainfall, which lends support to its biochemical significance. The active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is a very attractive antioxidant candidate in Alzheimer's research. It suppresses certain genes and biological factors that are increased in expression with stressors such as time-zone jet lag.


The biochemical powers of Valerian root have been known for many centuries. It has been widely recognized as a hypnotic (i.e. sleep-promoting agent) and anxiolytic (i.e. anxiety-alleviating agent). It is so biochemically powerful because it increases activity in one of the major inhibitory systems of the brain, fine-tuning the system and ensuring that the system does not overreact to stress.


Ginger (much like turmeric) is thought to be an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It has been widely studied in the treatments of nausea and arthritis—two conditions that can be exacerbated by travel.

To conclude, I have spent ten years studying why and how animals adapt to stress in their environment. The science fascinates me but practical application of this science fascinates me even more. We know travel is inevitable and necessary for many professionals and athletes.

So, what can you do to reduce risks of sickness when traveling? Drink ImmunityAid, to start.

Dr. Allison Brager, Neuroscientist

Source: Original June 20, 2016 product review

> > > Live well.