You've probably heard of BCAAs or Branched-Chain Amino Acids if you've ever stepped foot in a gym/box or hung around fitness enthusiasts or athletes.

But what do BCAAs actually do? Do you really need them? And if so, when should you take them?

We're here to help you break down the ABCs of BCAAs!

The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. They are essential, meaning BCAAs can't be produced by your body and must be obtained from food or supplements. BCAA supplements have been shown to build muscle, decrease muscle fatigue and alleviate muscle soreness. —

BCAAs also help enhance muscle protein recovery after your workout. "Emerging research suggests that Leucine is the star player of BCAAs when it comes to regulating genetic signaling pathways involved in muscle protein synthesis," according to

Their molecular structure look like this:

Image Source: 


BCAAs fuel your skeletal muscles during training, which can help give you the edge you need to push your limits. Supplementing with BCAAs helps preserve your stores of glycogen—the primary fuel your muscles use for energy production. This means your body has a reliable energy source to tap into while you work out, which can keep you going. Plus, abundant glycogen stores keep your body from breaking down muscle protein for energy instead. That’s why BCAA supplements are a win-win for your muscles—they help sustain and safeguard them. That’s potentially more energy, more reps and more gains. —


One of the easiest ways to help you get more out of your daily gym sessions is consuming BCAAs, whether in your everyday food consumption or with supplementation. They are most effective when consumed just BEFORE, DURING or AFTER your next gym session, workout or any physical activity.

BCAAs are an ingredient in all four of the LIFEAID Recovery Blends shown above:
(75mg Leucine, 37.5mg Isoleucine, 37.5mg Valine)

LEARN MORE about each of our clean RECOVERY BLENDS or SHOP NOW at

> > > Live well.

Last month, the Buttery Bros. (Heber Canon & Marston Sawyers) traveled to sunny southern California to crush some waves & WODs with Brooks Laich and a ready-as-ever, Games-bound Sara Sigmundsdóttir. Check out their photo journal from the weekend below, then watch the Buttery Bros.' full episode below — brought to you by FITAID ZERO, your new zero sugar Recovery Blend, still made with only the good stuff!

Check out the entire Buttery Bros. episode on YouTube here:

Learn more or SHOP sugar-free, Keto-friendly Recovery Blends FITAID ZERO and FITAID RX ZERO at

> > > Live well.


The Terminator Disagrees With Having a "Backup Plan"

Arnold Schwarzenneger shares his thoughts on why having a backup plan (Plan B) is a bad idea.

Watch the video here.


Creating Value in Your Life & Business

Brute Strength sits down with Aaron Hinde to talk about risks, following your passion, and starting a successful business. (53:02)

Listen to the full podcast episode here.


10 Graphs That Show the Immense Power of Creatine

Let's get scientific about Creatine. While we all know about its many benefits for your body and brain, these graphs offer the science & data to back it!

Click here to read the full article.

"Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes."

—Zig Zigler

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

This breakthrough book from James Clear is the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 9

By Jason Jaksetic

Why did Spartan and FitAid become partners?
Why do you find a “Spartan-approved” logo on a FitAid can?
Spartan Lifestyle Editor Jason Jaksetic sets the record straight.

I keep FitAid in two bags: my gym bag and my rucksack. I also keep it on my desk and in my pickup truck—both staging grounds for gym and mountain training sessions.

Surely, I enjoy FitAid most when I cross the finish line at a Spartan Race.

This is because in daily living, I’m one of those people who keep the throttle pretty close to the floor while simultaneously trying to stay lean and mean. (Let’s face it: most Spartans are. After all, a Spartan lifestyle is active and demanding.) Sometimes, when running this precarious balance of input and output, we start running a little low and need a boost, both in performance and recovery. And FitAid, amazingly, has Spartans covered in both situations.

There are many reason why you will find a Spartan logo on a can of FitAid. I’ll break down the main ones for you.

Unless you are doing long workouts, extra Calories aren’t your friend. Especially drinkable ones. You are trying to burn Calories, not gain them. The 45 Calories found in FitAidare not excessive like the Calories most sports drinks. Anyone familiar with how hard you work to remove 200 Calories isn’t about to toss them back quickly during a workout. 45 is not zero, but then again, FitAid is not a ‘diet’ sports drink, full of artificial sweeteners.

When nature has provided so many natural sweeteners, modern humans’ reliance on processed sugars and artificial sweeteners is perplexing. Spartans think so, anyway. That’s why they will reach for FitAid over sugary sports drinks. Agave is delicious. Agave is natural. Agave is a no brainer for a great tasting drink.

Skip the processed. Always. FitAid did.

FitAid pulls double duty. I drink a FitAid before and after my workouts, and sometimes during a long endurance session. The one before my workout fuels my endurance and performance. The one after helps me recover from the damage I did.

Incidentally, because most Spartans train early in the morning before work, it’s nice to get the energy boost after a workout with your recovery fuel so you can shower up and roll into the office on a mission to tackle the next challenge.

Spartans don’t worry about vitamins too much when they have their diets dialed in and are consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. But sometimes, especially when traveling or busy, it’s hard to get the vitamin-rich foods that are essential to a healthy diet and immune system. A day with FitAid is a day you know you have the key vitamins that keep your health covered.

Muscle fuel and muscle repair are at the core of performance and recovery. Feed your muscles well when they are most hungry, and they will be therefore you when you need.

Spartans love the performance and recovery aspects of this natural ingredient so much that we devoted a whole week of our Food of the Week recipes to exploring how to incorporate it into our Spartan diets.

I love bubbles. You love bubbles. We all love bubbles. They are, well, just damn refreshing. FitAid delivers bubbles.

Maybe you are a seasoned Spartan, training and living hard. Maybe you are just starting to step on the accelerator and finding yourself lacking some energy as you engage in the Spartan lifestyle. On any gym and on any mountain, FitAid is the performance and recovery support you need. (With bubbles.)