Now more than ever, we all need simple ways to unplug and escape the stress of daily life.

Here are our top tips for creating more zen moments while at home:


The act of writing your thoughts down on paper can be very therapeutic, freeing your mind from carrying all those things around. Challenge yourself to also write down something you’re grateful for each day. Positive, calm thoughts will help frame your daily words & actions.


A lot of people are having trouble sleeping right now, causing our minds, bodies & immune systems to suffer. Getting daily exercise, unplugging before bedtime and creating a calm sleeping environment (try adding lavender to your oil diffuser) have been shown helpful for obtaining 6-8 hours of quality rest each night.


Starting a daily habit of meditation can help decrease stress. If you’re finding getting started difficult, set a timer for two minutes, count your breaths and don’t get caught up in whether you’re doing it ‘right’. Simply allow yourself to slow down & focus on your body, any  feelings that arise, and release stressful thoughts before smiling and continuing with your day.


Set aside ‘screen-free’ times during the day to help give your mind & eyes a break (from texts, social media, work or other online distractions). Don’t bring your phone into the bedroom—morning or night, your mind will benefit from escaping the unnecessary stress a phone screen can bring to start and end your days.


What you put into your body is key, especially during times of elevated stress. Eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, getting your daily vitamins and natural remedies like hemp can help balance the nutrients your body needs daily to feel calmer. Click here to learn more about LIFEAID HEMP Balance Blend.


Life's stressful enough right now. Hopefully these tips will be helpful reminders for you to take moments during your day to pause, breathe more deeply and appreciate the good things in your life. We all could use more moments of zen. Be well, everyone.

> > > Stay well.

February 20-23, 2020

What a weekend!

While athletes crushed WODs in the Miami sunshine & rain, the FITAID booth sampled over 3,000 cans of our LOW-CAL and ZERO SUGAR workout Recovery Blends—FITAID, FITAID ZERO SUGAR, FITAID RX & FITAID RX ZERO SUGAR—as well as the new balancing LIFEAID HEMP Blend.

Meet & Greets over the weekend included top athletes & influencers: Kelsey Kiel, Kenzie Riley, Hannah Eden, Cassidy Lance & Luke Parker

Pictured on podium, left to right: Sara Sigmundsdottir (2nd), Tia-Clair Toomey (1st), Kari Pearce (3rd)

CONGRATULATIONS to FITAID athlete Sara Sigmundsdottir on her 2nd-place finish at WZA 2020, crushing all the events over the weekend!

THANKS to everyone who came out and helped make WZA 2020 a success! We're already looking forward to seeing you next year.
—Your FITAID Team

> > > Live well.

On January 9, 2020, the BUSINESS section of The Wall Street Journal featured an article (by Annie Gasparro) about the successful launch of LIFEAID Hemp entitled  "Cloudy Regulation Slows CBD’s Seep into Food and Drinks." 


Big food-and-drink companies are slowing work on products containing cannabidiol after regulators sounded a note of caution, making space for smaller players to capture more of the budding market. 



> > > Live well.

How Much Money We Spend Each Year on Trying to Feel Less Stressed

By SWNS | December 10, 2019 - featured by New York Post

Eight in 10 Americans say politics are currently the biggest stressor in their life, according to a new report.

A recent poll of 2,000 Americans revealed that 78 percent of respondents say politics is currently stressing them out more than anything else in their life.

The current political climate topped everything as the biggest weight on our lives, but it wasn’t the only thing currently causing us anxiety.

Thirty-seven percent said a health issue is presently giving them fits, while over a third of Americans (35 percent) pointed to their partner as a big current source of stress in their life. The study, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of LIFEAID Beverage Co., found that over half of us are currently stressed out by work (51 percent) and money worries (51 percent).

Over one in four Americans say their work commute is currently stressing them out, with nearly a third (29 percent) saying social media causing them distress.

Another third (32 percent) say climate change is currently stressing them out.

Two in three Americans (67 percent) say they’re so stressed right now that it’s causing them to be less productive at work.

Dealing with all the stress can be quite problematic, too, as 69 percent of respondents say they tend to turn to “unhealthy” coping mechanisms.

It can also be pricey: The average American was found to spend $960 annually directly on trying to feel less stressed.

And if your current stress levels feel like they’ve never been higher, you aren’t alone. Sixty-eight percent of those polled say right now is the most stressed they’ve ever been in their entire life.

And there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel: Two in three Americans polled (67 percent) said they don’t see their stress being relieved any time soon.

“Stress is both physical and mental, and one can easily exacerbate the other in extremely stressful times, even with regular exercise and a good diet. It’s important to find your center, and responsibly produced and marketed products with hemp can help you get there,” said Emily Sommariva, CMO for LIFEAID Beverage Co.

“Our survey results tell us 51 percent of respondents strongly believe hemp offers stress relieving benefits. And hemp drinks are a convenient option. You can hang without the hangover, and feel in control — something everyone who is stressed out, wants more of.”

With the holidays coming up, that means it’s time for holiday-related stress to rear its ugly head.

Shopping for gifts was found to be the most stressful part of the holidays, with 37 percent it causes them stress.

The act of visiting family was also atop the list (36 percent), along with cooking (34 percent), as well as crowds and lines (30 percent.)

Even the receiving gifts was found to be a pretty big stressor for nearly one in three respondents (31 percent).

Sadly, two-thirds of Americans say the stress they’re currently experience is actually dampening their holiday spirit.

“The negative effects of stress are cumulative, which is why you have to address stressful factors in your life methodically,” said Sommariva.

“A drink like LIFEAID HEMP helps you do that. You can enjoy it socially, or as part of a workout recovery program, or simply when you’re feeling the pressure of stress. It’s not about how much you drink when, it’s that you integrate a drink like this, thoughtfully.”

> > > Live well.

The natural ingredients in LIFEAID HEMP contain balancing adaptogens (lemon balm and rosemary) and hemp extract to help you find your bliss in everyday life. Crack a can anytime you're looking for that perfect zen moment. Proudly brought to you by LIFEAID Beverage Co., your trusted supplement brand since 2011. Discover more about the ingredients in LIFEAID HEMP below.

What are cannabinoids?

There are more than 100 known active cannabinoids, the compounds found in the hemp plant. Many scientific and health related research studies have been performed on these molecules.

The LIFEAID HEMP Blend uses Ojai Energetics™ broad spectrum hemp which contains high level of active cannabinoids which are not intoxicating when isolated, so they will not cause the euphoric high or psychoactive effects associated with THC.

THC Free Icon

IMPORTANT: LIFEAID HEMP is 100% THC-free, non-addictive and non-psychoactive.

To learn more about the difference between CBD and THC, visit

What are adaptogens?

The LIFEAID HEMP Blend contains several key adaptogens, which are basically any herbal supplement or natural source which helps to promote homeostasis—or balance—in the body.

The adaptogens lemon balm and rosemary are both natural sources used in LIFEAID HEMP to help balance the mind & body.

Full Spectrum Icon

What other ingredients are in LIFEAID HEMP?

What do hemp products taste like?

Not all hemp products are created equal, ranging in form and flavor.

LIFEAID HEMP is lightly carbonated and has a refreshingly light Herbal Lemon taste. It may remind you of sipping lemonade on a sunny day, offering subtle hints of rosemary and lemon balm.

Get ready to enjoy the light, refreshing Herbal Lemon taste of LIFEAID HEMP—now you can drink happy thoughts. Every can is 100% THC-free, only 40 calories and contains adaptogens (rosemary and lemon balm) and hemp extract to help provide balanced bliss in your everyday life. 

Woman drinking LIFEAID Hemp

When should I drink LIFEAID HEMP?

LIFEAID HEMP is best enjoyed ice-cold anytime of day, to help you find those perfect zen moments amidst the stress of everyday life. It contains absolutely no THC and no caffeine—it's the perfect low-cal refreshment choice morning, noon or night. Drink a can on your break, with a meal, or whenever you just need a moment to find better balance and harmony for your mind & body.

Will I feel any strange effects from drinking LIFEAID HEMP?

LIFEAID HEMP contains absolutely no THC (the part of the hemp plant which causes psychoactive effects). That means it's non-addictive and non-psychoactive. The natural adaptogens lemon balm and rosemary along with hemp extract in LIFEAID HEMP are intended to simply help improve homeostasis (balance) in the mind and body, helping you find bliss and balance amidst those mildly stressful moments in everyday life.

Why is Ojai Energetics™ preferable to other sources on the market?

The LIFEAID HEMP Blend proudly uses Ojai Energetics broad spectrum hemp and contains no THC. (It’s 100% THC-free, non-addictive and non-psychoactive.)

Ojai Energetics broad spectrum hemp is of the rigorously tested for heavy metals, VOCs, pesticides, herbicides, microbes, terpenes & cannabinoids. 

'Broad spectrum' means that it has multiple cannabinoids, which we now know are simply the active ingredients in the hemp plant. There are currently over 100 known cannabinoids in hemp. 

Another reason we chose Ojai Energetics is because they use a patented microcellular nano-encapsulation process. Generally, other broad spectrum hemp products are fat soluble, meaning they don’t absorb well into the bloodstream. Ojai Energetics has found a way around this with their nano-encapsulation process. Think of it as a sheath around these fat molecules that allow for 100% absorption into the bloodstream, making it much more potent and, subsequently, more effective.

You can learn more about Ojai Energetics at

Adaptogen Icon

What is nano-encapsulation?

In a nutshell, nano-encapsulation allows for faster absorption, increased bioavailability and higher potency levels. (Bioavailability is the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream.)

Now let’s break that down a bit further.

Nano-encapsulation is the patented delivery system that Ojai Energetics uses to improve the absorption rate of their hemp extract, making the hemp water soluble and more bioavailable. While other broad spectrum hemp products are fat soluble (meaning they don’t absorb well into the bloodstream), Ojai Energetics has found a way around this with their nano-encapsulation process. Think of it as a sheath around these fat molecules that allow for 100% absorption into the bloodstream, making it much more effective, much more potent.

In most hemp products, up to 90% of what is ingested is destroyed by the liver and stomach acids before it is even able to be used. This is because the body doesn’t absorb fat molecules, and must encapsulate them in water inside the gut before it can be absorbed. For example, if you eat 20mg of a regular hemp oil, only 2mg of hemp is usable. So those who consume other extracts are paying for 100% of the hemp but only getting 10% of the potency, often waiting 30 minutes before any benefits even occur.

With LIFEAID HEMP you’re getting more bang for your buck, plus a higher absorption rate due to the nano-encapsulation process used by Ojai Energetics.

Woman Carrying LIFEAID Hemp

What is the price point for LIFEAID HEMP?

LIFEAID HEMP currently has a very competitive price point at just $3.99 per can ($41.88 per 12-can case, $83.76 per 24-can case) suggested retail price. 

You can also Subscribe & Save to get 10% OFF + FREE shipping on all future LIFEAID orders, making the cost of LIFEAID HEMP only $37.69 for 12 cans or $75.38 for 24 cans (SRP)!

Learn more or SHOP NOW at

> > > Live well.