Mastering Your Mindset for Business

In this episode of Thrive On Life, Aaron Hinde teaches us key mindset lessons he learned on his journey from bankruptcy to scaling a multi-million dollar company. Plus, we'll uncover some practical tips on how to better communicate with your partner, attract the right people for your brand, and how to pivot your business during this new norm.

Listen to the full podcast episode here. 

How I'm Thinking Through Hard Times

Life-coach guru Brendon Burchard shares his 10 proven principles and practices to help you combat the stress and fear of this chaotic time.

Watch the podcast episodes (Part 1 & 2) here.

"If everything is hunky-dory in life, if everything's just totally easy and kosher and smooth sailing, you never change your behavior. Why would you? So there's no growth. But when you have obstacles that force you to grow and force you to deal with challenging situations, you should get excited. Because I guarantee those are going to be opportunities for growth in your life."
—Aaron Hinde


Top 15 Nutrition Tips During Quarantine

Having trouble sticking to your nutrition goals during this crazy time? Here are some great tips on how to rewire your brain and create successful habits in and out of the kitchen.

Read the full blog post here.

These Are The Best Books for People With Anxiety, According to Psychologists

Good Housekeeping polled six mental health professionals and asked them to share some must-read recommendations for those struggling with breaking the cycle of anxiety in their life.

Check out their suggestions here. 


HindeSight  |  No. 37

Is it better to do the right thing and fail
or is it better to do the wrong thing and succeed?


How Does a Side Hustle Become a $100M Brand? Ask the CEO of Kodiak Cakes

CEO Joel Clark will be the first to admit that entrepreneurship isn’t a part-time job. There were struggles, late nights and more than a few setbacks. Despite the challenges, Kodiak Cakes earned a loyal consumer following and a steady streak of retail wins, eclipsing $100 million in sales last year. In this episode, Clark shares his journey — how perseverance, innovation and swimming in the “Shark Tank” played into the evolution and success of Kodiak Cakes.

Listen to the full podcast here.

How Big Tobacco Hooked Children on Sugary Drinks

"Using child-tested flavors, cartoon characters, branded toys and millions of dollars in advertising, the companies cultivated loyalty to sugar-laden products that health experts said had greatly contributed to the nation’s obesity crisis."

Read the full article in The New York Times here.

Four-Ingredient Chili with Cauliflower Couscous

Whether you’re on a tight budget or only have a few things in your pantry and don’t feel like running to the market, here are four healthy recipes from Fit Men Cook (each requiring only four ingredients) that prove you can do a lot with a little!

Click here for recipes.

"I say if your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously reexamine your life."

—Bill Watterson
Calvin & Hobbes

Ego Is the Enemy

Ryan Holiday's Wall Street JournalUSA Today, and international bestseller draws on a vast array of stories and examples—from literature to philosophy to his­tory—who all reached the highest levels of power and success by conquering their own egos. Their strategies and tactics can be ours as well.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 4

“Mindset, Business Breakthroughs and Emotional Deposits with Aaron Hinde”

In episode #84 of the Airborne Mind podcast with Misbah Haque, Hinde discusses the powerful impact of learning from the past and discovering your unique abilities, as well as his daily morning rituals and mindfulness practices which he feels have greatly influenced his trajectory in business and life. (69 minutes)
Listen to the podcast here.

"Every successful person I know comes from an abundance mindset."

—Aaron Hinde

CBD Oil — Hype or Real?

"Today, we are living in a CBD world, with tinctures, ointments and vaping oils popping up everywhere." This article in The Washington Post discusses experiences & studies in order to help uncover the merit of this current trend.
Read full article here.

How Can You Become Better Than the Best?

Check out top coaching tips from best-selling author and coach Ben Bergeron.
Read full article here. 

Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life

Author Gary Bishop leads readers through a series of seven assertions intended to help you finally lead the life you were meant to have.
Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 2