Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

We’ve all seen the #SelfCareSunday hashtag on social media, but have you taken the time to do your own self-care Sunday? For the majority of us, it was difficult in the past to find the time to devote to taking care of our mind and body. Now that we’re spending a large portion of our days at home, why not take this time to explore different ways to indulge in a little self-care love, any day of the week! 

Check out these tips and tricks to help jumpstart your self-care journey: 

Starting off by choosing a day to dedicate to your own wellness creates the foundation for a good, self-care Sunday. Oftentimes, especially now, we feel that it’s important to check in on others and to provide stability and comfort to our friends and family and, subsequently, putting ourselves on the backburner. However, it’s very important to remember to take care of your own emotional wellness—not only for yourself but also for those around you, so you can continue to fill yourself up in order to be someone others can turn to in return to get filled up.

We can start off with really good self-care intentions, when—suddenly—we’re on a social media spiral, checking our notifications and scrolling for hours. In a blink, our dedicated ‘me’ time is gone. It’s so easy to get distracted, with so many of our friends sending video chat requests and myriad notifications pinging our phones throughout the day. Do yourself a favor and set your phone to ‘airplane mode’ so that you can get the most distraction-free time out of your self-care Sunday (or whatever day you choose).

Reading an interesting book is the age-old self-care tradition that can easily fall by the wayside when life gets busy. Try keeping up with a series that you enjoy or join a virtual book club so you’ll be more likely to devote some time to reading and relaxing. You’ll be glad you spent a few hours curled up on the couch with a good book and a comfy blanket. 

Creating a clean space can automatically release endorphins, the feel good hormone, making you more at ease and happy. It might seem counterintuitive to do some work during a self-care day but your future self will thank you. Being in a cozy, organized and clean environment makes you feel more at peace and will create the perfect spot for future self-care moments. 

Soaking up some much needed vitamin D in the sunshine can help to boost your mood and make you feel more energized. If you live in a smaller space without a yard, try potting some houseplants or even making a little herb garden for your balcony. Planting and taking care of something can help make you feel productive and happy while also providing the benefit of having your own fresh herbs on hand for making healthy, yummy meals. 

Devoting time to taking care of your body is not only good for your physical health but it’s beneficial for your mental and emotional health, as well. Take some time to meditate, work out or stretch your body during your next self-care session. Endorphins that are released during and after your workout will have you feeling happy, relaxed and ready for your next self-care activity.

Many of us have found a new hobby (or a few!) to keep us busy during quarantine. From bread making to quilting, a lot of us have turned to learning “old world” skills as we’ve been in lockdown. Try to use one of your self-care days to devote time to learning and experimenting with that hobby. Learning something new keeps your mind sharp and allows you to understand how to overcome challenges. Picking up a new hobby can also help to alleviate stress as you immerse yourself into learning a new language or how to preserve foods. 

It might seem strange at first, but stress can begin to seep into our lives by the simple act of over-committing ourselves. Keep telling yourself that you’re worth the self-care time and don’t allow others to take that devoted time away from you. Protect yourself and your self-care sacred space by saying, “No!”


Times are stressful for everyone right now and, for many of us, our first instinct is to take care of the people we love. While that is important, commit to setting aside some time to take care of yourself today. Start off with something small like a face mask or taking a bath, if the idea of a full day of self-care is a big leap for you. Remember, you have to make sure your own cup is full before you can pour into others. Enjoy your unique self-care journey!

Cover photo courtesy of @LIFEAID
All other images courtesy of @magpie_wild 


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Stay well.

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman  We’ve all seen the #SelfCareSunday hashtag on social media, but have you taken the time to do your own self-care Sunday? For the majority of us, it was difficult in the past to find the time to devote to taking care of our mind and body. Now that we’re […]

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

If you’ve ever been powering through a project, chipping your way through a workout, or hiking in nature only to look down at your watch and realize an hour or two have passed undetected, you might have found yourself in a state of flow. Being 'in the zone'—or 'flow state'—is a highly sought after meditative state for artists, athletes, entrepreneurs and just about anyone eager to optimize the hours in their day. Lately, this immersive state of consciousness can often be found more easily through the usage of hemp or cannabinoid products, oils or extracts coupled with some simple mindset exercises.

Here’s a quick list of facts to get you up to date on flow state, hemp and how they can work hand in hand:

C O N C L U S I O N 

Next time you’re wanting to fully dive into a work project, workout or creative endeavor, give flow state a try. Quieting your mind and being fully present in your task can be a welcome respite from the modern ‘multi-tasking is king’ mindset that we currently find ourselves in, especially with more of us working from home these days. Find a quiet space, enjoy some LIFEAID Hemp Blend, dive into flow state and optimize the hours in your day!

You can learn more about LIFEAID HEMP here.


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Stay well.


Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman  If you’ve ever been powering through a project, chipping your way through a workout, or hiking in nature only to look down at your watch and realize an hour or two have passed undetected, you might have found yourself in a state of flow. Being ‘in the zone’—or ‘flow […]

Now more than ever, we all need simple ways to unplug and escape the stress of daily life.

Here are our top tips for creating more zen moments while at home:


The act of writing your thoughts down on paper can be very therapeutic, freeing your mind from carrying all those things around. Challenge yourself to also write down something you’re grateful for each day. Positive, calm thoughts will help frame your daily words & actions.


A lot of people are having trouble sleeping right now, causing our minds, bodies & immune systems to suffer. Getting daily exercise, unplugging before bedtime and creating a calm sleeping environment (try adding lavender to your oil diffuser) have been shown helpful for obtaining 6-8 hours of quality rest each night.


Starting a daily habit of meditation can help decrease stress. If you’re finding getting started difficult, set a timer for two minutes, count your breaths and don’t get caught up in whether you’re doing it ‘right’. Simply allow yourself to slow down & focus on your body, any  feelings that arise, and release stressful thoughts before smiling and continuing with your day.


Set aside ‘screen-free’ times during the day to help give your mind & eyes a break (from texts, social media, work or other online distractions). Don’t bring your phone into the bedroom—morning or night, your mind will benefit from escaping the unnecessary stress a phone screen can bring to start and end your days.


What you put into your body is key, especially during times of elevated stress. Eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, getting your daily vitamins and natural remedies like hemp can help balance the nutrients your body needs daily to feel calmer. Click here to learn more about LIFEAID HEMP Balance Blend.


Life's stressful enough right now. Hopefully these tips will be helpful reminders for you to take moments during your day to pause, breathe more deeply and appreciate the good things in your life. We all could use more moments of zen. Be well, everyone.

> > > Stay well.

Now more than ever, we all need simple ways to unplug and escape the stress of daily life. Here are our top tips for creating more zen moments while at home: ♦ JOURNAL: The act of writing your thoughts down on paper can be very therapeutic, freeing your mind from carrying all those things around. […]