Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

We’ve all seen the #SelfCareSunday hashtag on social media, but have you taken the time to do your own self-care Sunday? For the majority of us, it was difficult in the past to find the time to devote to taking care of our mind and body. Now that we’re spending a large portion of our days at home, why not take this time to explore different ways to indulge in a little self-care love, any day of the week! 

Check out these tips and tricks to help jumpstart your self-care journey: 

Starting off by choosing a day to dedicate to your own wellness creates the foundation for a good, self-care Sunday. Oftentimes, especially now, we feel that it’s important to check in on others and to provide stability and comfort to our friends and family and, subsequently, putting ourselves on the backburner. However, it’s very important to remember to take care of your own emotional wellness—not only for yourself but also for those around you, so you can continue to fill yourself up in order to be someone others can turn to in return to get filled up.

We can start off with really good self-care intentions, when—suddenly—we’re on a social media spiral, checking our notifications and scrolling for hours. In a blink, our dedicated ‘me’ time is gone. It’s so easy to get distracted, with so many of our friends sending video chat requests and myriad notifications pinging our phones throughout the day. Do yourself a favor and set your phone to ‘airplane mode’ so that you can get the most distraction-free time out of your self-care Sunday (or whatever day you choose).

Reading an interesting book is the age-old self-care tradition that can easily fall by the wayside when life gets busy. Try keeping up with a series that you enjoy or join a virtual book club so you’ll be more likely to devote some time to reading and relaxing. You’ll be glad you spent a few hours curled up on the couch with a good book and a comfy blanket. 

Creating a clean space can automatically release endorphins, the feel good hormone, making you more at ease and happy. It might seem counterintuitive to do some work during a self-care day but your future self will thank you. Being in a cozy, organized and clean environment makes you feel more at peace and will create the perfect spot for future self-care moments. 

Soaking up some much needed vitamin D in the sunshine can help to boost your mood and make you feel more energized. If you live in a smaller space without a yard, try potting some houseplants or even making a little herb garden for your balcony. Planting and taking care of something can help make you feel productive and happy while also providing the benefit of having your own fresh herbs on hand for making healthy, yummy meals. 

Devoting time to taking care of your body is not only good for your physical health but it’s beneficial for your mental and emotional health, as well. Take some time to meditate, work out or stretch your body during your next self-care session. Endorphins that are released during and after your workout will have you feeling happy, relaxed and ready for your next self-care activity.

Many of us have found a new hobby (or a few!) to keep us busy during quarantine. From bread making to quilting, a lot of us have turned to learning “old world” skills as we’ve been in lockdown. Try to use one of your self-care days to devote time to learning and experimenting with that hobby. Learning something new keeps your mind sharp and allows you to understand how to overcome challenges. Picking up a new hobby can also help to alleviate stress as you immerse yourself into learning a new language or how to preserve foods. 

It might seem strange at first, but stress can begin to seep into our lives by the simple act of over-committing ourselves. Keep telling yourself that you’re worth the self-care time and don’t allow others to take that devoted time away from you. Protect yourself and your self-care sacred space by saying, “No!”


Times are stressful for everyone right now and, for many of us, our first instinct is to take care of the people we love. While that is important, commit to setting aside some time to take care of yourself today. Start off with something small like a face mask or taking a bath, if the idea of a full day of self-care is a big leap for you. Remember, you have to make sure your own cup is full before you can pour into others. Enjoy your unique self-care journey!

Cover photo courtesy of @LIFEAID
All other images courtesy of @magpie_wild 


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Stay well.

The LIFEAID LIFT program is now live at LIFEAIDlift.com!

LIFEAID is giving $15 cash, from every 24-can purchase made by consumers at LIFEAIDlift.com, directly to their designated local gym or business. BONUS: Members will save $5 OFF/case! Simply visit LIFEAIDlift.com for more details.  

SHARE the link with others to help give back to the local gyms & businesses we call 'home.'

We're all in this together. Stay strong.



7-Day Income Ignition Program

Successful entrepreneur and speaker Bedros Keuilian wants to help show you how to quickly pivot your business and start profiting again, after being hit hard by the economic disaster caused by COVID-19. Watch his introduction video for more information.

Learn about Keuilian's program here.

How to Move Your Business Online in 48 Hours

Mike Bledsoe and The Strong Coach team have put together this FREE guide that will provide you with the exact steps, resources and software suggestions to help make the process of setting up your online coaching business a breeze!

Check out the FREE guide here.

"To move forward you have to give back."
—Oprah Winfrey


Eating a Keto Diet May Give Some Protection Against the Flu

While the connection between a healthy diet and immune system health has long been established, a recent study has found a possible link between the Keto diet and improved immunity.

Read the entire article here.

LIVE! The Strong Coach & FITAID Help Gyms Navigate Business During This Pandemic 

Mike Bledsoe (The Strong Coach) and Aaron Hinde (co-founder of LIFEAID) will be hosting a LIVE Zoom call this week, providing helpful tips & information to get gym owners through this difficult time. For full details, click the link below.

Sign up to access the FREE Zoom call here.


HindeSight  |  No. 34

Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

The current climate can feel like a weird and uncertain time with school closures, work-from-home orders and shelter-in-place mandates. Sometimes things can feel out of our control. The important thing to focus on during this unprecedented time is what you can control. Currently, many of us are self-isolating in our homes and wondering how to fill our days when we’re not sitting in front of our computers. Making some progress on the projects you’ve always wanted to do around your house can drastically improve your mental and emotional health. By decluttering your living environment, you can begin to feel more in control, less stressed and more at peace with your space. An organized and pleasing home can really give us a breath of fresh air right now!

Follow these 5 tips to get home on its way to a Pinterest® worthy before-and-after shot:


Take out whatever you don’t wear or don’t want. Closets tend to gather extra junk because it’s out of sight, out of mind—but don’t let your closet be what’s making you hold onto a lot of unnecessary stuff. While you’re going through your closets, take out everything-shoes, jackets, purses, hats, scarves, etc. and lump it all together. It helps to visualize what you actually own. Try to pare down your wardrobe to simple categories. That can help to weed out clothes that don’t really have a place or a reason for being in your closet. When your closet is easy to access and your clothes easy to find, you’ll be feeling decidedly more relaxed.



This is one that gets easily forgotten and easily overrun pretty quickly. We tend to think we’ll use a kitchen gadget only to find it six months later in the back of the cabinet. Donate those extra plates, cups, bowls or utensils that you no longer need or want to your local thrift store. Many college students would love to have your gently used kitchenware. BONUS: Not having Tupperware® constantly tumbling out of your cabinets will be a welcome relief.


The fridge can often be an overlooked area because we become used to seeing the same stuff in there day after day. Old condiments and leftovers have a tendency to pile up. So get in there and toss all those expired condiments, food or beverages hiding in the depths of your Frigidaire®. You’ll be surprised by how good you feel when you open up the fridge door to see organized, tidy shelves with no expired ketchup bottles.


Now that the majority of us are currently working from home, having an organized work space can definitely make you feel more productive, less stressed and more focused. Try creating a designated work area if you don’t have a home office. Not only will having a tidy, dedicated work area make you feel less distracted, you’ll also feel more in control of your emotional health while working from home.


If you’re able to, take a break and go step outside. Getting some much needed vitamin D while you’re gardening, working on a project or even mowing the lawn can help your emotional and mental wellbeing improve tremendously. Now is the time to finally build your raised plant beds or declutter that garage. You’ll feel accomplished and happy to have finally gotten it done!


This time in our lives is a collectively stressful time. Try to utilize this moment to focus on physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Begin with the exterior and the changes will begin to affect the interior as well. Decluttering your home can also help to declutter your mind. Take the time to unwind and focus on a project today. You’ll be so glad you did!

Cover photo by Thought Catalog
Additional images courtesy of contributor



About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Stay well.

Later this week, LIFEAID will be launching its LIFEAID LIFT program.
Watch your inbox for additional details!

“Our gyms have been so supportive of our brand, making FITAID the #1 Workout Recovery Drink in America. Now we want to give back and provide monetary assistance to them during this time of turbulence and financial uncertainty. We’re all in this together.”
—Orion Melehan, LIFEAID CEO and co-founder


The Guest Show Podcast: Aaron Hinde Discusses How to Thrive During This Time of Uncertainty

On this episode of the Guest Show, co-founder and president of LIFEAID Beverage Company, Aaron Hinde comes on to talk about the uncertainty presented by the COVID-19 outbreak and how you can steer your business through it.

Aaron's life story takes him through all the ups and downs that entrepreneurs face and this episode presents his actionable advice that you can use now to get through this.

Listen to this episode here.


from Nutritional Coaching Institute

As part of the LIFEAID family, Nutritional Coaching Institute is giving you FREE access to one of their best-selling online courses (worth over $2,000). Also, be sure to check out their gut-health course. Get started today!

Learn more about the gut-health course here.

Learn more about the FREE NCI Level-1 course here.

"If we picture ourselves like magnets ... If everybody is throwing out the same polarity—and it's fear—then the people who throw out confidence, certainty and calm are going to be like the super-magnets, attracting everybody to them."
—Dr. Sean Pastuch

LIFEAID Employees Find Positivity in Social Distancing

During this dark time for many, the entire team at LIFEAID Beverage Co. is shedding a light on the brighter side of social distancing.

Read the blog here.

Debunking 4 Popular Immunity Myths

Dr. Nick, MD, talks all-things immunity and sets the record straight about a few commonly misbelieved notions.

Read the article here.


HindeSight  |  No. 33

While this has been a time of uncertainty around the world, one thing is certain: social distancing is leading many of us to a revolutionary time as a society, we're witnessing a 'closening' of relationships. People are reflecting on what matters most in their lives, surrounding themselves with the people they love (even if only via FaceTime), appreciating nature, embracing new hobbies, making time for healthy habits, and just taking life at a slower pace in general. The LIFEAID team shares how they are practicing social distancing and embracing all the good things that have come out of this otherwise difficult time.

Wishing everyone health & calm.
—Your LIFEAID family

Aaron (President & co-founder)

Aaron & his family

Destiny (Email marketing)

Sabine (Accounting)

Hannah (Graphic design)

Hannah, practicing yoga at home

Karis (Field marketing & social media)

Karis & fur friends

Claudia (Operations)

Ashley (Sales)

Katie (Social media)

Katie, in her home office

Orion (CEO and co-founder)

Orion & daughters in Santa Cruz

The biggest blessing for me during this crazy time of uncertainty has been how much quality time I get to spend with my two beautiful daughters. It's a perfect reminder to us all—never take these moments for granted, they are just waiting to shine through amidst all the chaos.
—Orion Melehan, LIFEAID CEO and co-founder

Need another good excuse to move your body?

> > > Stay healthy.


4 Ways to Upgrade Your Team's Customer Service

Business for Unicorns shares some top tips for creating consistently excellent customer experiences within your brand.

Read the full article now.

Scott Stallings' Life-Changing Transformation

"I just kinda thought I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted," admits golfing legend Scott Stallings. Discover how this pro golfer turned his life around and went on to win big—both on and off the golf course.

Watch Stallings' inspiring story here.

"The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."

—Vince Lombardi

Making and Breaking Habits, Sanely

On episode #219 of the Ten Percent Happier podcast, host Dan Harris chats with life coach and best-selling author Kelly McGonigal about how to rethink how you approach and create healthy habits in your daily life.

Check out the full podcast episode here.


HindeSight  |  No. 30


The Terminator Disagrees With Having a "Backup Plan"

Arnold Schwarzenneger shares his thoughts on why having a backup plan (Plan B) is a bad idea.

Watch the video here.


Creating Value in Your Life & Business

Brute Strength sits down with Aaron Hinde to talk about risks, following your passion, and starting a successful business. (53:02)

Listen to the full podcast episode here.


10 Graphs That Show the Immense Power of Creatine

Let's get scientific about Creatine. While we all know about its many benefits for your body and brain, these graphs offer the science & data to back it!

Click here to read the full article.

"Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes."

—Zig Zigler

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

This breakthrough book from James Clear is the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 9

FITAID Athlete Sara Sigmundsdóttir Wins Worldwide OPEN, Punching Her Ticket for Redemption at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games.

FITAID Athlete Sara Sigmundsdóttir Wins Worldwide OPEN, Punching Her Ticket For Redemption at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games

After a disappointing injury forced Sara Sigmundsdóttir to withdraw early from last year's CrossFit© Games, in Madison, Wisconsin, fans can finally breathe a huge sigh of relief. She's back and stronger than ever!

Read the full article here.


How to Use Nootropics to Feel More Like Yourself

In this must-see episode, Dave Asprey sits down with Health Theory podcast host Tom Bilyeu to discusses the effects of Nootropics on your brain, how to manage your ego, live longer & more!

Watch the full interview here.


Innovative Sugar-Free Beverages: Appealing to Consumers with Taste, Packaging & Marketing

As the growing demand for "healthier" beverage options bombards the market, many companies are turning to cheap tricks & marketing gimmicks to appeal to consumers, only further propagating the health issues facing many Americans.

Click here to read the full article.

"Creating a morning ritual was a game changer for me. As Steven Covey would say, 'Begin with the end in mind.' Being hyper-focused on what we're becoming, what we can become, thus proving out our trajectory.”

—Aaron Hinde

Man Up: How to Cut the Bullsh*t and Kick Ass in Business (and in Life)

Performance coach & entrepreneur Bedros Keuilian is known as the "hidden genius" behind many of the most successful brands and businesses. In "Man Up," you'll discover a guide to stop making excuses, take control of the situation, and rise to your fullest potential in business and every other aspect of life. If there's an area of your life in which you need to (wo)man up, this book will get you there!

Check out Keuilian's book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 6


"It’s like a man riding a lion. People look at him and think:
This person’s really got it together! This person’s brave.
And the person riding the lion is thinking:
How the hell did I get on a lion,
and how do I keep from getting eaten?”

—Toby Thomas, CEO of EnSite Solutions,
The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship


The Key to Getting Your Team Noticed

As a CEO and successful entrepreneur, Aaron Hinde shares his #1 tip for optimizing execution and getting your team noticed amidst all the other white noise.

Watch the full video here.

Make Your Gym Family-Friendly This Summer

We all know it costs far more to acquire a new member than it does to retain a current one. With summer just around the corner, here are a few ideas to keep numbers up by getting the entire family involved in fitness.

Read the full article on ZenPlanner.

10 Healthy Spring Recipes

Spring has sprung, and so have these healthy recipes to keep your menu fresh. (If you need me, I'll just be over here drooling over this No-Bake Raw Vegan Raspberry 'Cheesecake.')

Click here for recipes.

"If something seems overwhelming to you or you're having difficulty taking the plunge, just start with small risks."

—Aaron Hinde

Dare to Lead

#1 NEW YORK TIMES bestseller Brené Brown reveals new research conducted with leaders, change makers, and culture shifters, who help show us how to put ideas into practice so we can step up and lead.

Check out her book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 5


Interview by Tyler Johnson | Feb. 28, 2019

I heard LIFEAID president Aaron Hinde on Jon Gordon's Positive University podcast and was excited he was willing to be a part of elev8 questions. Find him on Twitter or Instagram.  Thanks for reading!

1) Were you an athlete growing up? What’s sports did you play? 

I have always enjoyed sports and played basketball, baseball and tennis growing up as well as water and snow skiing.

2) How or what evolved you to a lifestyle of fitness? 

Fitness has been a part of my life since day one. The more fit we are, the better we feel and the better we can perform on and off the field. Staying in physical shape also is a great confidence booster and allows me to live in alignment with the best version of myself.

3) What was the ‘WHY’ behind creating LifeAid?  

The big beverage companies have gotten a free pass for over a hundred years for poisoning our kids with their sugar water. For every customer we get off the high-sugar, and high-caffeine "sports", energy drinks and sodas, we are permanently affecting their health and life trajectory in a positive way.

4) What similarities come from being underneath a heavy barbell and building a company? 

With both you have to push into the uncomfortable zone regularly in order to grow.

5) I heard you speak about alignment as one of your core pillars, can you expand on that and the others? 

We all visit the ATM machine when we need to get out money. Life itself is an ATM that will keep "paying" you in perpetuity by following Alignment, Trajectory, Momentum.

Aligment starts with yourself as you look in the mirror. Are you happy w/ the person you see? If everything you did showed up on the front page of the NY Times, would you be ok with that? Alignment extends to our spouse, business partner and team. Henry Ford says "when everyone is moving forward together, success will take care of itself." To me, that is an alignment issue.

6) High-school athletes always seem, as many do, to underestimate the value of recovery; Can you speak about its importance? 

You can get away with a lot when you are in your teens and early 20s because testosterone and growth hormone are on your side. That being said, injuries can and will come back to haunt you. If you want true longevity in athletics, emphasis must be put on "prehab" and "posthab" as well as injury treatment and prevention. Nutrition, hydration, stretching, strength and conditioning, ice, therapies, etc. all play a role.

7) If you could go back and tell 16-year-old Aaron one truth you’ve learned from starting a business and/or being an athlete, what would it be? 

Be smart with your money. Keep moving forward. Don't underestimate what you can accomplish in the next 5 years, focus on trajectory over momentum. And lastly, buy Facebook and Google stock!

8) Definition of Success? 

Have a completely packed church at my funeral. I believe the value you contribute to the world is reflected by who and how many people show up at your funeral.

> > > Live well.