Taking on the Giants in the Beverage Industry

Last week, I sat down with the team at Virtual Mgr on the “How Did We Get Here?” podcast.  During the episode, we talk about how Orion and I started and scaled LIFEAID from an RV to global domination, taking on the giants of the industry and winning! There are many similarities in our journey alongside Virtual Mgr's despite the significant differences in our respective industries.

Listen now.

Why is Nutrition so Important for the Sport of Fitness

CrossFit as a training methodology has long promoted balanced nutrition. It is part of the L1 curriculum, and a great amount of focus has been placed on a low processed, whole 

foods based diet as the driver to a reversal of chronic disease.

CrossFit the sport has taken a slightly different approach. While food quality is still important, there is a new focus on food amounts both on a calorie and macronutrient level. Macro tracking is the new nutrition approach du jour for athletes, and to no one’s surprise, the community has followed close behind.

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“A business has to be evolving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.”

—Richard Branson

Having a Growth Mindset Makes it Easier to Develop New Interests

Steve Jobs’s vision for Apple was rooted in the belief that the arts and sciences do not live in isolation. They complement and enhance each other. John Lasseter, chief creative officer at Pixar, echoed this sentiment stating, “Technology inspires art, and art challenges the technology.” But even though integrating these areas can be necessary for innovation, too many people confine themselves to only one.

Read More Here

This is Your Brain on Food

When it comes to diet, most people’s concerns involve weight loss, fitness, cardiac health, and longevity. But what we eat affects more than our bodies; it also affects our brains. And recent studies have shown that diet can have a profound impact on mental health conditions ranging from ADHD to depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, OCD, dementia and beyond.

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HindeSight  |  No. 66

Taking on the Giants in the Beverage Industry Last week, I sat down with the team at Virtual Mgr on the “How Did We Get Here?” podcast.  During the episode, we talk about how Orion and I started and scaled LIFEAID from an RV to global domination, taking on the giants of the industry and […]

Repost of original article on TheDrum.com by  

Imagine your brand was built in lockstep with CrossFit and then let’s say more than a third of your sales came through gyms. Now imagine gyms were closed and the chief exec of CrossFit became an instant pariah because of offensive George Floyd and coronavirus tweets. That is the exact situation LIFEAID Beverage Co found itself in just a month ago.

“It was a spiraling shitstorm,” says LIFEAID co-founder and president Aaron Hinde of the CrossFit controversy. “We were the first company to step forward and say we’re not in alignment with [CrossFit] leadership in this way of thinking. We took a stand.” In addition to speaking out immediately, it cancelled its long-time sponsorship of the CrossFit Games.

While Hinde and co-founder/chief exec Orion Melehan were in complete agreement about the move, there was some “blowback for jumping ship on CrossFit,” says Hinde.

Faced with this wildly difficult environment, how is the brand doing? It sold out of its IMMUNITYAID product. Direct-to-consumer sales on its website have doubled and Amazon sales have tripled since March, per the company. Overall, the company is still experiencing growth numbers similar to as if it were a “normal” year with a stretch goal of hitting $50m in sales.

LifeAid founders

Upending the classic rules of marketing

So how did LIFEAID maintain its trajectory? In many ways, the LIFEAID founders fortified their brand for such a moment from the very start. Launched in 2009 by a sports chiropractor (Hinde) and a financial planner (Melehan), they decided to hyper-focus on specific audiences before building out their core brand.

They identified a wide-open space for a healthy alternative to energy drinks, colas and then-fringe drinks like coconut water. The first audience they targeted was golfers. They realized this highly desirable demographic was under-served, so their inaugural product was GOLFERAID. They followed suit with FITAID which soon became a cult favorite at CrossFit gyms.

The alliance with CrossFit was both a successful and obvious one. Hinde and Melehan met at a CrossFit in Santa Cruz, Calif., a stone’s throw from the CrossFit headquarters office. After draining $30,000 apiece from their bank accounts and sweet talking a local aluminum can supplier with a hand-written note and a gift card to Ruth’s Chris steakhouse, they were on their way.

“Focusing on early adopters in a single target market, really capturing and speaking to that market and getting them totally raving about the product and expanding from there really worked for us,” says Melehan.

Only after their sub-brands took hold that did they launch their core LIFEAID brand at major retailers like Walmart, Whole Foods and Kroger. Today, retail makes up 60% of sales with further distribution deals on the horizon.

“They upended the classic rules of marketing,” says Beverage Business Insights editor Gerry Khermouch. “They launched their grocery play after they launched their other SKUS. They are making it up as they go along.”

This includes the counterintuitive move of debuting new line extensions during the pandemic. Last month, the company rolled out FITAID and IMMUNITYAID go powder lines anticipating that consumers will be on the go soon. Additionally, it is expanding into the UK this month. Melehan says, “We’re really good at doing the opposite of what everyone else does.”

Protecting its core audience

Despite the brand’s expansion plans, it never lost sight of the audience that put it on the map: gym owners. That’s why it kicked off a program in April (opens in new window) that gives gyms $15 every time a members orders LIFEAID online and enters the gym’s unique code. The program concludes this month.

“They’ve become a much broader brand in multiple channels, but they recognize the base of the brand goes back to CrossFit. They need to maintain allegiance to individual gym owners and stick to their brand roots,” says Khermouch. “They are being shrewd in not being cavalier and taking them for granted.”

Rewarding gym owners is just the latest savvy move that also works to bolster its powerful direct-to-consumer e-commerce audience. LIFEAID has been smartly building its lists and even leveraged traditional snail mail offers in the beginning.

Of late, it has shifted sponsorship and sampling dollars deeper into social media and Amazon advertising. This includes, much like other DTC brands, staying active on Facebook. “There’s a reason why Facebook’s share price continues to climb,” says Melehan. “Even though everyone is boycotting them, small and medium-sized businesses have no other option. We are still a scrappy startup that needs to be ROI focused. The large conglomerates have other options.”

This new marketing mix appears to be working with online sales making up for much of the shortfall experienced from gym closures, per Melehan. In fact, as many as 80% of its consumers have set their carts to automatic reorder.

Success online and in traditional sales channels is now crucial for the brand, especially since one-in-four Americans say they will never return to a gym, according to a new study. Staying true to their counter-intuitive tactics, the study was commissioned by none other than the LIFEAID founders. “We were curious. As things reopen, we wanted to know what we can realistically expect,” says Melehan.

While a little planning never hurts, after everything the brand has experienced in just a few weeks’ time, LIFEAID's founders are ready for anything. Melehan says, “the decision matrix is expanding. You’ve got to make massive, multi-hundred thousand-dollar decisions within a couple of hours right now.” So far, they appear to be making the right ones.

This is a repost of the original article which you can view on TheDrum.com
All rights reserved.

> > > Stay well.

Repost of original article on TheDrum.com by Kenneth Hein | 14 July 2020 10:00am Imagine your brand was built in lockstep with CrossFit and then let’s say more than a third of your sales came through gyms. Now imagine gyms were closed and the chief exec of CrossFit became an instant pariah because of offensive George Floyd and […]

Source: BevNET LIVE 2019

Each year, BevNET’s annual Best Of awards honors companies, brands, individuals, products, ideas and trends from across the dynamic and ever-changing beverage landscape.

As in years past, 2019 witnessed the emergence of disruptive newcomers developing alongside established players seeking out new frontiers. In ways both big and small, this year confirmed that there isn’t a singular route to success. In bottled water, we saw Essentia reap the benefits of a dedicated long-term growth strategy, fueled by strong execution, and at the same time we saw Liquid Death capture the imagination of consumers with a wholly unconventional (and unmistakable) marketing voice. We saw young companies in categories like energy and coffee help bring a new generation of functional beverages to mainstream audiences, while also watching as legacy brands extended their reach with new innovations. Some well-worn rules were confirmed, and others were torn up in style. There was truly a bit of everything.

With such a wide breadth of worthy nominees, the process of selecting our Best Of 2019 award winners was hardly simple. These honorees represent a vibrant and dynamic group of brands that we feel best encompass the ideas, personalities and products pushing the beverage industry in exciting new directions at the dawn of a new decade— and we can’t wait to see where they will take us next. Congratulations to all our winners!

LIFEAID Beverage Company:

"The entire team at LIFEAID Beverage Company, LLC is beyond honored and thrilled to have been chosen as the recipient of a BEVNET Best of 2019 RISING STAR award! Thank you for this acknowledgment. Here's to rising to even greater heights in 2020," LIFEAID posted on their LinkedIn profile following the announcement at the BevNET LIVE event on Monday, December 9, 2019.

Product image of three LIFEAID cans arranged on a grass background

When functional beverage brand LIFEAID first made a name for its workout-based FITAID line through its partnership with CrossFit©, it seemed the company had settled into a strategy of cornering niche target demographics through a focus on hyper-specific use occasions such as partying, travelling and golfing. But after several years of incremental gains, 2019 finally saw LIFEAID and its entire product portfolio break into the mainstream. This past year the company’s risky take on functional beverages saw a vast expansion as it tripled its retail footprint, established a robust DSD network in the West, and made nationwide expansions in major outlets like Walmart and CVS. Co-founders Orion Melehan and Aaron Hinde said that LIFEAID’s mainstream breakout was always the long-term plan, even as it spent years with an emphasis on narrow channels -- part of an “incubation” strategy that through close customer relationships and ROI driven marketing is finally seeing validation in the broader market. Earlier this year, LIFEAID raised $7.7 million in April to fuel this growth and now with Fitness, Focus, Immunity, Partying, and Golfing all covered, the company has introduced sugar-free varieties with FITAID ZERO and FITAID RX ZERO. And the innovation isn’t done yet: the brand has announced LIFEAID HEMP as the latest addition to its beverage portfolio -- making it one of just a handful of established brands to date to jump into the hemp space.

> > > Live well.

Source: BevNET LIVE 2019 Each year, BevNET’s annual Best Of awards honors companies, brands, individuals, products, ideas and trends from across the dynamic and ever-changing beverage landscape. As in years past, 2019 witnessed the emergence of disruptive newcomers developing alongside established players seeking out new frontiers. In ways both big and small, this year confirmed […]

Long-Term Consistency Beats Short-Term Intensity

This episode of Health Coach Radio discusses the idea of one degree of change, the power of changing your trajectory over time, pushing the chips all in, being aligned with your purpose, and so much more. (52:22)

Listen to the full podcast episode here.


The New Age of Conscious Capitalism

Co-Founder and CEO of LIFEAID, Orion Melehan shares his vision and thoughts surrounding building and nurturing a successful brand.

Click here to read the full article.


Healthy Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving

Try Ambitious Kitchen's version of classic pumpkin pie—made from scratch, delicious, dairy-free, and naturally sweetened with pure maple syrup and coconut sugar.

Find the healthy recipe here.

"Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."

—Winston Churchill

Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living

Discover the secrets of Bruce Lee's incredible success. His book covers 72 topics and 825 aphorisms—from spirituality to personal liberation and from family life to film-making.

Check out the book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 26

Long-Term Consistency Beats Short-Term Intensity This episode of Health Coach Radio discusses the idea of one degree of change, the power of changing your trajectory over time, pushing the chips all in, being aligned with your purpose, and so much more. (52:22) Listen to the full podcast episode here. . The New Age of Conscious Capitalism […]

man holding surfboard standing in front of sea

A Decade of Fueling the Fittest on Earth

Learn more about LIFEAID Beverage Co.—tucked away in the back of the old Santa Cruz Wrigley Building—where they create the clean recovery fuel of CrossFitters worldwide.

Read the full article and watch the video here.


Consumer Guide: Best Fitness Recovery Products in 2019

Tips and guidelines for finding the right recovery products for you, as well as a list of the top-ranked products of the year.

Click here to read the full article. 


10 Paleo Family Friendly Dinner Ideas

Perfect for the whole family, try these quick & easy Paleo-friendly dinners that you can whip up at home.

Click here to read the full article.

"When you innovate, you’ve got to be prepared for people telling you that you are nuts."

—Larry Ellison

The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future

Chris Guillebeau shows you how to lead a life of adventure, meaning and purpose, all while earning a good living.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 20

A Decade of Fueling the Fittest on Earth Learn more about LIFEAID Beverage Co.—tucked away in the back of the old Santa Cruz Wrigley Building—where they create the clean recovery fuel of CrossFitters worldwide. Read the full article and watch the video here. . Consumer Guide: Best Fitness Recovery Products in 2019 Tips and guidelines […]

Morning Chalk Up | Aug. 11, 2019 | By 

Tucked away in the back of the old Santa Cruz Wrigley’s factory is a warehouse manufacturing the recovery fuel for CrossFitters.

Forty thousand free cans of FITAID were handed out at the 2019 CrossFit Games — a far cry from the humble beginnings of LIFEAID Beverage Co ten years ago.

Where it all began

“Orion and I met in a CrossFit gym back in 2009 in Santa Cruz and we had this crazy idea and launched LIFEAID in 2011,” said Aaron Hinde, co-founder of the company.

Aaron invited the Morning Chalk Up to the company’s headquarters which supplies LIFEAID products to around 30 percent of CrossFit boxes in America.

“In this warehouse that we’re in now we used to have a little tiny cage that held two pallets of product and that was it. It took us six months to sell through it, one can at a time slowly,” he said.

The company now employs 75 people full time, it’s growth a byproduct of two key factors according to the co-founder.

“The product but also the people and the relationships that we forged early on and nurtured, we still have those relationships nine years later.”

Aaron describes this as the “OG” – or “original gangster” parts of the community – that continue to propel the company forward.

What’s new

LIFEAID’s evolving and has just started stocking each of their unique flavours in a monk fruit, stevia blend.

“We’re launching all of our entire line in the zero sugar format with no artificial sweeteners,” Aaron said.

This includes:

What’s next

Aaron and Orion practice what they preach, concluding the tour with a personalised workout – “The Aussie” – in the team’s office gym set up like a mini, in-house affiliate.

Don’t ask me why a huffy, puffy 15-minute EMOM (5 wallballs, 5 pull-ups, 1 rope climb) reflects my Australian heritage, but let’s just say we earned our ice-cold FITAID which is always on tap at HQ.

“People feel comfortable cutting loose and know that we’re going to take good care of them,” Aaron said.

That’s certainly the case both in the U.S. and abroad. For example in Australia, LIFEAID Beverage Co is now stocked in approximately 70 percent of gyms.

For the company, now a major sponsor of the CrossFit Games, global engagement was the big takeaway from Madison, 2019.

Having naming rights to the ‘FITAID Lounge’ (formerly known as the Beer Garden) the company hosted the ‘One Ton Challenge’ drawing fitness personalities – names like CT Fletcher and Wes Kitts – who’d otherwise be unlikely to attend the Games.

“It was great to get a lot of international exposure it was fun to see all the different cultures there,” Aaron said.

“CrossFit is still alive and well with all the changes there was a little apprehension in the air, we weren’t really sure how it was going to shake out. At the end of the day the best athletes always rise to the top.”

“CrossFit, functional fitness, what we do, how we train, it’s going to be here I think forever, you can’t really go backwards,” Hinde said.

> > > Live well.

Morning Chalk Up | Aug. 11, 2019 | By BRITTNEY KLEYN Tucked away in the back of the old Santa Cruz Wrigley’s factory is a warehouse manufacturing the recovery fuel for CrossFitters. Forty thousand free cans of FITAID were handed out at the 2019 CrossFit Games — a far cry from the humble beginnings of LIFEAID […]

Todd Nief's Show: Orion Melehan (LIFEAID)

Host Todd Nief discusses with LIFEAID co-founder Orion Melehan the trade-offs of rapidly scaling a growing business, how to understand proper sequencing in terms of when it’s appropriate to take certain actions in business, and how LIFEAID plans to stay true to their mission as they expand outside of the fitness subculture into more mainstream markets in grocery stores. (1:10:36)

Listen to the full podcast episode here.


21 Top Destinations for Active and Adventurous Vacations

Good news: your health and fitness don't have to be put on hold just because of travel plans! Stay active and enjoy these adventurous vacation ideas with your family this summer.

Click here to read the full article. 


7 Proven Health Benefits of Ginseng

While Ginseng is commonly touted for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, it can also help regulate blood sugar levels, have benefits for some cancers, may strengthen the immune system, enhance brain function & more!

Click here to read the full article.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure, that just ain't so."

—Mark Twain

Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader's Guide to the Real World

Marcus Buckingham reveals the few core truths that will help you show just how good you are to those who truly rely on you.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 16

Todd Nief’s Show: Orion Melehan (LIFEAID) Host Todd Nief discusses with LIFEAID co-founder Orion Melehan the trade-offs of rapidly scaling a growing business, how to understand proper sequencing in terms of when it’s appropriate to take certain actions in business, and how LIFEAID plans to stay true to their mission as they expand outside of […]

@BevNet.com | Press Release

Functional drink line expands into retailers nationally while preparing for new product launches.

March 29, 2019 – Santa Cruz, CA – High-growth functional beverage brand LIFEAID, which produces premium vitamin drinks, recently closed a $7.7 million financing round to support the brand’s expanding distribution in retailers across the U.S. The round includes investments totaling $4.7 million from Everplus Capital, Cambridge Companies SPG and a half-dozen angel investors, in addition to a $3 million asset-backed line of credit with Dwight Funding.

LIFEAID Beverage Co. produces a line of nutrition-focused drinks for consumers with active, performance-driven lifestyles. The current LIFEAID lineup features six functional drinks, each with a unique proposition and dedicated consumer. In 2019, LIFEAID will expand its presence in Walmart and Kroger stores along with additional retailers nationwide. FitAid, the brand’s pioneering post-workout recovery drink, is a favorite of fitness devotees and professional athletes. ImmunityAid became a top-selling product for the brand just six months after being launched at the start of last fall’s cold and flu season, demonstrating the increasingly broad appeal of LIFEAID.

In addition to increasing the presence of its drinks in prominent retailers, including a new authorization with Wegman’s, LIFEAID Beverage Co. has also fully established its direct store delivery (DSD) network in the Pacific Northwest. New partners in the region include The Odom Corporation, Sound Beverage Distribution Inc., Craig Stein Beverage and NW Beverages. In Northern California, LIFEAID finalized a similar agreement with distributor DBI Beverage. The brand is starting to build a similar DSD network in the Northeast and is also increasing its presence in convenience stores like Giant.

LIFEAID CEO Orion Melehan stated, “Strategic investors and working capital financing are more important now as we continue to build the LIFEAID brand and platform of customized vitamin drinks — vitamins you’ll actually enjoy drinking. Our goal for 2019 is to emphasize product innovation and smartly capitalize on growth opportunities with partners that understand our vision, mission and the brand’s deep connection with its consumers.

“We’re proud of the caliber of our latest investors, and appreciate the follow-on investments from some of our earlier ones who believed in LIFEAID Beverage Co.’s tremendous potential early on,” Melehan continued. “In addition to our equity financing, our new relationship with Dwight Funding gives us the flexibility to strategically invest in growth without additional constraints on working capital, given our growing inventory and accounts receivable.”

Joe Yu, principal of Everplus F&B Fund stated, “LIFEAID has shown an incredible and rare ability to continually capture the attention of a dedicated and rapidly growing audience of wellness enthusiasts. The functional beverage category is growing and we think LIFEAID will be an increasingly dominant player in that category. We are confident in the ability of LIFEAID’s forward-thinking and highly strategic leadership to achieve their goals, and we are very excited to be an investor in the company."

Dwight Funding managing partner Ben Brachot similarly commented, “LIFEAID is a leader in the wellness and performance space. We are excited to be working with a brand that has such a strong bond with its customers. The brand’s growth is built on a strong foundation that has set them up to become a household brand name.”

LIFEAID Beverage Company


LIFEAID Beverage Co. was founded by Orion Melehan and Dr. Aaron Hinde in 2011 and is a pioneer in functional beverage. The brand offers nutrition-focused products including top-selling natural energy drink FitAid, as well as LifeAid, FocusAid, ImmunityAid, PartyAid and GolferAid. Visit www.lifeaidbevco.com.

About the Financial Round Partners

Everplus Capital, located in Newport Beach, California, manages a consumer-oriented fund focused on better-for-you food and beverage brands. Visit www.everplus-cap.com.

Cambridge Companies SPG is a highly respected strategic opportunity investment firm based in Newport Beach, California. Cambridge SPG turns opportunities into value by buying controlling and non-controlling interest in companies poised for growth. The firm focuses on retail, consumer packaged goods (CPG) as well as food & beverage. LIFEAID Beverage Co. is the firm’s 25th investment in the CPG space. Visit www.cambridgespg.com.

Dwight Funding provides debt solutions uniquely tailored to the needs of growing consumer brands. With a nationwide presence, Dwight has deep ties to the CPG community and is able to provide its portfolio companies with strategic advice and solutions throughout the brand lifecycle. Visit www.dwightfunding.com.

A big thanks to Brad Avery of BevNET.com, Inc. for helping us share the news with the #beverage and #CPG financial community.

@BevNet.com | Press Release Functional drink line expands into retailers nationally while preparing for new product launches. March 29, 2019 – Santa Cruz, CA – High-growth functional beverage brand LIFEAID, which produces premium vitamin drinks, recently closed a $7.7 million financing round to support the brand’s expanding distribution in retailers across the U.S. The round […]

In a time when food is viewed as medicine, the LIFEAID Beverage Company is capitalizing on the expanding interest in better-for-you functional drinks through rapid innovation.

At BevNET Live Summer 2019 on June 12 and 13 in New York City, we’ll sit down with the company’s co-founders, Aaron Hinde and Orion Melehan, to explore how the company is using its deep roots in Crossfit culture to experiment with and expand its product set.

Since we last spoke to LIFEAID at BevNET Live in 2016, the company entered traditional brick-and-mortar retail, raised capital, released a number of new products and now has its sights set on c-store and mainstream retailers. In 2018 alone the company reported a 169 percent increase in sales and is aiming to triple its retail presence to at least 18,000 doors this year, including Walmart, Whole Foods, Kroger, and Sprouts stores.

Behind LIFEAID, FITAID, FOCUSAID, PARTYAID, GOLFERAID, and most recently IMMUNITYAID, the company continues to develop products aimed at niche target demographics and specific use cases. This talk will give BevNET Live attendees insight into how they use subcultures like Crossfit to activate their user groups.

Along with all star speakers like Melehan, Hinde, and others, attendees will also take part in networking and sampling opportunities, as well as offerings like the Beverage School startup session on June 11, and the New Beverage Showdown pitch competition.

Early registration savings are coming to an end! The early registration deadline is next month on Friday, April 26th. Register now to save $200 per ticket.

If your company is interested in generating additional industry exposure, sponsorship opportunities are still available.

Additional information can be found on the BevNET Live Summer 2019 website. Questions about the conference can be directed to Jon Landis.

About BevNET Live

BevNET Live Summer 2019 will return to the Metropolitan West in New York, NY on June 12 and 13. A Beverage School for industry newcomers will also be held on Tuesday, June 11 at no additional cost.

BevNET Live is the premiere event for beverage brands, distributors, service providers, retailers and investors to discuss what’s next for the industry. With the industry’s foremost speakers and our New Beverage Showdown, BevNET Live attracts hundreds of brands to each event.

Source: BevNET.com  | Mar. 25, 2019 In a time when food is viewed as medicine, the LIFEAID Beverage Company is capitalizing on the expanding interest in better-for-you functional drinks through rapid innovation. At BevNET Live Summer 2019 on June 12 and 13 in New York City, we’ll sit down with the company’s co-founders, Aaron Hinde and Orion Melehan, […]