Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman 

This is definitely an unprecedented time in everyone’s lives. As we’re self-isolating in our own homes, many people are finding creative ways to stay connected during this time of social distancing. While it might not be the same as gathering your closest friends together for a backyard BBQ, these clever ways of staying in touch with your friends are sure to help banish any quarantine blues.


  1. Share Your Playlists
    Curating a personalized playlist is an old throwback to creating mix tapes (or CDs, for all you millenials out there) for your best friend, and it is a classic, time-tested tradition of showing someone that you care. Not only can you create a playlist for your friends but you can also create various different playlists to share with others so they can listen while doing quarantine activities, like making dinner or cleaning out their closet. It'll make them feel more connected to you and help boost their mood.
  2. Virtual Workout Sessions
    Athletes are having to get a bit creative when it comes to sticking to their workout routine from home lately. Even though we may be maintaining our fitness, most of us are missing that important social aspect of being a member of a gym and its community. A cool way to get together with your gym buddies during quarantine is to set up a WOD, HIIT, yoga or stretching session over FaceTime (video call). Not only are you getting your workout in for the day but you’re also getting the chance to connect with your fitness friends. Just knowing we're all still sweating through this together can help keep you motivated!
  3. Watch Shows Together
    Streaming services (like Netflix® and Hulu®) have been churning out the content lately, so now is the perfect time to (video) call up your sister, co-worker or friends and tune into the same guilty pleasure reality series. Just because we can't physically have visitors in our home doesn’t mean we can’t have a fun night of laughing and chatting together over FaceTime, Zoom® or video calls with them.
  4. Parking Lot Dinner Dates
    Want to spend time with your partner or loved one while helping to support your local economy at the same time? Try a parking lot dinner date! Many local restaurants are still safely offering take-away options for select menu items, so grab yourself a yummy meal and meet your favorite person in the parking lot. While still maintaining the six feet of required distance, you can sit in your car while they sit in theirs—with the windows rolled down—and spend some quality time catching up. Nothing beats good food and good company, and a few feet of distance is always better than a few miles.
  5. FaceTime While Cooking
    Sharing recipes has seen a resurgence, with thousands of people discovering or rekindling their love of cooking and baking while in quarantine. (Finding bread and yeast online or in stores lately is like a quest for the Holy Grail!) When has there ever been a better time to try trading recipes with a friend or—as an added level of fun—try cooking together virtually! Not only can you get in some good gab time but you can also share cooking advice while attempting to master each other’s favorite recipe(s). Plus, making a mess in the kitchen is always more fun when someone is doing it with you, even if it's only virtually. After quarantine, we may have to change the saying to: "Friends who cook together stay together."


This is a new way of life for everyone so it’s normal to feel days of frustration, stress and loneliness. Taking this new journey one day at a time while finding new, inventive ways to connect with our loved ones is a helpful way to make us feel more social and happy. While these creative shelter-in-place solutions may not be able to replace the joy of holding our partner's hand at the movie theatre on the weekends or meeting up with friends for brunch, we must simply do our best to stay connected and positive during this time. Being kind to ourselves by prioritizing self-care is not only about eating well and keeping fit, it's also about remaining connected with our core group of loved ones. So the next time you’re feeling down, hop on a video call with your best friend and try working out, cooking or just talking while sheltering-in-place, virtually, together. 


Cover photo courtesy of @ninaghamari
Cooking photo courtesy of 


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or her website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Stay well.

Later this week, LIFEAID will be launching its LIFEAID LIFT program.
Watch your inbox for additional details!

“Our gyms have been so supportive of our brand, making FITAID the #1 Workout Recovery Drink in America. Now we want to give back and provide monetary assistance to them during this time of turbulence and financial uncertainty. We’re all in this together.”
—Orion Melehan, LIFEAID CEO and co-founder


The Guest Show Podcast: Aaron Hinde Discusses How to Thrive During This Time of Uncertainty

On this episode of the Guest Show, co-founder and president of LIFEAID Beverage Company, Aaron Hinde comes on to talk about the uncertainty presented by the COVID-19 outbreak and how you can steer your business through it.

Aaron's life story takes him through all the ups and downs that entrepreneurs face and this episode presents his actionable advice that you can use now to get through this.

Listen to this episode here.


from Nutritional Coaching Institute

As part of the LIFEAID family, Nutritional Coaching Institute is giving you FREE access to one of their best-selling online courses (worth over $2,000). Also, be sure to check out their gut-health course. Get started today!

Learn more about the gut-health course here.

Learn more about the FREE NCI Level-1 course here.

"If we picture ourselves like magnets ... If everybody is throwing out the same polarity—and it's fear—then the people who throw out confidence, certainty and calm are going to be like the super-magnets, attracting everybody to them."
—Dr. Sean Pastuch

LIFEAID Employees Find Positivity in Social Distancing

During this dark time for many, the entire team at LIFEAID Beverage Co. is shedding a light on the brighter side of social distancing.

Read the blog here.

Debunking 4 Popular Immunity Myths

Dr. Nick, MD, talks all-things immunity and sets the record straight about a few commonly misbelieved notions.

Read the article here.


HindeSight  |  No. 33

While this has been a time of uncertainty around the world, one thing is certain: social distancing is leading many of us to a revolutionary time as a society, we're witnessing a 'closening' of relationships. People are reflecting on what matters most in their lives, surrounding themselves with the people they love (even if only via FaceTime), appreciating nature, embracing new hobbies, making time for healthy habits, and just taking life at a slower pace in general. The LIFEAID team shares how they are practicing social distancing and embracing all the good things that have come out of this otherwise difficult time.

Wishing everyone health & calm.
—Your LIFEAID family

Aaron (President & co-founder)

Aaron & his family

Destiny (Email marketing)

Sabine (Accounting)

Hannah (Graphic design)

Hannah, practicing yoga at home

Karis (Field marketing & social media)

Karis & fur friends

Claudia (Operations)

Ashley (Sales)

Katie (Social media)

Katie, in her home office

Orion (CEO and co-founder)

Orion & daughters in Santa Cruz

The biggest blessing for me during this crazy time of uncertainty has been how much quality time I get to spend with my two beautiful daughters. It's a perfect reminder to us all—never take these moments for granted, they are just waiting to shine through amidst all the chaos.
—Orion Melehan, LIFEAID CEO and co-founder

Need another good excuse to move your body?

> > > Stay healthy.