More Than Half of Americans Have Suffered a Workout Hangover

An article published in the New York Post shares new findings and statistics from a recent survey surrounding the negative effects of the dreaded "workout hangover."

Read the full article here.


Mindset Reset: Day 1

Join motivational speaker & author Mel Robbins on this 35-day journey as she shares daily tips & tools to help guide you towards your best mindset and life. (5:28)

Click here to watch the video.


Meet Macro-Friendly Monk Fruit

Did you know that monk fruit is naturally 150-200 times sweeter than sugar? It's what is used to happily sweeten ZERO SUGAR Recovery Blends FITAID ZERO and FITAID RX ZERO, now available!

Click here to read the full article.

"So much emphasis has been placed on what you consume or drink before a workout, when in actuality it’s what your body needs to help it recover afterward that makes the real difference."

—Dr. Aaron Hinde

Think and Grow Rich

Important, practical, and transformative, Napoleon Hill's wisdom from 1937 empowers today's readers to create tomorrow's successes.

Check out his book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 11

More Than Half of Americans Have Suffered a Workout Hangover An article published in the New York Post shares new findings and statistics from a recent survey surrounding the negative effects of the dreaded “workout hangover.” Read the full article here. . Mindset Reset: Day 1 Join motivational speaker & author Mel Robbins on this 35-day […]