Try the new HIIT Fit Smoothies with powdered FITAID at a Smoothie King near you!

Product image of smoothie king cup with green smoothie inside

Add a scoop of the FITAID powder to ANY Smoothie King smoothie for post-workout recovery!

Try the new HIIT Fit Smoothies with FITAID + Paleo protein powder — NOW AVAILABLE as Smoothie King locations nationwide!

Find a Smoothie King near you at

Product image of smoothie king cup with brown smoothie inside

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> > > Live well.

By Lori Nedescu

Being an athlete goes beyond training & performing. It’s a lifestyle. A lifestyle that requires a high level of attention on everything outside of the actual physical exertion—sleep, recovery, stretching, mental attitude, immunity, mood, body weight, food choices… Every great athlete knows that the physical strengths will only take you so far. 

“An athlete’s health foundation is what truly sets one up for success.”

As a serious athlete and a board-certified sports dietitian, I have a relatively sound, health-forward diet, but even I can make improvements. Confession: I do not follow a strict diet. Instead, I make nutritious choices and aim to do what’s best 80% of the time, leaving 20% for fun. I’m finding that while it is nice to have a ‘break’ from assessing my performance diet, 20% is still a large chunk. Imagine if you slacked off on 20% of your training? Eek. As my goals get stronger, I need to re-evaluate that 20%. Those choices do not have to be perfectly on point, but they can still be choices that will be beneficial for my health instead of taking away from it. 

For example, one of my 20% choices used to be Diet Coke. However, I know it is not good for my body. The research is pretty clear that soda, whether full of sugar or sugar-free, does not promote health and actually is proven to take away from it—decreasing gut microbiome by 50 percent, increasing type 2 diabetes and numerous other crazy health risks...

Luckily, I’ve found an ideal replacement that is still cold, refreshing and energizing, but is actually health-promoting, specifically when it comes to targeting my body’s nutrient needs for fitness improvements. FITAID ZERO is a researched-based, naturally flavored beverage that is specially balanced with supplemental ingredients that help athletic recovery. Now instead of grabbing a cold can that might lead to increased sugar cravings and weight gain, I can grab a cold can that might improve muscle speed, reduce muscle breakdown, strengthen mitochondria, provide antioxidants, replenish electrolytes and boost energy levels after a tough workout. This is due to the drink’s potent blend of vitamins, minerals, green tea, quercetin, turmeric, BCAAs, and CoQ10—ingredients proven to positively influence performance factors. FITAID ZERO also has (as the name suggests) no sugar! Meaning it won’t spike my blood sugar and I can rely on more whole food sources to provide the carbohydrates and calories my body requires. 

You don’t have to worry about being strict all the time, but do consider how those 20% choices play in to your 100%, choosing wisely whenever there are those easy, small swaps you can make to create a healthier foundation that will boost your lifestyle and ultimately improve your athletic performance.


About the Author:

Lori Nedescu is a board-certified sports dietitian, published author, and elite athlete in cycling & marathon running. You can view more of her work, follow or get in touch with her on Instagram at: @hungryforresults


> > > Live well.

By: Nikki Dagot | June 2019

It’s finally summertime! Many of us wait all year for pool parties, beach days, camping and outdoor fun with family and friends. Personally, I love summer because it’s so easy to get outdoors and find a variety of exercises to help you reach your fitness goals while enjoying the sunshine: a jog along the beach, laps in your local swimming  pool, a friendly tennis match, or attending an outdoor yoga class. 

I want to start off by saying I am not the healthiest, most active person out there. But I thoroughly enjoy being outdoors, feeling energized, and paying attention to how both my mind and body feel. Do I go to the gym daily? No. Do I eat sugar? Yes (I love cookies). But life is about balance and feeling healthy on the inside.

That’s why I am a big fan of setting up smart, attainable goals for myself, especially during the summer when there are so many extra activities, food and fun that can distract us from our fitness goals. There’s no need to get extreme with your workout plans, especially during a season when your days are often jammed packed with outdoor activities to help keep your body moving. Currently, I have been going to the gym a few times a week, stretching, and going on walks around my neighborhood. When I start to feel too tired, I remind myself that even if I do something active after work for 20-30 minutes, it’s better than nothing so that’s a “win.”

Summer Necessities for a Healthy, Active Lifestyle:

  1. Attainable nutrition & fitness goals are a MUST. Make a plan, keep it simple, and you’re more likely to stick to it so you can crush your goals this summer (which always gets me about setting new goals)!
  2. Workout clothes that I feel confident in! Because when you feel better, you move better and live better. Summer goal: feel good about moving your body.
  3. My favorite kanteen or water bottle filled with ice-cold water to help me stay hydrated. 
  4. An upbeat playlist on my iPhone to help get me pumped up to crush my workouts.
  5. An ice-cold FITAID ZERO as a macro-friendly post-workout treat or a refreshing 5-calorie soda replacement.

When it comes to nutrition, one smart addition to my grocery list this summer has been items that taste great, are refreshing and satisfying yet won’t blow my macros out of the water. That’s where FITAID ZERO comes in! It’s only 5 calories, 1g of carbs, and helps my body recover properly after I finish a workout. It’s also the perfect soda replacement or mixer when served ice-cold on a hot summer day. Bonus: it’s made without any artificial sweeteners, NO sucralose, NO aspartame—happily sweetened with Monk Fruit & Stevia, made with only the good stuff your body needs (glutamine, glucosamine, BCAAs, electrolytes, CoQ10, turmeric, quercetin, green tea extract (for 45mg of natural caffeine & energy), vitamins C, D, & E, and B-complex).


If healthy eating is a challenge for you, here are some snacks and meal ideas I find fast and easy to help stay on track during the summer. Light and refreshing is key for those hot months, and meals that are easy to prepare so that you’re not wasting too much time in the kitchen are always a plus! Reach for fresh fruits, veggies, granola and nuts—all great snacks for outdoor adventures—as well as smoothies that you can take with you on the go! I also love a quick salad or wrap you can throw together — tuna, chicken, or veggie & hummus for a vegan option. Don’t forget that with summer, comes BBQ’s, pool parties and picnics. Be sure to treat yourself every now and then because life is all about balance. 

Wishing you a safe & healthy ACTIVE summer!

About the Author: Nikki Dagot is a 28-year-old food blogger who lives in Orlando, Florida.

You can follower her on Instagram @repeatandeat or on her blog at:

 > > > Live well.