Article by: Michelle Schwartz  |  May 9. 2019

I feel like I’ve been traveling non-stop these days. My trips range anywhere from a short 2.5 hour drive to a flight across the states. No doubt traveling is one thing I truly love, but how do you make it healthier? I feel as there is a negative connotation tied around traveling with many people because they aren’t exactly sure how to tackle it in a healthy way. After literally years of driving back and forth from CT to Philly/DC/NY/everywhere imaginable, I’ve come up with top travel essentials to make my trips healthier, more enjoyable, and easier to handle!


Preparation is everything. I always pack a few workout sets and sneakers so I have no excuses when it comes to workouts. My advice is always to workout first thing in the morning or when you land. This helps you stick to a schedule and move your body before you can feel fatigued or caught up in other plans. A cute outfit always helps me want to sweat - look cute, work hard. This actually works for me! My go-to outfits are Fabletics, Bold Body Apparel, Lilybod, and Old Navy.


Raise your hand if you have traveled and gotten sick? Maybe it was the tight airplane seating, or the lack of sufficient sleep, or even just being outside your normal food/vitamin routine. Trust me, it seems like I was there more often than not. It wasn’t long before I realized there were ways to combat sickness and stay on top of your game - cue IMMUNITYAID. Aka a refreshing, bubbly can of vitamins that is sure to help you combat any sign of sickness/fatigue. For real, this bad boy is delicious and just what I need - don’t tell him, but I have to hide them from my husband because he drinks them on the regular before I can even stand a chance.


This goes without saying, really. Protein bars are such a handy snack to bring because they are packed with nutrients and pack well in your bag. I always need some healthy fats, protein, and complex carbs to get me through a trip so I don’t completely binge at rest-stop or overpriced airport food. My go-to bars are Simply Protein, Kindbars, RXBars, and SquareOrganics Bars. to name a few. I always pack multiples because my man always asks for food.


I cannot travel without this stuff. Airports, hand rails, stairs, bathroom, all freak me out - germs galore. This has made such a huge different in preventing illness. Plus, I can’t even tell you how often I eat on the plane when I have just touched the seat, tray table, elevator rail, travel bag, and everything else you can imagine. I love hand sanitizer because it cuts the germs and travels well in a little bottle for convenience.


This is like a workout secret weapon. I do not travel without one in my bag. These stretchy bands of goodness up your sweat game because who has room to pack dumbbells. Most weekends I perform band workouts and plan my week accordingly. Although “booty” is in the name, these bands can be used for a total body workout, too. I recently switched to a thick fabric band because it is far more challenging and doesn’t slide at all when you wear them. I highly recommend AthElite Lifestyle’s bands which you can find here.


Our bodies are made up of 60%+ water. That is the majority of our beings. It can be so easy to miss your water intake when you’re traveling for a variety of reasons, but staying hydrated makes a huge difference in my skin tone, under-eye bags, digestion, and energy levels. You will not find me without a water bottle in my hand. I bring my reusable bottle to the airport and chug it before I get through security. Then I fill it back up as soon as I’m through the line. When on driving trips, it can be easy to drink less in fear of needing to pee every minute, but it is worth it! I always bring a bottle to keep me alert and hydrated.


It is important to move your body when you’re traveling. I completely agree that you don’t need your normal rigorous gym schedule - especially on vacation - but having options for travel-specific workouts is one way to stick to a routine and remain healthy. I have many workouts on my Instagram that require little or no equipment. You can also find 15+ types of these workouts in my 8-week fitness & faith guide - Dumbbells & Devotions 2.0. Look for the Airplane icon on the top of the workout pages.

What are your top travel essentials? Leave a comment below to share with us.

About the AuthorWoman during golden hour on a soccer field, with hands on her head

Michelle Schwartz  is a wellness warrior searching for ways to live healthier and happier with a focus in the areas of Fitness, Food, Faith and Fun.
"I believe that everyone can get healthier and happier with small changes while still living their lives. I share my expertise via Instagram and my blog. My goal is to empower women to find a love for health and taking care of their bodies. I am determined to prove that getting healthy can be done without hours in the gym or tons of money spent on health foods. I provide fitness tips and videos, quick and delicious recipes, health advice and faith questions to help you achieve your goals."

Visit for more info | Follow Michelle on Instagram at: @fitstagram.michelle

> > > Live well.

In an article published this past Sunday in San Jose's The Mercury News, LIFEAID co-founder and father of two Aaron Hinde shared the importance of educating our youth about the dangers of high caffeine levels in beverages and energy drinks. Here's the article:


By Lori Nedescu

Being an athlete goes beyond training & performing. It’s a lifestyle. A lifestyle that requires a high level of attention on everything outside of the actual physical exertion—sleep, recovery, stretching, mental attitude, immunity, mood, body weight, food choices… Every great athlete knows that the physical strengths will only take you so far. 

“An athlete’s health foundation is what truly sets one up for success.”

As a serious athlete and a board-certified sports dietitian, I have a relatively sound, health-forward diet, but even I can make improvements. Confession: I do not follow a strict diet. Instead, I make nutritious choices and aim to do what’s best 80% of the time, leaving 20% for fun. I’m finding that while it is nice to have a ‘break’ from assessing my performance diet, 20% is still a large chunk. Imagine if you slacked off on 20% of your training? Eek. As my goals get stronger, I need to re-evaluate that 20%. Those choices do not have to be perfectly on point, but they can still be choices that will be beneficial for my health instead of taking away from it. 

For example, one of my 20% choices used to be Diet Coke. However, I know it is not good for my body. The research is pretty clear that soda, whether full of sugar or sugar-free, does not promote health and actually is proven to take away from it—decreasing gut microbiome by 50 percent, increasing type 2 diabetes and numerous other crazy health risks...

Luckily, I’ve found an ideal replacement that is still cold, refreshing and energizing, but is actually health-promoting, specifically when it comes to targeting my body’s nutrient needs for fitness improvements. FITAID ZERO is a researched-based, naturally flavored beverage that is specially balanced with supplemental ingredients that help athletic recovery. Now instead of grabbing a cold can that might lead to increased sugar cravings and weight gain, I can grab a cold can that might improve muscle speed, reduce muscle breakdown, strengthen mitochondria, provide antioxidants, replenish electrolytes and boost energy levels after a tough workout. This is due to the drink’s potent blend of vitamins, minerals, green tea, quercetin, turmeric, BCAAs, and CoQ10—ingredients proven to positively influence performance factors. FITAID ZERO also has (as the name suggests) no sugar! Meaning it won’t spike my blood sugar and I can rely on more whole food sources to provide the carbohydrates and calories my body requires. 

You don’t have to worry about being strict all the time, but do consider how those 20% choices play in to your 100%, choosing wisely whenever there are those easy, small swaps you can make to create a healthier foundation that will boost your lifestyle and ultimately improve your athletic performance.


About the Author:

Lori Nedescu is a board-certified sports dietitian, published author, and elite athlete in cycling & marathon running. You can view more of her work, follow or get in touch with her on Instagram at: @hungryforresults


> > > Live well.

By: Nikki Dagot | June 2019

It’s finally summertime! Many of us wait all year for pool parties, beach days, camping and outdoor fun with family and friends. Personally, I love summer because it’s so easy to get outdoors and find a variety of exercises to help you reach your fitness goals while enjoying the sunshine: a jog along the beach, laps in your local swimming  pool, a friendly tennis match, or attending an outdoor yoga class. 

I want to start off by saying I am not the healthiest, most active person out there. But I thoroughly enjoy being outdoors, feeling energized, and paying attention to how both my mind and body feel. Do I go to the gym daily? No. Do I eat sugar? Yes (I love cookies). But life is about balance and feeling healthy on the inside.

That’s why I am a big fan of setting up smart, attainable goals for myself, especially during the summer when there are so many extra activities, food and fun that can distract us from our fitness goals. There’s no need to get extreme with your workout plans, especially during a season when your days are often jammed packed with outdoor activities to help keep your body moving. Currently, I have been going to the gym a few times a week, stretching, and going on walks around my neighborhood. When I start to feel too tired, I remind myself that even if I do something active after work for 20-30 minutes, it’s better than nothing so that’s a “win.”

Summer Necessities for a Healthy, Active Lifestyle:

  1. Attainable nutrition & fitness goals are a MUST. Make a plan, keep it simple, and you’re more likely to stick to it so you can crush your goals this summer (which always gets me about setting new goals)!
  2. Workout clothes that I feel confident in! Because when you feel better, you move better and live better. Summer goal: feel good about moving your body.
  3. My favorite kanteen or water bottle filled with ice-cold water to help me stay hydrated. 
  4. An upbeat playlist on my iPhone to help get me pumped up to crush my workouts.
  5. An ice-cold FITAID ZERO as a macro-friendly post-workout treat or a refreshing 5-calorie soda replacement.

When it comes to nutrition, one smart addition to my grocery list this summer has been items that taste great, are refreshing and satisfying yet won’t blow my macros out of the water. That’s where FITAID ZERO comes in! It’s only 5 calories, 1g of carbs, and helps my body recover properly after I finish a workout. It’s also the perfect soda replacement or mixer when served ice-cold on a hot summer day. Bonus: it’s made without any artificial sweeteners, NO sucralose, NO aspartame—happily sweetened with Monk Fruit & Stevia, made with only the good stuff your body needs (glutamine, glucosamine, BCAAs, electrolytes, CoQ10, turmeric, quercetin, green tea extract (for 45mg of natural caffeine & energy), vitamins C, D, & E, and B-complex).


If healthy eating is a challenge for you, here are some snacks and meal ideas I find fast and easy to help stay on track during the summer. Light and refreshing is key for those hot months, and meals that are easy to prepare so that you’re not wasting too much time in the kitchen are always a plus! Reach for fresh fruits, veggies, granola and nuts—all great snacks for outdoor adventures—as well as smoothies that you can take with you on the go! I also love a quick salad or wrap you can throw together — tuna, chicken, or veggie & hummus for a vegan option. Don’t forget that with summer, comes BBQ’s, pool parties and picnics. Be sure to treat yourself every now and then because life is all about balance. 

Wishing you a safe & healthy ACTIVE summer!

About the Author: Nikki Dagot is a 28-year-old food blogger who lives in Orlando, Florida.

You can follower her on Instagram @repeatandeat or on her blog at:

 > > > Live well.

Midlife Male with Greg Scheinman: Ep. 64 — Aaron Hinde

Greg Scheinman, host of the Midlife Male podcast, discusses with LIFEAID co-founder Aaron Hinde what it took to reach success in business over the course of his entrepreneurial journey. (1:03:27)

Listen to the full podcast episode here.


Science Review Reveals Laundry List of Health Hazards Associated with Splenda Consumption 

An in-depth scientific review of sucralose (Splenda) reveals an extensive list of safety concerns, including toxicity, DNA damage, and heightened carcinogenic potential when used in cooking.

Click here to read the full article. 


How to Use Collagen (15 Recipes to Get You Started)

Collagen has a unique combination of amino acids that help to improve hair, skin & nails, as well as digestion and joint health. Discover the different types of collagen and how to use them!

Click here to read the full article.

"Blood, sweat & respect. First two you give. Last one you earn."

—Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Chop Wood Carry Water

This powerful story of one boy’s journey to achieve his life-long goal of becoming a samurai warrior brings the “Train to be Clutch” curriculum to life in a powerful and memorable way.

Check out Joshua Medcalf's book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 13


As spring turns to summer, beverage makers from across a range of categories are launching a slate of new products aimed at quenching consumers’ thirst during the hot weeks and months ahead. In this gallery, we highlight a handful of the notable new products introduced to market or announced in the past month, including new packaging formats for Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice and CHERRISH, an imported flash-brewed coffee from one of Japan’s top RTD brands, and protein-packed chocolate milk versions of two classic candy bars.


Timed for the summer season, functional drink maker LIFEAID has released two new products: FITAID ZERO and FITAID RX ZERO, both of which contain zero calories or sugar and are sweetened with stevia and monk fruit. The new items are available for sale in 24-packs through the company’s website and in 12 oz. cans at select retailers and gyms.

Product image of two FITAID ZERO cans, up close


Cannabis beverage brand Mood33 has released a new SKU — Peace — which combines 20 mg of CBD with 2 mg of THC.

Product image of mood with three bottles on a white background

Natalie's Orchid Island Juice Co.

Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company announced earlier this month its plans to transition to PET packaging for its 8 oz., 16 oz. and 32 oz. bottle sizes.

Product images of five bottles of Natalie's, including orange juice, grapefruit juice, blood orange, strawberry lemonade, and orange beet flavors


Oatsome is the latest brand to jump into the increasingly competitive oat milk category. Available in a one liter carton, the product is organic and free from any added gums or stabilizers.

Product image of Oatsome box next to a white coffee mug


Sports drink brand BodyArmor entered the powdered mix category this month with the launch of two flavors — Fruit Punch and Orange Mango — in 3.56 pound bags designed to be used with five gallons of water.

Product image of Body Armor bags sitting in front of a Body Armor cooler, sat in front of a sports field background

Earth's Own

Canadian plant-based beverage maker Earth’s Own has released a new chocolate oat milk available in 1.75 liter multi-serve and 250 ml single-serve formats. The flavor uses 50% less sugar than regular chocolate milk and includes 4 g of protein per serving.

Product image of Earth's Own oat milk boxes, including five different flavors on top of a yellow background


CHERRISH, a line of ready-to-drink cherry juice-based beverages, has introduced a new 3 oz. “to-go” pouch format for its three SKUs: Cherry Pomegranate, Cherry and Cherry Blueberry.

Product image of Cherish, including 3 flavor bottles, one bag, surrounded by berries, and sat on a white background


Teavana has added a new flavor to its lineup of sparkling craft iced teas: Blood Orange Mango White Tea. A blend of white tea, orange peel, champagne mango and a touch of cane sugar, the new flavor will be sold for a suggested retail price of $2.39.

Product images of Teavana tea, left to right: bottle of blackberry lime green tea (red) on a purple background with white bubbles, bottle of blood orange mango white tea (golden) on a orange background with white bubbles, bottle of peach nectarine green tea (orange) on a green background with white bubbles

Boss Coffee

Japanese beverage conglomerate Suntory is bringing its flagship ready-to-drink coffee to American audiences with the broad launch of Boss Coffee. The line, which highlights the use of flash-brewed coffee, will be available in 12-packs of 8 oz. cans in two varieties: black and cafe au lait.

Product image of Boss Coffee, black can on the left and tan can on the right with white backgrounds


The Bledsoe Show #120 — Jesse Elder: Curiosity, Intelligence and the Difference Between Effort & Struggle

In this episode, host Mike Bledsoe talks with special guest Jesse Elder about unconditional acceptance of self, developing a curiosity mindset, the difference between effort and struggle, obeying the laws of nature, and — the all important question — how many things did you do for the first time last month? Listen now to discover powerful truths like how you can avoid suffering in your life. (1:55:00)

Listen to the full episode here.


The ABCs of BCAAs

What are branched-chain amino acids, common sources of BCAAs, and when should you take them?

Click here to read the full article. 


20 Healthy Protein Sources for Muscle Growth and Recovery

You can train as hard or as often as you want, but if it’s not underpinned by an effective and consistent diet, don’t expect to achieve the results you want.

Click here to read the full article.

"What you appreciate appreciates."

—Lynne Twist

Appreciate: Celebrating People, Inspiring Greatness

From New York Times best-selling author David Sturt, this book will transform the way you perceive, relate to, and lead people.

Check out the book here.


HindeSight  |  No. 12

By Max Knoblauch, SWNS | May 21, 2019 | Click HERE to read the full article in the New York Post.

A sizable chunk of Americans are skipping work due to hangovers… from exercise.

According to new research, more than one in four active Americans (29%) have skipped out on work due to a workout “hangover” (post-exercise soreness that impedes one’s ability to participate in other life and work activities).

According to the new study, as many as 55% have suffered a workout hangover that’s caused them to stay inside all day, and a possible major cause of this may be that 60% of those surveyed said they don’t know enough about dietary and recovery supplements to make an informed decision about what process or products can help them.

Due to that knowledge gap, nearly half of those respondents (47%) have skipped recovery steps altogether.

In fact, the new study of 2,000 Americans who exercise uncovered that 65% have sustained injuries from their workouts — approximately three each year on average.

The most common injuries? Pulled muscles (68%), ankle sprains (48%), and knee strains (45%).

And the dreaded “workout hangover” is not just affecting work attendance, it has spread into American’s social lives, as well. Forty percent of respondents reported that post-workout muscle soreness has caused them to skip a party. Thirty-nine percent have skipped a get together with friends, and 32% have even had to skip dates.

The new survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of health brand LIFEAID Beverage Co., found that when respondents go too hard in a workout without the proper preparation, their lives become messier.

Fitness-focused Americans spend about one fourth (23%) of their typical workout going “too hard,” then paying the price in the form of workout injuries and increased recovery time.

Respondents skip approximately 36 workouts a year due to the dreaded workout hangover. Why all the soreness? It may have something to do with incomplete workout recovery techniques.

In fact, 40% of respondents don’t stretch to aid in workout recovery. More than one in three (36%) don’t get enough rest after working out, and over half (53%) don’t take supplements.

“Proper workout and exercise techniques go hand in hand with post-workout recovery. By helping to improve the speed and efficiency of recovery, one can directly help optimize their overall fitness in a whole new way by increasing strength, endurance… you name it,” Dr. Aaron Hinde, co-founder of LIFEAID Bev Co., said.

“So much emphasis has been placed on what you consume or drink before a workout, when in actuality it’s what your body needs to help it recover afterward that makes the real difference.”

The fact that a large majority of active Americans — 73 percent — have skipped workouts due to muscle soreness further supports Hinde’s point of view.

For many who exercise, soreness is a constant struggle, and they’d do just about anything to make it go away.

In fact, 45 percent of respondents would give up alcohol for a month to instantly recover from one bad bout of soreness. Forty-four percent would give up chocolate for a month, and 20 percent would give up Netflix for a month.

More than one in four surveyed (26 percent) would pay $100 to relieve their soreness and recover faster.

“Physical and mental fatigue from working out, particularly with today’s more intense exercise routines, is manageable and avoidable with the right nutritional education and recovery products, including specially-formulated drinks and supplements,” said Dr. Hinde.

“The key to avoiding the workout hangover is finding what type of products work best for your personal exercise regime, to help you recover as efficiently and effectively as possible.”

The Top 5 Most Common Exercise Injuries:

Pulled muscle 68%
Ankle sprain 48%
Knee strain/injury 45%
Wrist sprain 42%
Tendinitis 24%


> > > Live well.

You've probably heard of BCAAs or Branched-Chain Amino Acids if you've ever stepped foot in a gym/box or hung around fitness enthusiasts or athletes.

But what do BCAAs actually do? Do you really need them? And if so, when should you take them?

We're here to help you break down the ABCs of BCAAs!

The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. They are essential, meaning BCAAs can't be produced by your body and must be obtained from food or supplements. BCAA supplements have been shown to build muscle, decrease muscle fatigue and alleviate muscle soreness. —

BCAAs also help enhance muscle protein recovery after your workout. "Emerging research suggests that Leucine is the star player of BCAAs when it comes to regulating genetic signaling pathways involved in muscle protein synthesis," according to

Their molecular structure look like this:

Image Source: 


BCAAs fuel your skeletal muscles during training, which can help give you the edge you need to push your limits. Supplementing with BCAAs helps preserve your stores of glycogen—the primary fuel your muscles use for energy production. This means your body has a reliable energy source to tap into while you work out, which can keep you going. Plus, abundant glycogen stores keep your body from breaking down muscle protein for energy instead. That’s why BCAA supplements are a win-win for your muscles—they help sustain and safeguard them. That’s potentially more energy, more reps and more gains. —


One of the easiest ways to help you get more out of your daily gym sessions is consuming BCAAs, whether in your everyday food consumption or with supplementation. They are most effective when consumed just BEFORE, DURING or AFTER your next gym session, workout or any physical activity.

BCAAs are an ingredient in all four of the LIFEAID Recovery Blends shown above:
(75mg Leucine, 37.5mg Isoleucine, 37.5mg Valine)

LEARN MORE about each of our clean RECOVERY BLENDS or SHOP NOW at

> > > Live well.

Ginger is a flowering plant and its official name is Zingiber officinale. The rhizome, more commonly known as the root, is what you are likely familiar with. The root is spicy and peppery in flavor, with loads of medicinal properties. It’s used all over the world in culinary and clinical applications—both for good reason.

Ginger has been called a superfood time and again, but what makes it so powerful? This root has the following superpowers:

1. Stimulates Digestion

...Ginger is your new best friend for supporting digestive health. Ginger may help increase the body’s ability to empty food from the stomach more quickly (known as gastric emptying). With this increased motility in the digestive system, it may be less likely that heartburn or indigestion will occur.

The more efficient your digestion is, the more energy you will have. Researchers have found that approximately 60 percent of your body’s energy goes to metabolism. If ginger can improve digestion, your metabolism may improve and may help to make energy more available.

2. May Help Reduce Nausea

Nausea is no fun. Ginger has also been found to help reduce the amount of nausea you might otherwise experience in everyday life, from motion sickness and beyond.

3. May Help Reduce Mild Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural and healthy response to protect the body. However, when inflammation is excessive or ongoing, it can be very damaging.

The active constituents in raw ginger—gingerol, shogaol, and paradol—are responsible for many of the natural inflammation-fighting powers of ginger. This root may be a great, easy way to help reduce mild inflammation in the body caused by everyday stress.

4. Antibacterial Properties

In oral health, two types of ginger have been shown to have natural antibacterial properties which may help inhibit the growth of pathogens that contribute to gum issues caused by bacteria.

5. Blood-Sugar Regulator

Ginger may help regulate the mind-body system to support balanced blood sugar levels.

How to Use Ginger

Knowing all these benefits of ginger is great, but how can you easily incorporate ginger in your daily routine? Ginger is pretty spicy, so you may not enjoy its taste. Luckily, there are many options for those who love ginger and those who may be new to the root.

  • Fresh ginger root: This is the most potent form of ginger, but also the most versatile. You can slice it and steep it in hot water for tea, mince it into stir-fry dishes, juice it, add it to your smoothies, or even take a slice and suck on it! Dried ginger or ginger juice is great for a mid day snack.
  • Ground ginger: Ground ginger can be used in similar ways to fresh ginger. It can be steeped in hot water for tea or added to your favorite recipes. Powdered ginger is also great to use for baking.
  • Ginger capsules: This is the easiest way to get ginger into your diet—especially if you aren’t a fan of the taste! Ginger capsules, or ginger supplements, are simple. The ground ginger powder is added to a capsule for easy consumption at any time of day.
  • Ginger tea: As mentioned, you can make ginger tea using fresh ginger or ground ginger. But you can also buy ready-to-go ginger extract tea bags at the store. These are great to have on hand if feel nauseated or want to settle your stomach after eating.
  • Ginger chews: Ginger chews are like ginger candies and tend to be more mild in flavor and can be taken anywhere. Make sure to check the ingredients to make sure you’re not consuming unwanted ingredients like corn syrup.
  • Ginger oil: Ginger oil can be taken internally or rubbed topically to treat pain. Ginger essential oil has many soothing properties and is useful to use for massages.

*Editor’s Note: These statements have not been reviewed by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. The information in this article is intended for your educational use only; does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chopra Center's Mind-Body Medical Group; and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health program.

Two of the blends made by LIFEAID Beverage Co. contain ginger (along with other clean vitamins & nutrients your body needs).

Shop or learn more about all of our products at!

> > > Live well.