Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman • Images courtesy of: @crossfitonevalley & @jakehoneycuttphoto

We all know that going to the gym to stay active and fit is super important for our physical and emotional well-being, but many of us forget about the potential for picking up illnesses in communal spaces like the local CrossFit box or the community yoga studio. During your next sweat session consider some of these immunity boosting tips to keep your future trips to the gym germ-free. 

1. Drink Immunity Boosting Drinks

Often forgotten, drinking immunity boosting drinks such as turmeric shots, IMMUNITYAID, or apple cider vinegar can give your body the extra line of defense it needs to keep you nice and healthy while you’re working out. Helping to deliver an extra boost to your immune system, turmeric is also a good anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, helping you recover from your workouts faster! The last thing you want is to have a bad cough that derails your PR attempts. Taking care of your body from the inside out is the first step to whole-body wellness.

2. Wipe Down Your Equipment

Whether you’re working with kettlebells or a yoga block, wiping down your equipment with an alcohol based sanitizer is a must. Forgetting can be easy when you’re leaving your CrossFit class in a post-WOD haze but cleaning your equipment is not only good for you, it’s also respectful to others who use the same wall balls and dumbbells. Germs can really proliferate on unclean equipment surfaces causing an illness to spread quickly through your local fitness center. Help keep sickness at bay by cleaning your (or other’s) gym equipment!

3. Drink Plenty of Water

We all know that drinking water is key to enhance your athletic performance but being well hydrated can also help your body in it’s defense against illnesses. Having a hydrated body can keep toxins from building up as well as assist in moving oxygen to your cells which could help with keeping your immune system functioning properly. 

4. Don’t Come to Class If You’re Sick

Thinking a good sweat session is going to kick your cold? Staying home when you’re sick can greatly reduce how many people you pass it to as well as your recovery time. Your body needs rest to fight off those germs and giving it something else to repair will only increase the time that you’re ill. Take the day off! Everyone, including your body, will thank you.

5. Take Care of Your Own Equipment

Washing your own wrist wraps, yoga mat, knee sleeves and weight belt will keep you and your gym bag healthy and clean. So next time you’re finishing up a workout, throw your stuff in the washing machine rather than in the back of your car. Not only will it keep nasty things such as staph from growing on your equipment, but it’ll smell better, too. 


Next time you’re at your local gym, try to take some of these tips along to help with keeping illnesses from taking root in your workout community. Not only will your fellow athletes be happy and healthy but so will you!


Cover image: Delanie, Gracie, Tiffany & Alexis Wade: @dwade556 | @gracie9421 | @alexis_wade99

Last image: Chase Hill | @chill_365



About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Live well.

Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR
Reposted from NPR's Instagram post on Feb. 29, 2020:

Kids and parents: You may have heard the word "coronavirus" online or on TV. You probably have a lot of questions. Read our comic to get some answers.








Stock up on IMMUNITYAID Wellness Blend to help boost your immune system with vitamins you'll actually enjoy drinking.

—Your LIFEAID family


Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman | All images courtesy of @cf_kat

While the holidays can be a fun and busy time of year, there are definitely times where you find yourself looking at your schedule wondering how it’s possible that you’re going to squeeze everything in!  From visiting family to wrapping gifts and preparing food, it can be a little overwhelming at times. While this time of year can be focused on giving to others, it’s important to remember to give back to yourself as well with these 5 tips for combating holiday stress.

1. Work It Out

Working out can help to relieve stress by releasing endorphins and giving you a singular focus. By spending an hour or two in the local CrossFit box or pounding it out on the treadmill at home, carving out some time to focus on yourself and your goals can be a much needed respite during the rushing around of the holiday season. 

2. Grab a Coffee, a Book and Your Dog

Taking some time for yourself to read, play with your dog or just have a coffee alone can do wonders for your mental health. Spending time with our pets can help to relieve stress when we’re trying to tackle that to-do list. The holidays can be a very overwhelming time with all the parties, dinners and tasks that need to be done! Take some time to refocus & recenter yourself so you can jump back into the festivities fully rejuvenated. Bonus tip: adding in a CBD supplement could also help to relieve anxiety, depression & any joint pain from your workouts. A win/win!

3. Make a To-Do List

Making a list of items that need to get done can help you to feel more organized and together when its out of your head and down on paper!  With the most pressing items listed first, that will help you to make sure everything gets done when it needs to get done and you don’t feel rushed or pressured. Another useful tool is to understand that not everything has to get done in one day. Next to your tasks, write down what day they need to be done and what day you want to get them done. No time for it today? Try to get it done tomorrow. Be kind to yourself during this stressful time.

4. Focus In On The Positives

While it can be easy to get bogged down in what didn’t work out correctly or that frustrating relative, try to turn your mind to the positives. Getting to spend time with family can be stressful but focusing on the reasons why we love and appreciate our family and friends can help to realign your mind to a more positive space. Write down some positive affirmations or positive things that happened that day rather than dwelling on the cookies that didn’t turn out or the gift that still hasn’t been delivered.

5. Ask For Help

Whether it’s asking your partner to pick up the gift from the shops or asking your friend to be a sounding board, it’s always okay to ask for help. There is no need to spread yourself so thin so you eventually crack! Ask for backup and you’ll be sure to get it.


Keep in mind that while the holidays can be heaped in stress, it’s ultimately about spending quality time with the people that you love. Try not to stress about the changes in plans, unexpected guests or burnt cookies! It may seem like a lot at the moment but allowing yourself to have the space to step back and decompress can mean so much for your mental health and happiness during this holiday season.

All images courtesy of @cf_kat


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Live well.


Written by travel blogger Tiffany Ammerman | All images courtesy of @marissareeds

We all love a good hike when the weather is warm and everything is blooming but it takes a real die-hard hiker to strike out when the snow is blowing and the temps are dipping. There is nothing like stepping out into an abundance of flurries and some beautiful winter scenery but not being prepared can definitely ruin the experience. If you’re a first time winter hiker, take these tips with you on your next cold weather adventure:

1. Layers, Layers and More Layers

Dressing in layers is key for a comfortable winter hike. Typically you’ll warm up quite quickly but start off quite cold. Being able to have control over your wardrobe will make the hike more comfortable as you’re able to take off a hat or put on some gloves. Taking a lunch break during your hike can cool your body down quite quickly so be sure to throw on your outer layer to keep your core warm. Having a Merino wool base layer offers a lot of versatility in that they stay warm in cold temperatures but it offers breathability once you get warmed up.

2. Have a Camp Layer

While not super vital, it can just be nice to have something special that you wear only when you make it to camp. Similar to throwing on some camp shoes, there is just something nice in being able to peel off the clothes that you wear while you were trekking and putting on something warm and new. Keeping a favorite hoodie or sweatshirt buried deep in your bag that you can throw on when you’re done for the day will warm you up mentally and spiritually as well as physically. 

3. Keep Items in Your Possibles Pouch or Hip Belt

If you’re an experienced hiker, you know that there are definitely things that you’ll need along the way that often times people don’t think to bring. Keeping things like aspirin, vaseline, sunscreen (you can get sunburned in the winter!), lip balm, tissues, etc. are very important in making your hike a more productive and positive experience. If you have a hip belt, keeping these items tucked away to where they are easily accessible is best so that they you don’t have to stop and dig them out of your pack. However, if you don’t have pockets on your hip belt, keeping a small waterproof bag in the top portion of your pack with your “possibles” can help to make your hike more comfortable in the long run.

4. Stay Hydrated

Even though you might not feel like it, your body is still sweating and exerting energy under all of those layers and sometimes we forget to keep hydrating. Keep drinking water and you’ll feel more energized to keep going on your hike! You’ll also feel more clear headed and alert. Becoming dehydrated can cause cramping or could cause hikers to become confused. It’s easier to feel the typical signs of thirst when your body is warm and sweating, but the first sign of dehydration is thirst. Take care of your body before it starts sending you distress signals.

5. Communication Is Key

As with all hiking, make sure someone knows where you are and when you plan to return. Especially when it comes to winter hiking, it is very important to communicate to someone back at home. Whether you’re going on a day hike for a few hours or a multi day out-and-back, let someone know. 


Winter hiking can be a fantastic and rewarding experience that can lead to longer and more technical hikes in the future. Be sure you’re prepared before you go and it’ll be sure to be a more comfortable and exhilarating adventure!

All images courtesy of @marissareeds


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Live well.


You’ve got a competition coming up and you’re deeply invested in your meal prepping, training schedule and water intake but you’ve also got some intense travel sessions booked. You have all the best intentions of keeping to your training schedule but a few hours of waiting around in the airport and some questionable airplane food later, you’re wondering whether you really want to make the leap to your phone to call a ride. It happens to all of us! 

Next time you’re on the move, take these tips with you to help you out along the way.

Think of it as your nagging gym friend who keeps telling you to go to the 9am Saturday WOD.

Recovery Is Key

Focusing on your range of movement exercises and recovery stretches can help out big time after being jammed into a small airplane seat all day. While you’re waiting for your flight, take some time to stretch it out. It’ll help you feel less beat up and slightly more rejuvenated and get you ready for your next flight. There are several apps on the market these days that can run through some movements ranging anywhere from a 10-minute stretch to a full-on 45-minute yoga session. You might get some looks but you’ll be the one feeling good! 

Pack It Out

Be prepared for any sort of food situation by bringing in your own meal preps and snacks. This can be especially helpful if you’re on a long car ride or in a town where you don’t know or have access to a grocery store. Bringing a cooler full of your favorite training foods and drinks loaded with turmeric and BCAAs can help out with your recovery as well as just make you feel good after hours in the car. A lot of Airbnbs will let you use their kitchen, so bringing your own ingredients can definitely help out when you’ve just gotten into town and you’re ready to tuck into a heaping meal. 

(Image courtesy of: Anna Kirkpatrick)

Pre-Commit to Training

Something I like to do before I travel is research a local CrossFit box and send them an email letting them know I’d like to drop in on a certain day and time. Finding somewhere you’d like to train beforehand helps you to take the guesswork out of the where and gives you a why! Why are you going? Because you’ve already contacted the coach and committed to going! Also, training at a different box is pretty exciting. 

Focus on Sleep

This definitely goes without saying but sleeping is important in recovery and general wellness. If you’re traveling to a different time zone, try getting on that schedule as soon as possible. Eat meals when you’re supposed to eat (even if that means you have two dinners) and sleep when you’re supposed to sleep. That’ll help your body align with your new time. The temptation is to sleep until the afternoon or to crash as soon as you open the door to your hotel, but resist the urge! You’ll be glad you did. 


Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures so don't be afraid to live in the moment! There is something in being prepared but also in not being too rigid. Try to do what is best for you and your health in that moment. Always remember that, above all else, it’s about doing what makes you happy. 

Image courtesy of: @the_goodish_traveler
(Cover image courtesy of: Robert Smith)


About the Author:
Georgia native Tiffany Ammerman is the thru-hiker and CrossFitter behind the travel blog The Goodish Traveler. She spends the majority of her time traveling, eating sushi and searching for hiking trails. When she's not blogging, Ammerman can be found training at CrossFit LaGrange and teaching art to kids.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram: @the_goodish_traveler or website: TheGoodishTraveler.com


> > > Live well.


Ep. 008 | James Stratman: Be the Leader They Won't Disappoint

On this episode of 20 Percenters, the podcast host sits down with founder of Peak Nutrition & Modern Warrior, James "the Viking" Stratman. They discuss leadership, goals, team-building and mentorship. "Those who go the distance focus on the things that matter: Health, Wealth, Relationships and Time!" (60:00)

Listen to the full podcast episode here.


FITAID Debuts New Technology at the 2019 Spartan World Championship with Custom Augmented-Reality App

Leading recovery drink brand LIFEAID Beverage Co. offers event attendees competitive mobile entertainment experience and chance to win $1,000s in prizes with "Spartan Search" in North Lake Tahoe on Sept. 28-29!
Click here to read the press release. 


30+ Healthy Fall Superfoods, According to a Nutritionist

Happy Fall Equinox! Load these fall foods onto your plate for the best nutrition — and flavor — of the season.

Read the full article here.

“If you give up at the first sign of struggle, you’re really not ready to be successful.”
–Kevin Hart

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

New York Times bestseller Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls “grit.”

Check out her book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 23

How can you be successful when it comes to marketing a niche product? Find out on this episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, featuring Aaron Hinde, co-founder and president of LIFEAID Beverage Company.

CLICK HERE to listen to the full podcast episode on UpMyInfluence.com:

“LIFEAID is a functional beverage company,” said Aaron Hinde. “Basically, we make vitamins you’ll actually enjoy drinking.”

Neither Hinde, a sports chiropractor, nor his partner, a financial planner, had any experience in the beverage industry.

“In 2011, it was just a twinkle in our eye,” said Hinde. “It was through ignorance and passion that we pushed all the chips in.”

Both Hinde and his partner emptied their savings in an effort to get LIFEAID off the ground. Now, the beverages are found in 20 countries. In the US, they can be found at gyms and major retailers across the country including Walmart, Kroeger and CVS.

“I think the key to our success is that we chose a single target market,” Hinde said.

To learn more about LIFEAID and how the company has become so successful, listen to this episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur (link above).

> > > Live well.

By: BevNET staff | July 2019

Watch LIFEAID co-founders' BevNET Live presentation on YouTube:

The growth potential for functional beverage brands can at times seem limited by ties to specific use cases and niche audiences. In this saturated beverage market, however, consumers are increasingly seeking out products that provide something more, and functional beverage brands just need to figure out the right way to reach them.

Such is the case for LIFEAID, which has grown from a CrossFit-based brand with a direct-to-consumer model to a multi-million dollar company with a range of products sold at major national retailers. Speaking on June 13, 2019 at BevNET Live Summer 2019 in New York City, LIFEAID co-founders Aaron Hinde and Orion Melehan shared what they’ve learned on their journey from niche online brand to conventional retail, from investing in your team to making consumers a part of the innovation process.

By: Nikki Dagot | June 2019

It’s finally summertime! Many of us wait all year for pool parties, beach days, camping and outdoor fun with family and friends. Personally, I love summer because it’s so easy to get outdoors and find a variety of exercises to help you reach your fitness goals while enjoying the sunshine: a jog along the beach, laps in your local swimming  pool, a friendly tennis match, or attending an outdoor yoga class. 

I want to start off by saying I am not the healthiest, most active person out there. But I thoroughly enjoy being outdoors, feeling energized, and paying attention to how both my mind and body feel. Do I go to the gym daily? No. Do I eat sugar? Yes (I love cookies). But life is about balance and feeling healthy on the inside.

That’s why I am a big fan of setting up smart, attainable goals for myself, especially during the summer when there are so many extra activities, food and fun that can distract us from our fitness goals. There’s no need to get extreme with your workout plans, especially during a season when your days are often jammed packed with outdoor activities to help keep your body moving. Currently, I have been going to the gym a few times a week, stretching, and going on walks around my neighborhood. When I start to feel too tired, I remind myself that even if I do something active after work for 20-30 minutes, it’s better than nothing so that’s a “win.”

Summer Necessities for a Healthy, Active Lifestyle:

  1. Attainable nutrition & fitness goals are a MUST. Make a plan, keep it simple, and you’re more likely to stick to it so you can crush your goals this summer (which always gets me about setting new goals)!
  2. Workout clothes that I feel confident in! Because when you feel better, you move better and live better. Summer goal: feel good about moving your body.
  3. My favorite kanteen or water bottle filled with ice-cold water to help me stay hydrated. 
  4. An upbeat playlist on my iPhone to help get me pumped up to crush my workouts.
  5. An ice-cold FITAID ZERO as a macro-friendly post-workout treat or a refreshing 5-calorie soda replacement.

When it comes to nutrition, one smart addition to my grocery list this summer has been items that taste great, are refreshing and satisfying yet won’t blow my macros out of the water. That’s where FITAID ZERO comes in! It’s only 5 calories, 1g of carbs, and helps my body recover properly after I finish a workout. It’s also the perfect soda replacement or mixer when served ice-cold on a hot summer day. Bonus: it’s made without any artificial sweeteners, NO sucralose, NO aspartame—happily sweetened with Monk Fruit & Stevia, made with only the good stuff your body needs (glutamine, glucosamine, BCAAs, electrolytes, CoQ10, turmeric, quercetin, green tea extract (for 45mg of natural caffeine & energy), vitamins C, D, & E, and B-complex).


If healthy eating is a challenge for you, here are some snacks and meal ideas I find fast and easy to help stay on track during the summer. Light and refreshing is key for those hot months, and meals that are easy to prepare so that you’re not wasting too much time in the kitchen are always a plus! Reach for fresh fruits, veggies, granola and nuts—all great snacks for outdoor adventures—as well as smoothies that you can take with you on the go! I also love a quick salad or wrap you can throw together — tuna, chicken, or veggie & hummus for a vegan option. Don’t forget that with summer, comes BBQ’s, pool parties and picnics. Be sure to treat yourself every now and then because life is all about balance. 

Wishing you a safe & healthy ACTIVE summer!

About the Author: Nikki Dagot is a 28-year-old food blogger who lives in Orlando, Florida.

You can follower her on Instagram @repeatandeat or on her blog at: www.repeatandeat.com

 > > > Live well.

We all know that jumping rope is a great way to:

But how do we get better at this simple exercise with proven health benefits?

In this video, MobilityWOD guru Kelly Starrett provides helpful tips to help improve your "Jump Rope Mechanics" for optimal efficiency and performance.

About MobilityWOD
MobilityWOD is the ultimate guide to resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing athletic performance. Humans have been evolving for 2.5 million years and the human body is extraordinarily engineered. While people are born with this incredible machine, they aren't born with the right software to run that machine. The MobilityWOD is designed to help you hack your body's mechanics and provide the tools to perform basic maintenance on yourself.

BONUS: Want a free jump rope?

Now during the 2019 CrossFit OPEN, you can receive a FREE RPM Sprint Jump Rope + FREE SHIPPING
with every single order of two 24-packs at LIFEAIDBevCo.com. (Offer valid while supplies last, Feb. 21- March 25, 2019.)

For additional information about RPM jump ropes, visit RPMtraining.com


> > > Live well.